Create an EnergyPlus window construction. Material inputs can be either the identifiers of materials within the library or a custom material made with any of the EnergyPlus Material components.
Note that the _materials should be ordered from outermost (exterior) layer to the innermost (interior) layer.
Text to set the name for the Construction and to be incorporated into a unique Construction identifier.
materials [Required]
List of materials in the construction (from exterior to interior). These materials can be either fully-detailed material objects built with the material components or text for a material identifier to be looked up in the window material library. Note that a native Grasshopper "Merge" component can be used to help order the materials correctly for the input here.
An optional window frame material to denote the frame that surrounds the window construction. Frame materials can be created using the "HB Window Frame" component.
A window construction that can be assigned to Honeybee Apertures or ConstructionSets.