Search for available Mofidier Sets within the honeybee standards library.
Optional keywords to be used to narrow down the output list of modifier sets. If nothing is input here, all available modifier sets will be output.
If False or None, this component will automatically split any strings of multiple keywords (spearated by spaces) into separate keywords for searching. This results in a greater liklihood of finding an item in the search but it may not be appropropriate for all cases. You may want to set it to True when you are searching for a specific phrase that includes spaces. Default: False.
A list of modifier sets within the honeybee radiance standards library (filtered by keywords_ if they are input).
Create an glass radiance modifier from a single transmittance.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the glass modifier transmittance. This transmittance will be the same for the red, green and blue channels.
Index of refraction. Typical values are 1.52 for float glass and 1.4 for ETFE. If None, Radiance will default to using 1.52 for glass (Default: None).
A glass modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Search for available Mofidiers within the honeybee standards library.
Optional keywords to be used to narrow down the output list of modifiers. If nothing is input here, all available modifiers will be output.
If False or None, this component will automatically split any strings of multiple keywords (spearated by spaces) into separate keywords for searching. This results in a greater liklihood of finding an item in the search but it may not be appropropriate for all cases. You may want to set it to True when you are searching for a specific phrase that includes spaces. Default: False.
A list of modifiers within the honeybee radiance standards library (filtered by keywords_ if they are input).
Create a translucent radiance modifier from a reflectance and transmittance.
The sum of the reflectances and transmittances must be less than 1 and any energy not transmitted or reflected is assumed to be absorbed. The resulting material will always be grey with equivalent red, green and blue channels.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
diff_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the diffuse reflectance of the material.
diff_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted diffuse component. This is the fraction of transmitted light that is diffusely scattered.
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted specular component. This is the fraction of transmitted light that is not diffusely scattered but passes through like a beam. (Default: 0).
A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity fractions greater than 0.1 are not common in non-metallic materials. (Default: 0).
Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very realistic. (Default: 0).
A translucent modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create a list of interior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
A modifier object for interior walls (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A modifier object for ceilings (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A modifier object for interior floors (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A modifier object for all apertures with a Surface boundary condition. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for all opaque doors with a Surface boundary condition. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for all glass doors with a Surface boundary condition. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A list of interior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
Create a metal radiance modifier from a single reflectance.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
Script variable MetalMod
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute specular reflectance of the modifier. Note that the sum of this value and the diffuse _reflect should be less than one. Specularity of metals is usually 0.9 or greater. (Default: 0.9)
Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very realistic. (Default: 0).
A metal modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create a list of exterior subface (apertures + doors) modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their parent face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face type for their parent face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and True is_operable property. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their parent face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face type for their parent face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for all glass doors with an Outdoors boundary condition. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A list of exterior subface modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
Create an opaque radiance modifier from a single reflectance.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
reflect [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute diffuse reflectance of the modifier. This reflectance will be the same for the red, green and blue channels.
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute specular reflectance of the modifier. Note that the sum of this value and the diffuse _reflect should be less than one. Specular reflectances greater than 0.1 are rare for non-metallic materials. (Default: 0).
Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very realistic. (Default: 0).
An opaque modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create a list of exterior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
A modifier object for exterior walls (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A modifier object for exterior roofs (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A modifier object for exposed floors (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A list of exterior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
Create a ModifierSet object containing all radiance modifiers needed to create an radiance model. ModifierSets can be assigned to Honeybee Rooms to specify all default modifiers on the Room.
Text to set the name for the ModifierSet and to be incorporated into a unique ModifierSet identifier. If None, a random one will be genrated.
An optional ModifierSet object that will be used as the starting point for the new ModifierSet output from this component. This can also be text for the name of a ModifierSet within the library such as that output from the "HB Search Modifier Sets" component. If None, the Honeybee "Generic Default Modifier Set" will be used as the base.
A modifier subset list from the "HB Exterior Modifier Subset" component. Note that None values in this list correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.
A modifier subset list from the "HB Interior Modifier Subset" component. Note that None values in this list correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.
A modifier subset list from the "HB Subface Subset" component. Note that None values in this list correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.
A modifier subset list from the "HB Shade Modifier Subset" component. Note that None values in this list correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.
A ModifierSet object that can be assigned to Honeybee Rooms in order to specify all default modifiers on the Room.
Create a Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function (BSDF) radiance modifier from an XML file.
xml_file [Required]
Path to an XML file contining BSDF data. These files can be produced using the LBNL WINDOW software among other sources.
A vector that sets the hemisphere that the BSDF modifier faces. For materials that are symmetrical about the face plane (like non-angled venetian blinds), this can be any vector that is not perfectly normal/perpendicular to the face. For asymmetrica materials like angled venetian blinds, this variable should be coordinated with the direction that the geometry is facing. The default is set to (0.01, 0.01, 1.00), which should hopefully not be normal to any typical face.
Optional number to set the thickness of the BSDF. Thickness is not supported for aBSDF type. (Default: 0).
An integer to set the bsdf type. Choose from the choices below. (Default: 0).
A BSDF modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create a mirror radiance modifier from a single reflectance.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
reflect [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the mirror reflectance. This reflectance will be the same for the red, green and blue channels.
A mirror modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create a list of modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
A modifier object for exterior shades (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A modifier object for interior shades (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A list of shade modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
Apply ModifierSet to Honeybee Rooms.
rooms [Required]
Honeybee Rooms to which the input _mod_set should be assigned. This can also be a Honeybee Model for which all Rooms will be assigned the ModifierSet.
mod_set [Required]
A Honeybee ModifierSet to be applied to the input _room. This can also be text for a modifier set to be looked up in the modifier set library.
The input Rooms with their modifier sets edited.
Deconstruct a modifier set into its constituient interior modifiers.
mod_set [Required]
A modifier set to be deconstructed. This can also be text for a modifier set to be looked up in the modifier set library.
A modifier object for the set's interior walls.
A modifier object for the set's interior roofs.
A modifier object for the set's interior floors.
A modifier object for all apertures with a Surface boundary condition.
A modifier object for all opaque doors with a Surface boundary condition.
A modifier object for all glass doors with a Surface boundary condition.
A modifier object for all interior shades.
Apply a Modifier to Honeybee Faces, Doors or Room walls.
This component supports the assigning of different modifiers based on cardinal orientation, provided that a list of Modifiers are input to the _mod.
hb_objs [Required]
Honeybee Faces, Doors, Rooms or a Model to which the input _mod should be assigned. For the case of Rooms or a Model, the modifier will only be applied to the Room's outdoor walls. Note that, if you need to assign a modifier to all the roofs, floors, etc. of a Room, the best practice is to create a ModifierSet and assing that to the Room.
mod [Required]
A Honeybee Modifier to be applied to the input _hb_objs. This can also be text for a modifier to be looked up in the modifier library. If an array of text or modifier objects are input here, different modifiers will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
The input honeybee objects with their modifiers edited.
Deconstruct a modifier set into its constituient exterior modifiers.
mod_set [Required]
A modifier set to be deconstructed. This can also be text for a modifier set to be looked up in the modifier set library.
A modifier object for the set's exterior walls.
A modifier object for the set's exterior roofs.
A modifier object for the set's exposed floors.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their parent face.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face type for their parent face.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and True is_operable property.
A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their parent face.
A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face type for their parent face.
A modifier object for all glass doors with an Outdoors boundary condition.
A modifier object for all exterior shades.
Apply a Modifier to Honeybee Shade objects. Alternatively, it can assign a Modifier to all of the child shades of an Aperture, Door, Face, or a Room.
This component supports the assigning of different modifiers based on cardinal orientation, provided that a list of Modifiers are input to the _mod.
hb_objs [Required]
Honeybee Shades, Apertures, Doors, Faces, Rooms, or a Model to which the input _mod should be assigned. For the case of a Honeybee Aperture, Door, Face, Room or Model, the Modifier will be assigned to only the child shades directly assigned to that object. So passing in a Room will not change the modifier of shades assigned to Apertures of the Room's Faces. If this is the desired outcome, then the Room should be deconstructed into its child objects before using this component.
mod [Required]
A Honeybee Modifier to be applied to the input _hb_objs. This can also be text for a modifier to be looked up in the shade modifier library. If an array of text or modifier objects are input here, different modifiers will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
The input honeybee objects with their modifiers edited.
Create an glass radiance modifier from a red, green, and blue transmittances
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
r_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmittance of the red channel. (Default: 0).
g_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmittance of the green channel. (Default: 0).
b_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmittance of the blue channel. (Default: 0).
Index of refraction. Typical values are 1.52 for float glass and 1.4 for ETFE. If None, Radiance will default to using 1.52 for glass (Default: None).
A glass modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create a metal radiance modifier from red, green, and blue reflectances.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute diffuse red reflectance. (Default: 0).
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute diffuse green reflectance. (Default: 0).
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute diffuse blue reflectance. (Default: 0).
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute specular reflectance of the modifier. Note that the sum of this value and the diffuse should be less than one. Specularity of metals is usually 0.9 or greater. (Default: 0.9)
Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very realistic. (Default: 0).
A metal modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create a translucent radiance modifier from reflectances and transmittances.
The sum of the reflectances and transmittances must be less than 1 and any energy not transmitted or reflected is assumed to be absorbed.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
r_diff_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the red diffuse reflectance.
g_diff_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the green diffuse reflectance.
b_diff_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the blue diffuse reflectance.
diff_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted diffuse component. This is the fraction of transmitted light that is diffusely scattered.
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted specular component. This is the fraction of transmitted light that is not diffusely scattered but passes through like a beam. (Default: 0).
A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity fractions greater than 0.1 are not common in non-metallic materials. (Default: 0).
Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very realistic. (Default: 0).
A translucent modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Apply Modifier to Honeybee Apertures or glass Doors. Alternatively, it can assign Modifiers to the child apertures of input Faces or the apertures within Room walls.
This component supports the assigning of different modifiers based on cardinal orientation, provided that a list of Modifiers are input to the _mod.
hb_objs [Required]
Honeybee Apertures, Faces, Doors, Rooms or a Model to which the input _mod should be assigned. For the case of Rooms or a Model, the modifier will only be applied to the apertures in the the Room's outdoor walls. Note that, if you need to assign a modifier to all the skylights, glass doors, etc. of a Room, the best practice is to create a ModifierSet and assing that to the Room.
mod [Required]
A Honeybee Modifier to be applied to the input _hb_objs. This can also be text for a modifier to be looked up in the window modifier library. If an array of text or modifier objects are input here, different modifiers will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.
The input honeybee objects with their modifiers edited.
Deconstruct a modifier into a radiance string.
mod [Required]
A modifier to be deconstructed or text for a modifier to be looked up in the modifier library.
A Radiance string that includes all of the attributes that define the modifier.
Create an mirror radiance modifier from a single reflectance.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
r_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the red reflectance.
g_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the green reflectance.
b_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the blue reflectance.
An mirror modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Create an opaque radiance modifier from red, green, and blue reflectances.
Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
r_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute diffuse red reflectance.
g_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute diffuse green reflectance.
b_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute diffuse blue reflectance.
A number between 0 and 1 for the absolute specular reflectance of the modifier. Note that the sum of this value and the diffuse should be less than one. Specular reflectances greater than 0.1 are rare for non-metallic materials. (Default: 0).
Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very realistic. (Default: 0).
An opaque modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.