Parse any time series data from an energy simulation SQL result file.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
output_names [Required]
A list of EnergyPlus output names as strings (eg. 'Surface Window System Solar Transmittance'. These data corresponding to these outputs will be returned from this component.
DataCollections for the output_names.
Parse the peak load and HVAC component sizes from an SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
An optional name of a HVAC component type, which will filter the HVAC components that appear in the output comp_props and comp_values. Connecting nothing here will mean that all HVAC component sizes are imported and a full list of possible components will appear in the comp_types output.
A list of zone names (honeybee Room identifiers) that correspond to the zone_peak_load and zone_peak_heat below.
A list of numbers for the peak cooling load of each zone on the summer design day. These correspond to the zone_names above. All values are in Watts.
A list of numbers for the peak heating load of each zone on the winter design day. These correspond to the zone_names above. All values are in Watts.
A list of HVAC component types that are available in the results. This will be equal to the input comp_type_ if a value is connected.
A list of text descriptions for HVAC component properties. These correspond to the comp_values below.
Values denoting the size of various zone HVAC components (eg. zone terminal sizes, boiler/chiller sizes, lengths of chilled beams, etc.). These correspond to the comp_properties above. Values may be in different units (eg. W, m/s, etc.) depending on the property of the component being observed.
Visualize Room-level energy simulation results as colored Room geometry.
data [Required]
A list of data collections of the same data type, which will be used to color Rooms. Data collections can be of any class (eg. MonthlyCollection, DailyCollection) but they should originate from an energy simulation sql (with header metadata that has 'Zone' or, in some cases, 'System' keys). These keys will be used to match the data in the collections to the input rooms.
rooms_model [Required]
An array of honeybee Rooms or honeybee Models, which will be matched to the data_collections. The length of these Rooms does not have to match the data_collections and this object will only create visualizations for rooms that are found to be matching.
Boolean to note whether results should be normalized by the floor area of the Room if the data type of the data_colections supports it. If False, values will be generated using sum total of the data collection values. Note that this input has no effect if the data type of the data_collections is not cumulative since data collection values will always be averaged for this case. Default: True.
An optional integer (greater than or equal to 0) to select a specific step of the data collections for which result values will be generated. If None, the geometry will be colored with the total of resutls in the data_collections if the data type is cumulative or with the average of results if the data type is not cumulative. Default: None.
A Ladybug analysis period to be applied to all of the input _data.
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the ColorRooms.
A colored mesh of the Room floor geometry colored using the input _data. Multiple meshes will be output for several data collections are input.
A list of polylines representing the outline of the room volumes.
Geometry representing the legend for the colored rooms.
A text object for the global title.
A list of honeybee Room objects that have been successfully matched to the input _data. This can be plugged into the "HB Visualize Quick" component to get full room volumes that are colored.
A list of color objects that align with the output rooms. These can be connected to a native Grasshopper "Custom Preview" component in order to color room volumes with results.
A list of numbers for each of the rooms, which are used to generate the colors.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the ColorRoom in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the visualization in Rhino.
Get all the data within a table of a Summary Report using the table name.
All of the avaialable tables can be browsed by opening the .html output from the simulation in a web browser.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
table_name [Required]
Text string for the name of a table of a Summary Report. Examples include: General, Utility Use Per Conditioned Floor Area, and many more options that can be browsed in the .html file.
A data tree represening the table matrix, with each branch (sub-list) of the tree representing a row of the table and each index of each branch corresponding to a value in a column. The order of outputs should reflect how the table appears in the HTML output. Note that any energy values in MJ or GJ in the .html output will automatically be converted to kWh on import.
A list of text for the names of each of the columns in the table. These order of this list corresponds directly to the order of items each of the values sub-list
A list of text for the names of each of the rows of the table. Each name in this list corresponds to a branch in the output values data tree.
Construct a complete thermal load balance from energy simulation results and honeybee Rooms or a Model.
rooms_model [Required]
An array of honeybee Rooms or a honeybee Model for which the thermal load balance will be computed. In most cases, these should be the Rooms or Model that are fed directly into the simulation. But this can also be a subset of such Rooms and the balance will only be computed for those Rooms.
Array of data collections for 'Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Cooling Energy'.
Array of data collections for 'Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Heating Energy'.
Array of data collections for 'Zone Lights Heating Energy'.
Array of data collections for 'Zone Electric Equipment Heating Energy'.
Array of data collections for 'Zone Gas Equipment Heating Energy'.
Array of data collections for 'Zone Other Equipment Total Heating Energy'.
Array of data collections for 'Water Use Equipment Zone Heat Gain Energy' that correspond to the input rooms.
Array of data collections for 'Zone People Heating Energy'.
Array of data collections for 'Zone Windows Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy'.
An array of data collections for the infiltration heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive).
An array of data collections for the ventilation heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) as a result of meeting minimum outdoor air requirements with the mechanical system.
An array of data collections for the natural ventilation heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive).
An array of data collections for the surface heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive).
A list of data collections where each collection represents a load balance term. This can then be plugged into the "LB Hourly Plot" or "LB Monthly Chart" to give a visualization of the load balance over all connected Rooms.
The balance output plus an additional term to represent the remainder of the load balance. This term is labeled "Storage" since it typically represents the energy being stored in the building's mass. If this term is particularly large, it can indicate that not all of the load balance terms have been plugged into this component.
A list of data collections where each collection represents a load balance term that has bee normalized by the Room floor area. This can then be plugged into the "LB Hourly Plot" or "LB Monthly Chart" to give a visualization of the load balance over all connected Rooms.
The norm_bal output plus an additional term to represent the remainder of the load balance. This term is labeled "Storage" since it typically represents the energy being stored in the building's mass. If this term is particularly large, it can indicate that not all of the load balance terms have been plugged into this component.
Visualize face and sub-face level energy simulation results as colored geometry.
data [Required]
A list of data collections of the same data type, which will be used to color Faces with simulation results. Data collections can be of any class (eg. MonthlyCollection, DailyCollection) but they should all have headers with metadata dictionaries with 'Surface' keys. These keys will be used to match the data in the collections to the input faces.
hb_objs [Required]
An array of honeybee Rooms, Faces, Apertures or Doors to be colored with simulation results in the Rhino scene. This can also be an entire Model to be colored.
Boolean to note whether results should be normalized by the face/sub-face area if the data type of the data_colections supports it. If False, values will be generated using sum total of the data collection values. Note that this input has no effect if the data type of the data_collections is not normalizable since data collection values will always be averaged for this case. (Default: True).
An optional integer (greater than or equal to 0) to select a specific step of the data collections for which result values will be generated. If None, the geometry will be colored with the total of resutls in the data_collections if the data type is cumulative or with the average of results if the data type is not cumulative. (Default: None).
A Ladybug analysis period to be applied to all of the input _data.
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the ColorRooms.
A colored mesh of the face/sub-face geometry colored using the input _data. Multiple meshes will be output for several data collections are input.
A list of polylines representing the outline of the faces.
Geometry representing the legend for the colored favess.
A text object for the global title.
A list of honeybee Face, Aperture and Door objects that have been matched to the input _data. This can be plugged into the "HB Visualize Quick" component to get face breps that are colored.
A list of color objects that align with the output faces. These can be connected to a native Grasshopper "Custom Preview" component in order to color room volumes with results.
A list of numbers for each of the faces, which are used to generate the colors.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the ColorRoom in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the visualization in Rhino.
Calculate a building (or zone) balance temperature from a ideal air load simulation results. The balance point is the outdoor temperature at which a building switches between heating and cooling.
If the outdoor temperture drops below the balance temperature, the building will usually be in heating mode and, if the outdoor temperture is above the balance temperature, the building will usually be in cooling mode.
The balance temperture concept is useful for setting things such as automated blinds and airflow schedules since having these things directly controlled by hourly cooling or heating demand isn't always straightforward.
This component works by taking the average combined heating/cooling values for each day and the average outdoor air temperature for each day. The days with the smallest combined heating + cooling will have their daily mean outdoor air tempertures averaged to produce the output balance temperture.
cooling [Required]
Data collection for the annual hourly or daily ideal air cooling load output from the "HB Read Room Energy Result" component. This can be for a single room or the entire model.
heating [Required]
Data collection for the annual hourly or daily ideal air heating load output from the "HB Read Room Energy Result" component. This can be for a single room or the entire model.
temperature [Required]
Data collection for the annual hourly or daily outdoor temperature. Most of the time, this should be the dry bulb temperature from the "LB Import EPW" component. However other types of temperature like sky temperature may improve accuracy since they include the effects of solar gain. Note that, whatever type of temperature is plugged in here determines the type of balance temperature that is output.
An integer for the number of days with a low thermal energy load that will be averaged together to yield the balance point. The use of multiple days is done to help avoid anomalies introduced by things like variations between weekday and weekend shcedules. It is recommended that this be increased for models with particularly high variation in schedules. (Default: 10).
The average thermal load on the balance day. This number should be close to 0 if the balance temperature is accurate and this output is meant to give a sense of the accuracy of the balance temperature value.
The outdoor balance temperature.
Separate data collections of energy simulation results by object and face type. Input data must be for Faces, Apertures, Doors, or any combination of these objects.
This component can also be used to normalize such data by area.
data [Required]
A list of data collections output from an energy simulation, which will be separated by object and face type. Data collections can be of any class (eg. MonthlyCollection, DailyCollection) but they should all have headers with metadata dictionaries with 'Surface' keys. These keys will be used to match the data in the collections to the input faces.
hb_objs [Required]
An array of honeybee Rooms, Faces, Apertures or Doors, which will be matched with the _data. This can also be an entire Model.
Boolean to note whether results should be normalized by the face/sub-face area if the data type of the data_colections supports it. (Default: False)
Data collections with results for Walls with an Outdoors or Ground boundary condition.
Data collections with results for Walls with a Surface or Adiabatic boundary condition.
Data collections with results for RoofCeilings with an Outdoors or Ground boundary condition.
Data collections with results for RoofCeilings with a Surface or Adiabatic boundary condition.
Data collections with results for Floors with an Outdoors or Ground boundary condition.
Data collections with results for Floors with a Surface or Adiabatic boundary condition.
Data collections with results for Apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition.
Data collections with results for Apertures with a Surface boundary condition.
Data collections with results for Doors with an Outdoors boundary condition.
Data collections with results for Doors with a Surface boundary condition.
Normalize Zone-level data collections from an energy simulation by the by the floor area of the corresponding honeybee Rooms.
data [Required]
A list of HourlyContinuousCollections of the same data type, which will be normalized by room floor area. Data collections can be of any class (eg. MonthlyCollection, DailyCollection) but they should originate from an energy simulation sql (with header metadata that has 'Zone' or 'System' keys). These keys will be used to match the data in the collections to the input rooms.
model [Required]
An array of honeybee Rooms or a honeybee Model, which will be matched to the data collections. The length of these Rooms does not have to match the data collections and this object will only output collections for rooms that are found to be matching.
The total results normalized by the floor area of all connected rooms. This accounts for the fact that some rooms have more floor area (or have a multiplier) and therefore get a greater weighting.
The results normalized by the floor area of each individual room.
Parse all of the common Room-level energy-related results from an SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
DataCollections for the cooling energy in kWh. For Ideal Air loads, this output is the sum of sensible and latent heat that must be removed from each room. For detailed HVAC systems, this output will be electric energy needed to power each chiller/cooling coil.
DataCollections for the heating energy needed in kWh. For Ideal Air loads, this is the heat that must be added to each room. For detailed HVAC systems, this will be fuel energy or electric energy needed for each boiler/heating element.
DataCollections for the electric lighting energy used for each room in kWh.
DataCollections for the electric equipment energy used for each room in kWh.
DataCollections for the gas equipment energy used for each room in kWh.
DataCollections for the process load energy used for each room in kWh.
DataCollections for the service hote water energy used for each room in kWh.
DataCollections for the fan electric energy in kWh for either a ventilation fan or a HVAC system fan.
DataCollections for the water pump electric energy in kWh for a heating/cooling system.
DataCollections for the internal heat gains in each room resulting from people (kWh).
DataCollections for the total solar gain in each room (kWh).
DataCollections for the heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) in each room resulting from infiltration (kWh).
DataCollections for the heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) in each room resulting from the outdoor air coming through the HVAC System (kWh).
DataCollections for the heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) in each room resulting from natural ventilation (kWh).
Get information about carbon emission intensity (CEI) from an EnergyPlus SQL file.
The location and year (or input emissions of electricity intensity) will be used to compute carbon intensity for both electricity and district heating/cooling. Fixed numbers will be used to convert the following on-site fuel sources:
Natural Gas -- 277.358 kg/MWh * Propane -- 323.897 kg/MWh * Fuel Oil -- 294.962 kg/MWh
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation. This can also be a list of EnergyPlus files in which case EUI will be computed across all files. Lastly, it can be a directory or list of directories containing results, in which case, EUI will be calculated form all files ending in .sql.
loc_kgMWh [Required]
A ladybug Location object in the USA, which will be used to determine the subregion of the electrical grid. Alternatively, it can be A number for the electric grid carbon emissions in kg CO2/MWh. The following rules of thumb may be used as a guide:
An integer for the future year for which carbon emissions will be estimated. Values must be an even number and be between 2020 and 2050. (Default: 2030).
A number for the total annual carbon emission intensity (CEI). This is the sum of all operational carbon emissions divided by the gross floor area (including both conditioned and unconditioned spaces). Units are kg CO2/m2.
The carbon emission intensity broken down by each end use. These values coorespond to the end_uses output below. Values are in kg CO2/m2 .
A list of text for each of the end uses in the simulation (Heating, Cooling, etc.). Thes outputs coorespond to the eui_end_use output above.
The total gross floor area of the energy model. This can be used to compute the total energy use from the intensity values above or it can be used to help with other result post-processing. The value will be in m2 if ip_ is False or None and ft2 if True.
Parse an .rdd file from an energy simulation to show all possible outputs that can be requested from the simulation.
rdd [Required]
Full path to a RDD file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
An optional list of keywords that will be used to filter the output names.
If False or None, this component will automatically split any strings of multiple keywords (spearated by spaces) into separate keywords for searching. This results in a greater liklihood of finding an item in the search but it may not be appropropriate for all cases. You may want to set it to True when you are searching for a specific phrase that includes spaces. (Default: False).
A list of EnergyPlus output names as strings (eg. 'Surface Window System Solar Transmittance'). If no keywords are input, this will be a list of all possible outputs that can be requested from the simulation. Outputs can be requested from the simulation by plugging them into the outputnames of the "HB Custom Simulation Output" component.
Parse a zone sizing (ZSZ) csv result file from an energy simulation to get data collections for the cooling/heating load over the peak design day.
zsz [Required]
Full path to a zone sizing (ZSZ) csv result file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
a list of HourlyContinuousCollections for zone cooling load. There will be one data collection per conditioned zone in the model.
a list of HourlyContinuousCollections for zone heating load. There will be one data collection per conditioned zone in the model.
Parse all of the common Room-level comfort-related results from an SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
DataCollections for the indoor surface temperature of each surface (C).
DataCollections for the outdoor surface temperature of each surface (C).
DataCollections for the heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) through each building surfaces (kWh).
Parse electricity generation results from an energy simulation SQL result file.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
Two numbers indicating the following energy values in kWh.
Three numbers indicating the following energy values in kWh.
A data collection of all on-site produced electricity (kWh). This represents the alternating current (AC) electricity coming out of the inverter that processes all on-site power production.
A data collection of all on-site consumed electricity (kWh). This represents the electrcicity consumed by all heating, cooling, lighting equipment, fans, pumps, process loads, and water heaters. All of this consumed electricity is assumed to be alternating current (AC).
A list of data collections for the direct current (DC) electricity produced by each on-site electricity generator (kWh). Each photovoltaic object will have a separate data collection.
Parse all of the common Room-level comfort-related results from an SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation.
DataCollections for the mean operative temperature of each room (C).
DataCollections for the mean air temperature of each room (C).
DataCollections for the mean radiant temperature of each room (C).
DataCollections for the relative humidity of each room (%).
DataCollections for time that the heating setpoint is not met in each room (hours).
DataCollections for time that the cooling setpoint is not met in each room (hours).
Get information about end use intensity from an EnergyPlus SQL file.
sql [Required]
The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation. This can also be a list of EnergyPlus files in which case, EUI will be computed across all files.
Boolean to note whether the EUI should be in SI (kWh/m2) or IP (kBtu/ft2) units. (Default: False).
The total end use intensity result from the simulation. Specifically, this is the sum of all electricity, fuel, district heating/cooling, etc. divided by the gross floor area (including both conditioned and unconditioned spaces). The value will be in kWh/m2 if ip_ is False or None and kBtu/ft2 if True.
The end use intensity result from the simulation, broken down by each end use. These values coorespond to the enduses output below. Values will be in kWh/m2 if ip is False or None and kBtu/ft2 if True.
A list of text for each of the end uses in the simulation (Heating, Cooling, etc.). Thes outputs coorespond to the eui_end_use output above.
The total gross floor area of the energy model. This can be used to compute the total energy use from the intensity values above or it can be used to help with other result post-processing. The value will be in m2 if ip_ is False or None and ft2 if True.