Modify a native Grasshopper Gene Pool component into a format that makes it easy to input daily schedules into the other schedule components.
This essentially turns the Gene Pool into a list of 24 sliders representing an hourly timeseries over a day. Each slider runs from the low_bound to high_bound.
gene_pool [Required]
The output of a native Grasshopper Gene Pool component.
An integer for the template for which the values of the gene pool will be set. Default: 0. Choose one of the templates:
0 - maximum values from 9:00 to 17:00 1 - minimum values from 9:00 to 17:00 2 - maximum values from 7:00 to 22:00 3 - minimum values from 7:00 to 22:00 4 - maximum values from 0:00 to 24:00 5 - minimum values from 0:00 to 24:00
A number for the lower boundary of the schedule values.
A number for the upper boundary of the schedule range.
An integer greater than or equal to 0 for the number of decimal places to use in each slider. Default: 1.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and modify the connected gene pool. Note that you on't be able to edit a connected gene pool while this input is set to "True".
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Deconstruct a ScheduleRuleset into an array of day-long ladybug DataCollections representing each unique ScheduleDay that defines the ScheduleRuleset.
These DataCollections can be used to make visualizations of timeseries schedule values over each unique day of the schedule using a component like the "LB Line Chart".
schedule [Required]
A ScheduleRuleSet to be deconstructed into DataCollections of timeseries schedule values for each unique day. This can also be the identifier of a Schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
An integer for the number of steps per hour at which to make the resulting daily DataCollections.
A list of display names for each unique ScheduleDay that defines the input ScheduleRuleset.
A list of day-long ladybug DataCollections representing each unique ScheduleDay that defines the ScheduleRuleset. These can be used to make visualizations of timeseries schedule values over each day of the schedule using a component like the "LB Line Chart".
The ScheduleTypeLimit object assigned to the ScheduleRuleset.
Create a schedule defined by a list of values at a fixed interval or timestep running over the entirety of the simulation period.
values [Required]
A list of timeseries values occuring at a fixed timestep over the entire simulation. Typically, this should be a list of 8760 values for each hour of the year but it can be a shorter list if you don't plan on using the schedule in an annual simulation. In this case, the analysisperiod should probably be different than the default. This list can also have a length much greater than 8760 if a timestep greater than 1 is used.
An integer for the number of steps per hour that the input values correspond to. For example, if each value represents 30 minutes, the timestep is 2. For 15 minutes, it is 4. Default is 1, meaning each value represents a single hour. Must be one of the
A ladybug AnalysisPeriod object to note when the input values take effect. Default is for the whole year. Note that this default usually should not be changed unless you plan to run a simulation that is much shorter than a year.
Text to set the name for the Schedule and to be incorporated into a unique Schedule identifier.
A text string from the name of the ScheduleTypeLimit to be looked up in the schedule type limit library. This can also be a custom ScheduleTypeLimit object from the "HB Type Limit" component. The input here will be used to validate schedule values against upper/lower limits and assign units to the schedule values. Default: "Fractional" for values that range continuously between 0 and 1. Choose from the following built-in options:
Activity Level
Delta Temperature
Control Level
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A ScheduleRuleset object that can be assigned to a Room, a Load object, or a ProgramType object.
Apply a transmittance schedule to Honeybee Shade objects. Alternatively, it can assign a transmittance schedule to all of the child shades of an Aperture, Door, Face, or a Room.
This component supports the assigning of different schedules based on cardinal orientation, provided that a list of transmittance schedule are input to the _trans_sch.
hb_objs [Required]
Honeybee Shades, Apertures, Door, Faces, Rooms or a Model to which the input _trans_sch should be assigned. For the case of a Honeybee Aperture, Door, Face, Room, or Model, the ShadeConstruction will be assigned to only the child shades directly assigned to that object. So passing in a Room will not change the schedule of shades assigned to Apertures of the Room's Faces. If changing these sub-children is the desired outcome, then the Room should be deconstructed into its child objects before using this component.
trans_sch [Required]
A Honeybee ScheduleRuleset or ScheduleFixedInterval to be applied to the input _hb_objs. This can also be text for a schedule to be looked up in the shade schedule library. If an array of text or schedule objects are input here, different schedules will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
The input honeybee objects with their shade transmittance schedules edited.
Create a schedule from a single constant value or a list of 24 hourly values repeating continuously over every day of the year.
values [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of the day. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
Text to set the name for the Schedule and to be incorporated into a unique Schedule identifier.
A text string from the identifier of the ScheduleTypeLimit to be looked up in the schedule type limit library. This can also be a custom ScheduleTypeLimit object from the "HB Type Limit" component. The input here will be used to validate schedule values against upper/lower limits and assign units to the schedule values. Default: "Fractional" for values that range continuously between 0 and 1. Choose from the following built-in options:
Activity Level
Delta Temperature
Control Level
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A ScheduleRuleset object that can be assigned to a Room, a Load object, or a ProgramType object.
Text strings for the EnergyPlus Schedule that will ultimately be written into the IDF for simulation. This can also be used to add the schedule to the schedule library that is loaded up upon the start of Honeybee by copying this text into the honeybee/library/schedules/ user_library.idf file.
Create a custom ScheduleTypeLimit object that can be assigned to any schedule object.
Schedule types exist for the sole purpose of validating schedule values against upper/lower limits and assigning a data type and units to the schedule values. As such, they are not necessary to run energy simulations but their use is generally considered good practice.
name [Required]
Text to set the name for the ScheduleTypeLimit. This should be unique to avoif conflcit with other schedule types.
An optional number for the lower limit for values in the schedule. If None, there will be no lower limit.
An optional number for the upper limit for values in the schedule. If None, there will be no upper limit.
Boolean to not whether the values of the schedule are continuous or discrete. The latter means that only integers are accepted as schedule values. Default: False for 'Continuous'.
Text for an EnergyPlus unit type, which will be used to assign units to the values in the schedule. Note that this field is not used in the actual calculations of EnergyPlus. Default: 'Dimensionless'. Choose from the following:
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A ScheduleTypeLimit object that can be assigned to any schedule object.
Get a ladybug DataCollection representing this schedule at a given timestep.
This DataCollection can be used to visualize timeseries schedule values over the entire period of a simulation using a component like the "LB Hourly Plot".
This DataCollection can also be used in the crafting of conditional statements with the ladybug components. For example, making a psychrometric chart of zone temperature/humidity for only the hours that the occupancy schedule is above a certain threshold.
schedule [Required]
A ScheduleRuleSet or SchedileFixedInterval for which a DataCollection of timeseries schedule values will be produced. This can also be the identifier of a Schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
An optional AnalysisPeriod to set the start and end datetimes of the resulting DataCollection. The timestep of this AnalysisPeriod will also be used to determine the timestep of the resulting DataCollection.
An optional text string to set the start day of the week of the schedule timeseries data. Default: Sunday. Choose from the following:
An optional list of strings (eq: 25 Dec) to represent the holidays in the resulting timeseries. Holiday schedules will be used for these dates in the resulting timeseries.
A ladybug DataCollection representing the timeseries values of the schedule. This can be used to visualize timeseries schedule values over the entire period of a simulation using a component like the "LB Hourly Plot".
Create a schedule from lists of daily values for each day of the week.
sun [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of Sunday. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
mon [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of Monday. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
tue [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of Tuesday. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
wed [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of Wednesday. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
thu [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of Thursday. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
fri [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of Friday. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
sat [Required]
A list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of Saturday. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day.
An optional list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of holidays. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day. If no values are input here, the schedule for Sunday will be used for all holidays.
An optional list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of the summer design day. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day. If None, the daily schedule with the highest average value will be used unless the type_limit is Temperature, in which case it will be the daily schedule with the lowest average value.
An optional list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of the summer design day. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day. If None, the daily schedule with the lowest average value will be used unless the type_limit is Temperature, in which case it will be the daily schedule with the highest average value.
Text to set the name for the Schedule and to be incorporated into a unique Schedule identifier.
A text string from the identifier of the ScheduleTypeLimit to be looked up in the schedule type limit library. This can also be a custom ScheduleTypeLimit object from the "HB Type Limit" component. The input here will be used to validate schedule values against upper/lower limits and assign units to the schedule values. Default: "Fractional" for values that range continuously between 0 and 1. Choose from the following built-in options:
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A ScheduleRuleset object that can be assigned to a Room, a Load object, or a ProgramType object.
Text string for the EnergyPlus ScheduleYear that will ultimately be written into the IDF for simulation. This can also be used to add the schedule to the schedule library that is loaded up upon the start of Honeybee by copying this text into the honeybee/library/schedules/ user_library.idf file along with the other idf text outputs.
Text string for the EnergyPlus ScheduleWeek that will ultimately be written into the IDF for simulation. This can also be used to add the schedule to the schedule library that is loaded up upon the start of Honeybee by copying this text into the honeybee/library/schedules/ user_library.idf file along with the other idf text outputs.
Text strings for the EnergyPlus SchedulDays that will ultimately be written into the IDF for simulation. This can also be used to add the schedule to the schedule library that is loaded up upon the start of Honeybee by copying this text into the honeybee/library/schedules/ user_library.idf file along with the other idf text outputs.
Apply schedules to a Room, Model or ProgramType.
Note that, if a schedule is assigned to a Room or ProgramType that posseses no value for a given load, an error will be raised. For example, assigning a gas_equip_sch_ to a Room that has no GasEquipment object associated with it. This situation can be avoided by first passing the Rooms or ProgramTypes through the "HB Apply Load Values" component to eastablish a value for a given load.
room_or_program [Required]
Honeybee Rooms or Honeybee ProgramType objects for which schedules should be changed. This can also be the identifier of a ProgramType to be looked up in the program type library. This can also be a Honeybee Model for which all Rooms will be assigned the schedules.
A fractional schedule for the occupancy over the course of the year. This can also be the identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
A schedule for the activity of the occupants over the course of the year. The type limt of this schedule should be "ActivityLevel" and the values of the schedule equal to the number of Watts given off by an individual person in the room. If None, it will a default constant schedule with 120 Watts per person will be used, which is typical of awake, adult humans who are seated.
A fractional schedule for the use of lights over the course of the year. This can also be the identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
A fractional schedule for the use of electric equipment over the course of the year. This can also be the identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
A fractional schedule for the use of gas equipment over the course of the year. This can also be the identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
A fractional schedule for the use of service hot water over the course of the year. This can also be the identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
A fractional schedule for the infiltration over the course of the year. This can also be the identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library.
A fractional schedule for the ventilation over the course of the year. This can also be the identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library. The fractional values will get multiplied by the total design flow rate to yield a complete ventilation profile. Setting this schedule to be the occupancy schedule of the zone will mimic demand controlled ventilation.
A temperature schedule for the heating setpoint. This can also be a identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library. The type limit of this schedule should be temperature and the values should be the temperature setpoint in degrees Celcius.
A temperature schedule for the cooling setpoint. This can also be a identifier of a schedule to be looked up in the schedule library. The type limit of this schedule should be temperature and the values should be the temperature setpoint in degrees Celcius.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
The input Rooms or ProgramTypes with their schedules modified.
Search for available Schedules within the honeybee energy standards library.
Optional keywords to be used to narrow down the output list of scheduless. If nothing is input here, all available schedules will be output.
If False or None, this component will automatically split any strings of multiple keywords (spearated by spaces) into separate keywords for searching. This results in a greater liklihood of finding an item in the search but it may not be appropropriate for all cases. You may want to set it to True when you are searching for a specific phrase that includes spaces. Default: False.
A list of Schedules within the honeybee energy standards library (filtered by keywords_ if they are input).
A list of all ScheduleTypeLimits within the honeybee energy standards library.
Create a schedule using from other ScheduleRulesets and AnalysisPeriods over which each schedule should be applied.
base_schedule [Required]
A ScheduleRuleset that represents the base schedule on top of which the other _season_scheds will be applied. This can also be text to look up a ScheduleRuleset in the schedule library. Any time period that is not covered by the input _analysis_periods will default to this schedule. Furthermore, the summer and winter design day schedules will be taken from this schedule as well as the ScheduleTypeLimits.
season_scheds [Required]
A list of ScheduleRulesets that align with the _analysis_periods below and represent the schedules that will be applied over the _base_schedule for the duration of the respective AnalysisPeriod. This can also be text to look up ScheduleRulesets in the schedule library.
analysis_periods [Required]
A list of AnalysusPeriod objects that align with the _season_scheds and represent the time periods over which each season schedule should be applied. Note that, if these AnalysisPeriods overlap with one another, then the schedules that come later in this list will overwrite those that come earlier in the list for the duration of the overlapping time period.
An optional list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of the summer design day. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day. If None, the summer design day schedule of the _base_schedule will be used.
An optional list of 24 values that represent the schedule values at each hour of the summer design day. This can also be a single constant value for the whole day. If None, the summer design day schedule of the _base_schedule will be used.
Text to set the name for the Schedule and to be incorporated into a unique Schedule identifier.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A ScheduleRuleset object that can be assigned to a Room, a Load object, or a ProgramType object.
Text string for the EnergyPlus ScheduleYear that will ultimately be written into the IDF for simulation. This can also be used to add the schedule to the schedule library that is loaded up upon the start of Honeybee by copying this text into the honeybee/library/schedules/ user_library.idf file along with the other idf text outputs.
Text string for the EnergyPlus ScheduleWeek that will ultimately be written into the IDF for simulation. This can also be used to add the schedule to the schedule library that is loaded up upon the start of Honeybee by copying this text into the honeybee/library/schedules/ user_library.idf file along with the other idf text outputs.
Text strings for the EnergyPlus SchedulDays that will ultimately be written into the IDF for simulation. This can also be used to add the schedule to the schedule library that is loaded up upon the start of Honeybee by copying this text into the honeybee/library/schedules/ user_library.idf file along with the other idf text outputs.