Combine Honeybee Apertures into a single dynamic group. Apertures that are a part of the same dynamic group will have their states change in unison. If an aperture has no dynamic group, it is assumed to be static.
This component can also be used to combine apertures that already have states assigned to them into one group since existing states are not overwritten if nothing is connected to states_. In this case, the total number of states in the dynamic group is equal to that of the object with the highest number of states. After a dynamic aperture with fewer states than that of it's dynamic group has hit its highest state, it remains in that state as the other dynamic apertures continue to change.
apertures [Required]
A list of Honeybee Apertures to be grouped together into a single dynamic group. Door objects can also be connected here to be included in the group.
Text to be incorporated into a unique identifier for the dynamic Aperture group. If the name is not provided, a random name will be assigned.
An optional list of Honeybee State objects ordered based on how they will be switched on. The first state is the default state and, typically, higher states are more shaded. If the objects in the group have no states, the modifiers already assigned the apertures will be used for all states.
Honeybee apertures that are a part of the same dynamic group. These can be used directly in radiance simulations or can be added to Honeybee faces and rooms.
Create a StateGeometry object that can be assigned to the shades_ of a dynamic state using the "HB Dynamic State" component.
geo [Required]
Rhino Brep or Mesh geometry to be converted to StateGeometry.
Text to set the name for the StateGeometry and to be incorporated into unique StateGeometry identifier. If the name is not provided, a random name will be assigned.
A Honeybee Radiance Modifier object for the geometry. If None, it will be the Generic Exterior Shade modifier in the lib. (Default: None).
A Honeybee StateGeometry object representing planar geometry that can be assigned to Radiance states. This can be assigned using the "HB Dynamic State" component.
List of all radiance attirbutes assigned to Honeybee Faces and Subfaces.
Create a State object representing a single dynamic group state.
A Honeybee Radiance Modifier object to be applied to this state's parent in this state. This is used to swap out the modifier in multi-phase studies. If None, it will be the parent's default modifier.
An optional array of StateGeometry objects to be included with this state.
A Honeybee State object representing a single dynamic group state. This can be assigned to apertures or shades using the "HB Dynamic Aperture Group" componet or the "HB Dynamic Shade Group" component.
List of all radiance attirbutes assigned to Honeybee Rooms.
Generate SensorGrid objects from exterior Apertures.
These SensorGrids can be used in any grid-based recipe and are particularly useful for irradiance studies that evaluate solar gain of buildings, such as peak solar irradiance studies.
hb_objs [Required]
A list of honeybee Faces or Rooms for which sensor grids will be generated. This can also be an entire Honeybee Model.
grid_size [Required]
Number for the size of the grid cells.
Number for the distance to move points from the base geometry. Positive numbers indicate an offset towards the exterior while negative numbers indicate an offset towards the interior, essentially modeling the value of trasnmitted sun through the glass. The default is 0.1 meters.
Text or an integer to specify the type of aperture that will be used to generate grids. Choose from the following. (Default: All).
Boolean to note whether meshing should be done using Rhino's defaults (False), which fills the entire aperture geometry to the edges with both quad and tringulated faces, or a mesh with only quad faces should be generated. (Default: False).
A SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.
The points that are at the center of each grid cell.
Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.
Create a Honeybee View for an image-based analysis using a Rhino viewport.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
The Rhino viewport name which will be used to generate a radiance View object. Typical inputs include "Perspective", "Top", "Bottom", "Left", "Right", "Front", "Back" or any viewport name that you have saved within the Rhino file. If no text is input here, the default will be the currently active viewport (the last viewport in which you navigated).
An integer to set the view type (-vt). Choose from the choices below. Default: 0 if the viewport is in perspective; 2 if it is parallel.
Connect a Grasshopper "button" component to refresh the orientation upon hitting the button.
A Honeybee View object that can be used in a view-based recipe.
Create a Sensor Grid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.
A name for this sensor grid.
positions [Required]
A list or a datatree of points with one point for the position of each sensor. Each branch of the datatree will be considered as a separate sensor grid.
A list or a datatree of vectors with one vector for the direction of each sensor. The input here MUST therefor align with the input _positions. If no value is provided (0, 0, 1) will be assigned for all the sensors.
An optional mesh that aligns with the sensors. This is useful for generating visualizations of the sensor grid beyond the sensor positions. Note that the number of sensors in the grid must match the number of faces or the number vertices within the mesh.
An optional Brep for the geometry used to make the grid. There are no restrictions on how this brep relates to the sensors and it is provided only to assist with the display of the grid when the number of sensors or the mesh is too large to be practically visualized.
An SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.
Generate SensorGrid objects from the floors of honeybee Rooms. These SensorGrids can be used in a grid-based recipe.
The names of the grids will be the same as the rooms that they came from.
rooms [Required]
A list of honeybee Rooms for which sensor grids will be generated. This can also be an entire Honeybee Model from which Rooms will be extracted.
grid_size [Required]
Number for the size of the grid cells.
Number for the distance to move points from the floors of the input rooms. The default is 0.8 meters.
Boolean to note whether meshing should be done using Rhino's defaults (False), which fills the entire floor geometry to the edges with both quad and tringulated faces, or a mesh with only quad faces should be generated. FOR ADVANCED USERS: This input can also be a vector object that will be used to set the orientation of the quad-only grid. Note that, if a vector is input here that is not aligned with the plane of the room's floors, an error will be raised.
Boolean to note whether an extra check should be run to remove sensor points that lie outside the Room volume. Note that this can add significantly to the component's run time and this check is usually not necessary in the case that all walls are vertical and all floors are horizontal (Default: False).
A number for the distance at which sensors close to walls should be removed.
A SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.
The points that are at the center of each grid cell.
Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.
Generate SensorGrids of radial directions around positions from the floors of rooms.
This type of sensor grid is particularly helpful for studies of multiple view directions, such as imageless glare studies.
The names of the grids will be the same as the rooms that they came from.
rooms [Required]
A list of honeybee Rooms for which sensor grids will be generated. This can also be an entire Honeybee Model from which Rooms will be extracted.
grid_size [Required]
Number for the size of the grid cells.
Number for the distance to move points from the floors of the input rooms. (Default: 1.2 meters).
A positive integer for the number of radial directions to be generated around each position. (Default: 8).
A Vector3D to set the start direction of the generated directions. This can be used to orient the resulting sensors to specific parts of the scene. It can also change the elevation of the resulting directions since this start vector will always be rotated in the XY plane to generate the resulting directions. (Default: (0, -1, 0)).
A number for the distance at which sensors close to walls should be removed.
A SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.
The points that are at the center of each circle. These align with the vecs output below and can be visualized with the native Grasshopper vector display component.
The vectors for the directions of each sensor. These align with the points output above and can be visualized with the native Grasshopper vector display component.
Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.
Get Radiance Sensor Grids and/or Views from a Honeybee Model and visualize them in the Rhino scene.
model [Required]
A Honeybee Model for which grids and views will be output.
A list of Honeybee-Radiance Views that are assigned to the input _model.
A list of Honeybee-Radiance SensorGrids that are assigned to the input _model.
The points that are at the center of each grid cell.
Mesh for each sensor grid, which can be passed to the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component.
Create a Honeybee View for an image-based analysis.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
position [Required]
An point to set the position of the view in 3D space (-vp). This is the focal point of a perspective view or the center of a parallel projection.
direction [Required]
A vector for the direction that the veiw is facing (-vd). The length of this vector indicates the focal distance as needed by the pixel depth of field (-pd) in rpict.
An optional vector to set the vertical direction of the view (-vu). (Default: (0, 0, 1)).
An integer to set the view type (-vt). Choose from the choices below. (Default: 0).
A number for the view horizontal size (-vh) in degrees. For a perspective projection (including fisheye views), val is the horizontal field of view. For a parallel projection, val is the view width in world coordinates. (Default: 60).
A number for the view vertical size (-vv) in degrees. For a perspective projection (including fisheye views), val is the horizontal field of view. For a parallel projection, val is the view width in world coordinates. (Default: 60).
A Honeybee View object that can be used in an view-based recipe.
Apply a section plane to a Honeybee Radiance View.
The plane will always be perpendicular to the view direction for perspective and parallel view types. For fisheye view types, the clipping plane is actually a clipping sphere, centered on the view point.
Objects in front of this imaginary plane will not be visible. This may be useful for seeing through walls (to get a longer perspective from an exterior view point) or for incremental rendering.
view [Required]
A Honeybee Radiance View object to which a section plane should be applied.
origin [Required]
An point to set the origin of the section plane in 3D space. Note that the section plane is always perpenicular to the view direction for perspective and parallel views.
A Honeybee View object that can be used in a view-based recipe.
Generate SensorGrid objects from exterior Faces (Walls, Roofs, and Floors).
These SensorGrids can be used in any grid-based recipe and are particularly useful for radiation studies of roofs for photovoltaic potential or solar gain studies of walls.
hb_objs [Required]
A list of honeybee Faces or Rooms for which sensor grids will be generated. This can also be an entire Honeybee Model.
grid_size [Required]
Number for the size of the grid cells.
Number for the distance to move points from the base geometry. The default is 0.1 meters.
Text or an integer to specify the type of face that will be used to generate grids. Note that only Faces with Outdoors boundary conditions will be used, meaning that most Floors will typically be excluded unless they represent the underside of a cantilever. Choose from the following. (Default: Wall).
Boolean to note whether the punched_geometry of the faces should be used (True) with the areas of sub-faces removed from the grid or the full geometry should be used (False). (Default:False).
Boolean to note whether meshing should be done using Rhino's defaults (False), which fills the entire face geometry to the edges with both quad and tringulated faces, or a mesh with only quad faces should be generated. (Default: False).
A SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.
The points that are at the center of each grid cell.
Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.
Add radiance Sensor Grids and/or Views to a Honeybee Model.
This assignment is necessary for any Radiance study, though whether a grid or a view is required for a particular type of study is depenednet upon the recipe used.
Multiple copies of this component can be used in series and each will add the grids or views to any that already exist.
model [Required]
A Honeybee Model to which the input grids_ and views_ will be assigned.
A list of Honeybee-Radiance SensorGrids, which will be assigned to the input _model.
A list of Honeybee-Radiance Views, which will be assigned to the input _model.
The input Honeybee Model with the grids_ and views_ assigned to it.
Combine Honeybee Shades into a single dynamic group. Shades that are a part of the same dynamic group will have their states change in unison. If an shade has no dynamic group, it is assumed to be static.
This component can also be used to combine shades that already have states assigned to them into one group since existing states are not overwritten if nothing is connected to states_. In this case, the total number of states in the dynamic group is equal to that of the object with the highest number of states. After a dynamic shade with fewer states than that of it's dynamic group has hit its highest state, it remains in that state as the other dynamic shades continue to change.
shades [Required]
A list of Honeybee Shades to be grouped together into a single dynamic group.
Text to be incorporated into a unique identifier for the dynamic Shade group. If the name is not provided, a random name will be assigned.
An optional list of Honeybee State objects ordered based on how they will be switched on. The first state is the default state and, typically, higher states are more shaded. If the objects in the group have no states, the modifiers already assigned the shades will be used for all states.
Honeybee shades that are a part of the same dynamic group. These can be used directly in radiance simulations or can be added to Honeybee faces and rooms.
Create a Sensor Grid object from radial directions around sensor positions.
This type of sensor grid is particularly helpful for studies of multiple view directions, such as imageless glare studies.
A name for this sensor grid.
positions [Required]
A list or a datatree of points with one point for the position of each radial sensor. Each branch of the datatree will be considered as a separate sensor grid.
A positive integer for the number of radial directions to be generated around each position. (Default: 8).
A Vector3D to set the start direction of the generated directions. This can be used to orient the resulting sensors to specific parts of the scene. It can also change the elevation of the resulting directions since this start vector will always be rotated in the XY plane to generate the resulting directions. (Default: (0, -1, 0)).
An optional number that can be used to generate a mesh that is aligned with the resulting sensors and will automatically be assigned to the grid. Such meshes will resemble a circle around each sensor with the specified radius and will contain triangular faces that can be colored with simulation results. If zero, no mesh will be generated for the sensor grid. (Default: 0.2 meters).
An SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.
Script variable SensorGrid
Script variable SensorGrid
Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.
Get all of the Dynamic Radiance Groups assigned to a Model.
model [Required]
A Honeybee Model for which dynamic groups will be output.
The identifiers of the dynamic groups assigned to the Model.
A data tree of Dynamic Apertures in the Model. Each branch of the tree represents a different Dynamic Aperture Group and corresponds to the group_ids above. The data tree can be exploded with the native Grasshopper "Explod Tree" component to assign schedules to each Dynamic Group for postprocessing.
Calculate Aperture groups for exterior Apertures.
The Apertures are grouped by orientation unless view_factor is set to True.
If grouping based on view factor the component calculates view factor from Apertures to sky patches (rfluxmtx). Each Aperture is represented by a sensor grid, and the view factor for the whole Aperture is the average of the grid. The RMSE of the view factor to each sky patch is calculated between all Apertures. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (with complete-linkage method) is used to group the Apertures by using a distance matrix of the RMSE values. The view factor approach is Radiance-based (and slower) and will likely group Apertures more accurately considering the context geometry of the Honeybee Model.
model [Required]
A Honeybee Model for which Apertures will be grouped automatically. Note that this model must have Apertures with Outdoors boundary condition assigned to it.
A boolean to note whether the Apertures should be grouped on a room basis. If grouped on a room basis Apertures from different room cannot be in the same group. (Default: True).
A boolean to note whether the Apertures should be grouped by calculating view factors for the Apertures to a discretized sky or simply by the normal orientation of the Apertures. (Default: False).
Aperture grid size for view factor calculation. A lower number will give a finer grid and more accurate results but the calculation time will increase. This option is only used if view_factor is set to True. (Default: 0.2).
A float value for vertical tolerance between two Apertures. If the vertical distance between two Apertures is larger than this tolerance the Apertures cannot be grouped. If no value is given the vertical grouping will be skipped. (Default: None).
An optional list of Honeybee State objects to be applied to all the generated groups. These states should be ordered based on how they will be switched on. The first state is the default state and, typically, higher states are more shaded. If the objects in the group have no states, the modifiers already assigned the apertures will be used for all states.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the automatic Aperture grouping.
The input Honeybee Model object where all Apertures with Outdoors boundary condition have been assigned a dynamic group identifier.