Deconstruct any Dragonfly geometry object into ALL of its constituent Dragonfly objects.
This is useful for editing auto-generated child objects separately from their parent. For example, if you want to assign all of the ground floors of a given auto-generated Building to have a Retail ProgramType, this can give you all of such Stories. Then you can assign a Retail ProgramType to them and combine them with the other Stories into a new Building.
df_obj [Required]
A Dragonfly Building, Story or Room2D to be deconstructed into all of its constituent objects. Note that, Room2Ds do not have sub-objects assigned to them and the original object will be output.
Script variable Python
Script variable Python
Deconstruct any Dragonfly geometry object into its unique constituent Dragonfly objects.
This is useful for editing auto-generated child objects separately from their parent. For example, if you want to assign all of the ground floors of a given auto-generated Building to have a Retail ProgramType, this can give you all of such Stories. Then you can assign a Retail ProgramType to them and combine them with the other Stories into a new Building.
df_obj [Required]
A Dragonfly Building, Story or Room2D to be deconstructed into its constituent objects. Note that, Room2Ds do not have sub-objects assigned to them and the original object will be output.
The unique Story objects that make up the input _df_obj. This includes unique Stories that make up input Buildings as well as any input orphaned Stories.
The unique Room2D objects that make up the input _df_obj. This includes any unique Room2Ds assigned to input Stories or Buildings as well as any input orphaned Room2Ds.
Create a Dragonfly Building from detailed Honeybee Rooms.
This is useful when there are parts of the Building geometry that cannot easily be represented with the extruded floor plate and sloped roof assumptions that underlie Dragonfly Room2Ds and RoofSpecification. Cases where this input is most useful include sloped walls and certain types of domed roofs that become tedious to implement with RoofSpecification.
An optional Dragonfly Building.
hb_rooms [Required]
Honeybee Room objects for additional Rooms that are a part of the Building but are not represented within the Stories or Room2Ds. Matching the Honeybee Room story property (assigned with the "HB Set Multiplier" component) to the Dragonfly Story name will effectively place the Honeybee Room on that Story for the purposes of floor_area, exterior_wall_area, etc. However, note that the Honeybee Room.multiplier property takes precedence over whatever multiplier is assigned to the Dragonfly Story that the Room.story may reference.
Text to set the name for the Building, which will also be incorporated into unique Building identifier. If the name is not provided a random one will be assigned.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Dragonfly Building.
Deconstruct a Dragonfly Model object into all of its constituent Dragonfly objects.
model [Required]
A Dragonfly Model to be deconstructed into into its constituent objects (Buildings, ContextShades).
All of the Building objects contained within the input Model.
All of the ContextShade objects within the input Model.
Create a Dragonfly Model, which can be translated to Honeybee model and sent for simulation.
buildings [Required]
A list of Dragonfly Building objects to be added to the Model. Note that at least one Building is necessary to make a simulate-able energy model.
Optional Dragonfly ContextShade objects to be added to the Model.
Text to be used for the name and identifier of the Model. If no name is provided, it will be "unnamed".
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A Dragonfly Model object possessing all of the input geometry objects.
Rejoin a list of Room2Ds that were originally a part of a Building back to a new Building with updated Room2Ds.
In the event that the input contains Room2Ds that were not a part of an original Building, this component can still be used but the stories will be regenerated based on the Room2D floor elevations and a warning will be given.
room2ds [Required]
A list of Dragonfly Room2D objects to be re-joined into Buildings.
Dragonfly Buildings containing the input Room2Ds. This may be multiple buildings when the input Room2Ds originally had several different parent buildings.
Create a Dragonfly Building from individual Dragonfly Story objects.
stories [Required]
A list of Dragonfly Story objects to be joined into one Building.
An optional list of integers with the same length as the input _stories, which will be used to override any existing multipliers on the input Story objects. This integer denotes the number of times that each Story is repeated over the height of the building. If nothing is input here, the multipliers on the existing Story objects will remain.
Text to set the name for the Building, which will also be incorporated into unique Building identifier. If the name is not provided a random one will be assigned.
Text for the construction set of the Building, which is used to assign all default energy constructions needed to create an energy model. Text should refer to a ConstructionSet within the library such as that output from the "HB List Construction Sets" component. This can also be a custom ConstructionSet object. If nothing is input here, the Building will have a generic construction set that is not sensitive to the Buildings's climate or building energy code.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Dragonfly Building.
Create Dragonfly Buildings from footprint geometry (horizontal Rhino surfaces).
footprint_geo [Required]
A list of horizontal Rhino surfaces or closed planar curves to be converted into Buildings.
floor_to_floor [Required]
A list of float values with a length equal to the number of stories in each Building. Each value in the list represents the floor_to_floor height of the Story starting from the first floor and then moving to the top floor.
An optional positive number that will be used to offset the perimeter of the footprint to create core/perimeter Rooms. If this value is None or 0, no offset will occur and each floor plate will be represented with a single Room2D.
Text to set the base name for the Building, which will also be incorporated into unique Building identifier. This will be combined with the index of each input _footprint_geo to yield a unique name for each output Building. If the name is not provided, a random one will be assigned.
Text for the program of the Buildings (to be looked up in the ProgramType library) such as that output from the "HB List Programs" component. This can also be a custom ProgramType object. If no program is input here, the Buildings will have a generic office program.
Text for the construction set of the Buildings, which is used to assign all default energy constructions needed to create an energy model. Text should refer to a ConstructionSet within the library such as that output from the "HB List Construction Sets" component. This can also be a custom ConstructionSet object. If nothing is input here, the Buildings will have a generic construction set that is not sensitive to the Buildings's climate or building energy code.
Boolean to note whether the Buildings have heating and cooling systems.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component and create Dragonfly Buildings.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Dragonfly buildings.
Separate the top and bottom floors of a Building into unique Stories with a multiplier of 1 and automatically assign the first story Room2Ds to have a ground contact floor and the top story Room2Ds to have an outdoor-exposed roof.
This is particularly helpful when trying to account for the heat exchange of the top or bottom floors with the gound or outdoors.
The "mid" options can also be used to separate the middle floors and account for heat flow through exposed roofs of middle floors.
buildings [Required]
Dragonfly Building objects which will have their top and bottom stories separated into unique ones with a multiplier of 1. This can also be an entire Dragonfly Model.
Boolean to note whether all mid-level Stories with non-unity multipliers should be separated into two or three Stories. This means that the top of each unique story will have outdoor-exposed roofs when no Room2Ds are sensed above a given room. (Default: False).
Boolean to note whether all mid-level Stories should be split with the Story above in order to set outdoor-exposed roofs with correct areas. This is useful when the Story footprints vary a lot as one moves up the building. An attempt will be made to re-assign properties to the walls of the rooms but some loss of properties like windows is to be expected and may need to be re-assigned. Adjacencies between Room2Ds will be automatically re-solved. This input will have no effect when sep_mid_ is False or unspecified. (Default: False).
The Building objects with their top and bottom floors separated.
Create Dragonfly Buildings from solid geometry (closed Rhino polysurfaces).
bldg_geo [Required]
A list of closed Rhino polysurfaces to be converted into Buildings.
floor_to_floor [Required]
An array of floor-to-floor height instructions that describe how a building mass should be divided into floors. The array should run from bottom floor to top floor. Each item in the array can be either a single number for the floor-to-floor height or a text string that codes for how many floors of each height should be generated. For example, inputting "2@4" will make two floors with a height of 4 units. Simply inputting "@3" will make all floors at 3 units. Putting in sequential arrays of these text strings will divide up floors accordingly. For example, the list ["1@5", "2@4", "@3"] will make a ground floor of 5 units, two floors above that at 4 units and all remaining floors at 3 units.
An optional positive number that will be used to offset the perimeter of the footprint to create core/perimeter Rooms. If this value is None or 0, no offset will occur and each floor plate will be represented with a single Room2D.
Text to set the base name for the Building, which will also be incorporated into unique Building identifier. This will be combined with the index of each input _bldg_geo to yield a unique name for each output Building. If the name is not provided, a random one will be assigned.
Text for the program of the Buildings (to be looked up in the ProgramType library) such as that output from the "HB List Programs" component. This can also be a custom ProgramType object. If no program is input here, the Buildings will have a generic office program.
Text for the construction set of the Buildings, which is used to assign all default energy constructions needed to create an energy model. Text should refer to a ConstructionSet within the library such as that output from the "HB List Construction Sets" component. This can also be a custom ConstructionSet object. If nothing is input here, the Buildings will have a generic construction set that is not sensitive to the Buildings's climate or building energy code.
Boolean to note whether the Buildings have heating and cooling systems.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component and create Dragonfly Buildings.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Dragonfly buildings.
Remove windows from any walls that are within a certain distance of other buildings.
The component can also optionally set the boundary conditions of these walls to adiabatic. This is helpful when attempting to account for alleys or parti walls that may exist between buildings of a denser urban district.
buildings [Required]
Dragonfly Building objects which will have their windows removed if their walls lie within the distance of another building. This can also be an entire Dragonfly Model.
A number for the maximum distance of an alleyway in Rhino model units. If a wall is closer to another Building than this distance, the windows will be removed. (Default: 1.0 meters).
A boolean to note whether the walls that have their windows removed should also receive an Adiabatic boundary condition. This is useful when the alleyways are more like parti walls than distinct pathways that someone could traverse.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
The Building objects with their windows removed from any detected alleys.
Create Dragonfly Room2Ds from floor plate geometry (horizontal Rhino surfaces).
geo [Required]
A list of horizontal Rhino surfaces or closed planar polylines representing floor plates to be converted into Room2Ds.
flr_to_ceiling [Required]
A number for the height above the floor where the ceiling begins. Typical values range from 3 to 5 meters.
Text to set the base name for the Room2D, which will also be incorporated into unique Room2D identifier. This will be combined with the index of each input _footprint_geo to yield a unique name for each output Room2D. If the name is not provided, a random one will be assigned.
Text for the program of the Room2Ds (to be looked up in the ProgramType library) such as that output from the "HB List Programs" component. This can also be a custom ProgramType object. If no program is input here, the Room2Ds will have a generic office program.
Text for the construction set of the Room2Ds, which is used to assign all default energy constructions needed to create an energy model. Text should refer to a ConstructionSet within the library such as that output from the "HB List Construction Sets" component. This can also be a custom ConstructionSet object. If nothing is input here, the Room2Ds will have a generic construction set that is not sensitive to the Room2Ds's climate or building energy code.
Boolean to note whether the Room2Ds have heating and cooling systems.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Dragonfly Room2Ds.
Create a Dragonfly Story from individual Dragonfly Room2D objects.
room2ds [Required]
A list of Dragonfly Story objects to be joined into one Building.
A number for the distance from the floor plate of this Story to the floor of the story above this one (if it exists). If None, this value will be the maximum floor_to_ceiling_height of the input _room_2ds.
A number for the absolute floor height of the Story. If None, this will be the minimum floor height of all the Story's room_2ds, which is suitable for cases where there are no floor plenums. (Default: None).
Text to set the name for the Story, which will also be incorporated into unique Story identifier. If the name is not provided a random one will be assigned.
An integer with that denotes the number of times that this Story is repeated over the height of the building. Default: 1.
Text for the construction set of the Story, which is used to assign all default energy constructions needed to create an energy model. Text should refer to a ConstructionSet within the library such as that output from the "HB List Construction Sets" component. This can also be a custom ConstructionSet object. If nothing is input here, the Story will have a generic construction set that is not sensitive to the Story's climate or building energy code.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Dragonfly Building.
Solve adjacencies between the Room2Ds of Dragonfly objects.
df_objs [Required]
A list of dragonfly Room2Ds for which adjacencies will be solved. This can also be Dragonfly Stories, Buildings or an entire Model, in which case each Story will have adjacencies solved across its Room2Ds.
Set to True to have all the discovered wall adjacencies set to an adiabatic boundary condition. If False, a Surface boundary condition will be used for all adjacencies. Note that adabatic conditions are not allowed if interior windows are assigned to interior walls. (Default: False).
Set to True to have all the discovered wall adjacencies set to an AirBoundary type. Note that AirBoundary types are not allowed if interior windows are assigned to interior walls. (Default: False).
Boolean to note whether existing Surface boundary conditions should be preserved while solving adjacencies. If True, no intersection will occur and only newly-discovered adjacencies will be updated. If False or unspecified, all geometry will be cleaned and intersected before solving adjacencies. In either case, existing windows will be preserved. Note that, to make use of this option effectively, Room2Ds must already have matching edge segments in order for them to be discovered as adjacent. The "DF Intersect Room2Ds" component can be used to ensure adjacent rooms have matching segments without changing any boundary conditions. (Default: False).
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component and solve adjacencies.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
The input Dragonfly objects with adjacencies solved between the Room2D wall segments.
Apply WindowParameters and/or ShadingParameters to any Dragonfly object (Building, Story, Room2D).
df_obj [Required]
A Dragonfly Building, Story or Room2D which will have the input WindowParameters and/or ShadingParameters assigned to it.
A WindowParameter object that dictates how the window geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, the window parameters will remain unchanged across the input object. If an array of values are input here, different WindowParameters will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
A ShadingParameter objects that dictate how the shade geometries will be generated for each of the walls. If None, the shading parameters will remain unchanged across the input object. If an array of values are input here, different ShadingParameters will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
A SkylightParameters object describing how to generate skylights.
The execution information, as output and error streams
The input Dragonfly object with the WindowParameters and/or ShadingParameters assigned to it.
Create Dragonfly window parameters with instructions for repeating windows derived from an area ratio with the base surface.
ratio [Required]
A number between 0 and 0.95 for the ratio between the area of the apertures and the area of the parent face. If an array of values are input here, different ratios will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
A number for the target height of the output apertures. Note that, if the ratio is too large for the height, the ratio will take precedence and the actual aperture height will be larger than this value. If an array of values are input here, different heights will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise. Default: 2 meters.
A number for the target height above the bottom edge of the face to start the apertures. Note that, if the ratio is too large for the height, the ratio will take precedence and the sill_height will be smaller than this value. If an array of values are input here, different heights will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise. Default: 0.8 meters.
A number for the horizontal separation between individual aperture centerlines. If this number is larger than the parent face's length, only one aperture will be produced. If an array of values are input here, different separation distances will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise. Default: 3 meters.
An optional number to create a single vertical separation between top and bottom apertures. If an array of values are input here, different separation distances will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
Window Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Create Dragonfly window parameters with instructions for repeating rectangular windows of a fixed width and height.
This effectively fills a wall with windows at the specified width, height and separation.
A number for the target height of the windows. Note that, if the window_height is larger than the height of the wall, the generated windows will have a height equal to the wall height in order to avoid having windows extend outside the wall face. (Default: 2 meters).
A number for the target width of the windows. Note that, if the window_width is larger than the width of the wall, the generated windows will have a width equal to the wall width in order to avoid having windows extend outside the wall face. (Default: 1.5 meters).
A number for the target height above the bottom edge of the face to start the apertures. Note that, if the window height is too large to acoomodate the sill height input here, the window height will take precedence and the sill height will be smaller than this value. (Default: 0.8 meters).
A number for the horizontal separation between individual aperture centerlines. If this number is larger than the parent face's length, only one aperture will be produced. (Default: 3 meters).
Window Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Create Dragonfly window parameters with instructions for a single window using an area ratio with the base surface.
ratio [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the ratio between the window area and the parent wall surface area.
Window Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Add detailed window geometries to Dragonfly Room2Ds.
df_objs [Required]
A Dragonfly Model, Building, Story or Room2D, to which the _windows should be added.
windows [Required]
A list of Breps that will be added to the input _df_objs as detailed windows.
The input dragonfly objects with the input _windows added to it.
Create Dragonfly window parameters with instructions for a single window in the face center defined by a width and height.
Note that, if these parameters are applied to a base face that is too short or too narrow for the input width and/or height, the generated window will automatically be shortened when it is applied to the face. In this way, setting the width to be a very high number will create parameters that always generate a ribboin window of the input height.
width [Required]
A number for the window width.
height [Required]
A number for the window height.
A number for the window sill height. Default: 0.8 meters.
Window Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Create Dragonfly skylight parameters with instructions for generating skylights according to a ratio with the base Roof surface.
ratio [Required]
A number between 0 and 0.75 for the ratio between the skylight area and the total Roof face area.
A number for the spacing between the centers of each grid cell. This should be less than half of the dimension of the Roof geometry if multiple, evenly-spaced skylights are desired. If None, a spacing of one half the smaller dimension of the parent Roof will be automatically assumed. (Default: None).
Skylight Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Create Dragonfly shading parameters with instructions for a single overhang (awning, balcony, etc.) over an entire wall.
depth [Required]
A number for the overhang depth.
A number for the for an angle to rotate the overhang in degrees. Default is 0 for no rotation.
Shading Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Create Dragonfly shading parameters with instructions for extruded borders over all windows.
depth [Required]
A number for the depth of the extruded border.
Shading Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Create Dragonfly shading parameters with instructions for a series of louvered Shades over a Wll.
depth [Required]
A number for the depth to extrude the louvers.
A positive integer for the number of louvers to generate. Note that this input should be None if there is an input for dist_between. Default: 1.
A number for the approximate distance between each louver. Note that this input should be None if there is an input for shade_count.
A number for the distance to louvers from the Wall. Default is 0 for no offset.
A number for the for an angle to rotate the louvers in degrees. Default is 0 for no rotation.
Optional boolean to note whether the lovers are vertical. If False, the louvers will be horizontal. Default False.
Boolean to note whether the side the louvers start from should be flipped. Default is False to have contours on top or right. Setting to True will start contours on the bottom or left.
Shading Parameters that can be applied to a Dragonfly object using the "DF Apply Facade Parameters" component.
Create Dragonfly ContextShade.
geo [Required]
Rhino Brep geometry.
A name for the ContextShade. If the name is not provided a random name will be assigned.
Optional text for the ContextShade's energy construction to be looked up in the construction library. This can also be a custom construction object. If no energy construction is input here, a default will be assigned.
Optional text for the ContextShade's energy transmittance schedule to be looked up in the schedule library. This can also be a custom schedule object. If no energy schedule is input here, the default will be always opaque.
Boolean to note whether the shade represents a tree canopy within simulations with the Urban Weather Generator (UWG), in which case, it will be incorporated into the simulation as tree cover. NOTE that, when using this option, only the tops and sides of the tree canopy geometry should be modeled. Modeling the bottom of the tree canopy will result in double-counting the horizontal area of the canopy and will also create extra unnessary geometry in EnergyPlus or Radiance calculations using the dragonfly model. (Default: False).
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Dragonfly ContextShades.
Assign Roof geometry to a Dragonfly Story, Building, or Model.
This can be used to generate sloped roofs over a Story. The roof geometry will only affect the Room2Ds that have a True is_top_exposed property and it will only be utilized in translation to Honeybee when the Story multiplier is 1.
Multiple sucessive versions of this component can be used to assign different roof specifications for different Stories of a Dragonfly Building or Model.
df_obj [Required]
A Dregonfly Story or Building to which the roof geometry is assigned. When a building is plugged in, only one story will receive the roof geometry, which will be the top floor unless an explicit story_i is specified below. This input can also be an entire Dragonfly Model, in which case the relevant Story of the first Building will receive the roof geometry, indicating that a Model inputs are really only appropriate when the Model contains one Building.
roof_geo [Required]
A list of Breps representing the geometry of the Roof. Together, these Breps should completely cover the Room2Ds of the Story to which they are assigned.
An optional integer to set the index of the Story to which the Roof should be assigned. If unspecified, the roof geometry will be added to the top floor of any connected Building or Model.
The input Dragonfly objects with the roof geometry assigned to them.
Move Room2D vertices within a given distance of a line to be on that line.
This is particularly useful for cleaning up models with extra unwanted corrugations in them around columns and other "room bounding" elements.
Note that, when there are small Room2Ds next to the input lines, this component may completely remove the small Room2D if it becomes degenerate.
df_obj [Required]
A Dregonfly Story, Building or Model to be aligned to the input lines. For Buildings and Models, all Room2Ds across the object will be aligned.
lines [Required]
A list of straignt lines to which the Room2D vertices will be aligned.
The maximum distance between a vertex and a line where the vertex will be moved to lie on the line. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are. The default is 0.5 meters.
The input Dragonfly objects with Room2Ds that have been aligned to the input lines.
Make boundary conditions of Dragonfly Room2Ds Adiabatic or Ground by oreintation.
Note that this component will remove windows for any wall segment that is set to have an Adiabatic or Ground boundary condition.
df_obj [Required]
A Dragonfly Building, Story or Room2D which will have boundary conditions assigned to its walls according to the inputs below.
A list of Booleans to denote whether exterior walls of a given orientation should be set to adiabatic. Different adiabatic values will be assigned based on the cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise. The "HB Facade Parameters" component can be used to order this list correctly for four main orientations.
A list of Booleans to denote whether exterior walls of a given orientation should be set to ground. Different ground values will be assigned based on the cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise. The "HB Facade Parameters" component can be used to order this list correctly for four main orientations.
The input Dragonfly object with the wall boundary conditions changed.
Take a list of Dragonfly Room2Ds and split their adjacent Walls to ensure that there are matching segments between each of the adjacent Room2Ds.
Note that this component effectively erases all assigned boundary conditions, glazing parameters and shading parameters as the original segments are subdivided. As such, it is recommended that this component be used before all other steps when creating a Story.
Also note that this component does not actually set the walls that are next to one another to be adjacent. The "DF Solve Adjacency" component must be used for this after runing this component.
room2ds [Required]
A list of Room2Ds for which adjacencent segments will be intersected.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
An array of Room2Ds that have been intersected with one another. Note that these Room2Ds lack all assigned boundary conditions, glazing parameters and shading parameters of the original Room2Ds.
Deconstruct any Dragonfly Story, Building or Model to get the Roof geometry.
This is useful for checking the roof geometry assigned to sotries and possbily editing it so that it can be re-assigned with "DF Apply Roof" component.
df_obj [Required]
A Dragonfly Model, Building, Story for which the roof geometry will be extracted.
The unique Story objects that make up the input _df_obj. This is typically a data tree with branches coordinated with the roof_geo below.
A list of Breps representing the geometry of the Roof. This is often a data tree with one branch for each story, which is coordinated with the stories above.
Set Room2Ds or Stories to have their floor in contact with the ground or their roofs in contact with the outdoors.
df_obj [Required]
Dragonfly Stories or Room2Ds which will have its floor set to be in contact with the ground or its roof to be in contact with the outdoors.
A boolean noting whether the input objects have floors in contact with the ground.
A boolean noting whether the input objects have ceilings exposed to the outdoors.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
The input Dragonfly object with its ground_contact or top_exposed properties edited.