Automatically download a .zip file from a URL where climate data resides, unzip the file, and open .epw, .stat, and ddy weather files.
weather_URL [Required]
Text representing the URL at which the climate data resides. To open the a map interface for all publicly availabe climate data, use the "LB EPWmap" component.
An optional file path to a directory into which the weather file will be downloaded and unziped. If None, the weather files will be downloaded to the ladybug default weather data folder and placed in a sub-folder with the name of the weather file location.
The file path of the downloaded epw file.
The file path of the downloaded stat file.
The file path of the downloaded ddy file.
This primer provides an overview of the Ladybug components for Grasshopper.
Ladybug imports standard EnergyPlus Weather (.EPW) files into Grasshopper and provides a variety of 2D and 3D graphics to support the decision-making process during the early stages of design. The tool also provides several simple geometry analyses, including incident radiation and direct sun hours.
See the Wiki of the lbt-grasshopper repository for the installation instructions for the entire Ladybug Tools Grasshopper plugin (including ladybug-grasshopper).
Post your questions to Ladybug Tools forum and see the ladybug-grasshopper repository for source code.
Please let us know if you find any mistakes in grammar or spelling in this primer and we will gladly fix them.
Construct location from latitude, lognitude, and time zone data.
A name for the location you are constructing. For example, "Steventon Island, Antarctica". (Default: "-")
Location latitude between -90 and 90 (Default: 0).
Location longitude between -180 (west) and 180 (east) (Default: 0).
Time zone between -12 hours (west) and 12 hours (east). If None, the time zone will be an estimated integer value derived from the longitude in accordance with solar time (Default: None).
A number for elevation of the location in meters. (Default: 0).
Location data (use this output to construct the sun path).
Deconstruct location into its component properties.
location [Required]
The output from the importEPW or constructLocation component.
Name of the location.
Latitude of the location.
Longitude of the location.
Time zone of the location.
Elevation of the location.
Construct a Ladybug data collection from header and values.
header [Required]
A Ladybug header object describing the metadata of the data collection.
values [Required]
A list of numerical values for the data collection.
Text to indicate the time interval of the data collection, which determines the type of collection that is output. (Default: hourly). Choose from the following:
Note that the "hourly" input is also used to represent sub-hourly intervals (in this case, the timestep of the analysis period must not be 1).
A Ladybug data collection object.
Deconstruct design day into parameters.
design_day [Required]
A DesignDay object to deconstruct.
The name of the DesignDay object.
Text indicating the type of design day (ie. 'SummerDesignDay', 'WinterDesignDay' or other EnergyPlus days).
A Ladybug Location object describing the location of the design day.
Date for the day of the year the design day
Maximum dry bulb temperature over the design day (in C).
Dry bulb range over the design day (in C).
Type of humidity to use. Will be one of the following:
The value of the humidity condition above.
Barometric pressure in Pa.
Wind speed over the design day in m/s.
Wind direction over the design day in degrees.
Script output sky_type.
A list of properties describing the sky above. For ASHRAEClearSky this is a single value for clearness. For ASHRAETau, this is the tau_beam and tau_diffuse.
Import data from a standard .stat file.
stat_file [Required]
A .stat file path on your system as a string.
A Ladybug Location object describing the location data in the STAT file.
The ASHRAE climate zone of the STAT file. Numbers in the zone denote average temperature (0 = Hottest; 8 = Coldest). Letters in the zone denote wetness (A = Humid; B = Dry; C = Marine)
The Koppen climate zone of the STAT file. The Koppen climate system uses vegetation as in indicator fo climate and combines average monthly temperatures, precipitation, and the seasonality of precipitation.
The hourly "Clear Sky" Direct Normal Radiation in Wh/m2. Such clear sky radiation is typically used for sizing cooling systems. If monthly optical depths are found within the STAT file, these values will come from the Revised ASHARAE Clear Sky (Tau model). If no optical depths are found, they will come from the original ASHARE lear sky model.
The hourly "Clear Sky" Diffuse Horizontal Radiation in Wh/m2. Such clear sky radiation is typically used for sizing cooling systems. If monthly optical depths are found within the STAT file, these values will come from the Revised ASHARAE Clear Sky (Tau model). If no optical depths are found, they will come from the original ASHARE lear sky model.
A DesignDay object representing the annual 99.6% heating design day.
A DesignDay object representing the annual 99.0% heating design day.
A DesignDay object representing the annual 0.4% cooling design day.
A DesignDay object representing the annual 1.0% cooling design day.
A list of 12 DesignDay objects representing monthly 5.0% cooling design days.
A list of 12 DesignDay objects representing monthly 10.0% cooling design days.
A Ladybug AnalysisPeriod object representing the coldest week within the corresponding EPW.
A Ladybug AnalysisPeriod object representing the hottest week within the corresponding EPW.
A list of Ladybug AnalysisPeriod objects representing typical weeks within the corresponding EPW. The type of week can vary depending on the climate. For mid and high lattitude climates with 4 seasons (eg. New York), these weeks are for each of the 4 seasons ordered as follows: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn For low lattitude climates with wet/dry seasons (eg. Mumbai), these weeks might also include: Wet Season, Dry Season For equitorial climates with no seasons (eg. Singapore), This output is usually a single week representing typical conditions of the entire year.
Import climate data from a standard .epw file.
epw_file [Required]
An .epw file path on your system as a string.
A Ladybug Location object describing the location data in the weather file.
The houlry dry bulb temperature, in C. Note that this is a full numeric field (i.e. 23.6) and not an integer representation with tenths. Valid values range from 70 C to 70 C. Missing value for this field is 99.9.
The hourly dew point temperature, in C. Note that this is a full numeric field (i.e. 23.6) and not an integer representation with tenths. Valid values range from 70 C to 70 C. Missing value for this field is 99.9.
The hourly Relative Humidity in percent. Valid values range from 0% to 110%. Missing value for this field is 999.
The hourly wind speed in m/sec. Values can range from 0 to 40. Missing value is 999.
The hourly wind direction in degrees. The convention is North=0.0, East=90.0, South=180.0, West=270.0. If wind is calm for the given hour, the direction equals zero. Values can range from 0 to 360. Missing value is 999.
The hourly Direct Normal Radiation in Wh/m2. Direc Normal Radiation is the amount of solar radiation in Wh/m2 received directly from the solar disk on a surface perpendicular to the sun's rays. Missing values are (9999).
The hourly Diffuse Horizontal Radiation in Wh/m2. Diffuse Horizontal Radiation is the amount of solar radiation in Wh/m2 received from the sky (excluding the solar disk) on a horizontal surface. Missing values are (9999).
The hourly Global Horizontal Radiation in Wh/m2. Global Horizontal Radiation is the total amount of direct and diffuse solar radiation in Wh/m2 received on a horizontal surface. It is not currently used inbEnergyPlus calculations. It should have a minimum value of 0; missing value for this field is 9999.
The Horizontal Infrared Radiation Intensity in Wh/m2. If it is missing, EnergyPlus calculates it from the Opaque Sky Cover field. It should have a minimum value of 0; missing value is 9999.
The hourly Direct Normal Illuminance in lux. Direct Normal Illuminance is the average amount of illuminance in lux received directly from the solar disk on a surface perpendicular to the sun's rays. It is not currently used in EnergyPlus calculations. It should have a minimum value of 0; missing value is 999999.
The hourly Diffuse Horizontal Illuminance in lux. Diffuse Horizontal Illuminance is the average amount of illuminance in lux received from the sky (excluding the solar disk) on a horizontal surface. It is not currently used in EnergyPlus calculations. It should have a minimum value of 0; missing value is 999999.
The hourly Global Horizontal Illuminance in lux. Global Horizontal Illuminance is the average total amount of direct and diffuse illuminance in lux received on a horizontal surface. It is not currently used in EnergyPlus calculations. It should have a minimum value of 0; missing value is 999999.
The fraction for Total Sky Cover in tenths of coverage. (eg. 1 is 1/10 covered. 10 is total coverage). Total Sky Cover is the amount of the sky dome covered by clouds or obscuring phenomena. Minium value is 0; maximum value is 10; missing value is 99.
The hourly weather station pressure in Pa. Valid values range from 31,000 to 120,000. Missing value is 999999.
The year from which the hourly data has been extracted. EPW files are synthesized from real recorded data from different years in a given climate. This is done to ensure that, for each month, the selected data is statistically representative of the average monthly conditions over the 18+ years of recording the data. Different EPW files will be synthesized from different years depeding on whether they are TMY (Typical Meteorological Year), TMY2, TMY3, AMY (Actual Meteorological Year) or other.
Monthly ground temperature data if it exists within the EPW file. Typically, each data collection in this list represents monthly temperatures at three different depths.
Import hourly climate data from a Ladybug DesignDay object.
design_day [Required]
A DesignDay object to import.
A Ladybug Location object describing the location of the design day.
The houlry dry bulb temperature over the design day, in C.
The hourly dew point temperature over the design day, in C.
The hourly Relative Humidity over the design day in percent.
The hourly wind speed over the design day in m/sec.
The hourly wind direction over the design day in degrees. The convention is that North=0.0, East=90.0, South=180.0, West=270.0.
The hourly Direct Normal Radiation over the design day in Wh/m2.
The hourly Diffuse Horizontal Radiation over the design day in Wh/m2.
The hourly Global Horizontal Radiation over the design day in Wh/m2.
The Horizontal Infrared Radiation Intensity over the design day in Wh/m2.
The fraction for total sky cover over the design day in tenths of coverage.
The hourly weather station pressure over the design day in Pa.
Construct a Ladybug Header to be used to create a ladybug DataCollection.
data_type [Required]
Text representing the type of data (e.g. Temperature). A full list of acceptable inputs can be seen by checking the all_u output of the "LB Unit Converter" component. This input can also be a custom DataType object that has been created with the "LB Construct Data Type" component.
Units of the data_type (e.g. C). Default is to use the base unit of the connected_data_type.
Script variable constrData
Optional metadata to be associated with the Header. The input should be a list of text strings with a property name and value for the property separated by a colon. For example: . source: TMY . city: New York . country: USA
A Ladybug Header object.
Construct a Ladybug DataType to be used in the header of a ladybug DataCollection.
name [Required]
A name for the data type as a string.
unit [Required]
A unit for the data type as a string.
Boolean to tell whether the data type can be cumulative when it is represented over time (True) or it can only be averaged over time to be meaningful (False).
An optional list of text for categories to be associated with the data type. These categories will show up in the legend whenever data with this data type is visualized. The input should be text strings with a category number (integer) and name separated by a colon. For example: . -1: Cold . 0: Neutral . 1: Hot
A Ladybug DataType object that can be assigned to the header of a Ladybug DataCollection.
Produce a DDY file from the data contained within an EPW or STAT file.
For EPW files, this method will first check if there is any heating or cooling design day information contained within the EPW itself. If None is found, the heating and cooling design days will be derived from analysis of the annual data within the EPW. This process of analyzing the annual TMY data is less representative of the climate since only one year of data is used to derive the DDY (instead of the usual multi-year analysis). However, if the EPW is the best available representation of the climate for a given site, it can often be preferable to using a DDY constructed with more years of data but from further away. Information on the uncertainty introduced by using only one year of data to create design days can be found in AHSRAE HOF 2013, Chapter 14.14.
For STAT files, the DDY file will only be produced if the design day information is found within the file. If no information on the relevant design days are found, and error will be raised and the component will fail to run.
weather_file [Required]
The path to an .epw file or .stat file on your system, from which a .ddy will be generated.
A number between 0 and 50 for the percentile difference from the most extreme conditions within the EPW or STAT to be used for the design day. Typical values are 0.4 and 1.0. (Default: 0.4).
A boolean to note whether the resulting .ddy file should contain twelve cooling design days for each of the months of the year. This type of DDY file is useful when the peak cooling might not be driven by warm outdoor temperatures but instead by the highest-intensity solar condition, which may not conincide with the highest temperature. Monthly conditions will be for the 2.0% hottest conditions in each month, which generally aligns with the annual 0.4% cooling design conditions.
An optional file path to a directory into which the DDY file will be written. If None, the DDY file will be written to the ladybug default weather data folder and placed in a sub-folder called "ddy".
write [Required]
Set to "True" to write the .ddy file.
A .ddy file path that has been written to your system.
Create an Analysis Period to describe a slice of time during the year.
Start month (1-12).
Start day (1-31).
Start hour (0-23).
End month (1-12).
End day (1-31).
End hour (0-23).
An integer number for the number of time steps per hours. Acceptable inputs include: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60
Analysis period.
List of dates in this analysis period.
List of hours of the year in this analysis period.
Calculate Adaptive thermal comfort.
The Adaptive thermal comfort model is for use on the interior of buildings where a heating or cooling system is not operational and occupants have the option to open windows for natural ventilation.
Note that, for fully conditioned buildings, the PMV thermal comfort model should be used.
out_temp [Required]
Outdoor temperatures in one of the following formats:
air_temp [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for air temperature in C.
Data Collection or individual value for mean radiant temperature (MRT) in C. Default is the same as the air_temp.
Data Collection or individual value for air speed in m/s. Note that higher air speeds in the adaptive model only widen the upper boundary of the comfort range at temperatures above 24 C and will not affect the lower temperature of the comfort range. Default is a very low speed of 0.1 m/s.
Optional comfort parameters from the "LB Adaptive Comfort Parameters" component to specify the criteria under which conditions are considered acceptable/comfortable. The default will use ASHRAE-55 adaptive comfort criteria.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Data Collection of prevailing outdoor temperature in degrees C.
Data Collection of the desired neutral temperature in degrees C.
Data Collection of the degrees from desired neutral temperature in degrees C.
Integers noting whether the input conditions are acceptable according to the assigned comfort_parameter. Values are one of the following:
Integers noting the thermal status of a subject according to the assigned comfort_parameter. Values are one of the following:
A Python object containing all inputs and results of the analysis. This can be plugged into components like the "Comfort Statistics" component to get further information.
Calculate wind speed at a specific height above the ground for a given terrain type.
By default, the component will calculate wind speed at a height of 1 meter, which is suitable for most thermal comfort models like PET and SET. Alternatively, by hooking up the output wind data to the "LB Wind rose" component, a wind rose for any terrain or at height above the ground can be produced.
This component uses the same wind profile function as used by the "LB Wind Profile" component.
met_wind_vel [Required]
A data collection of meteorological wind speed measured at the met_height with the _met_terrian [m/s]. Typically, this comes from the "LB Import EPW" component. This can also be a number for the meteorological wind speed in m/s.
The height above the ground to be evaluated in meters. (Default: 1 meter, which is suitable for most thermal comfort models like PET and SET.).
Text string that sets the terrain class associated with the output air_speed. This can also be an integer that codes for the terrain. (Default: city). Must be one the following. 0 = city - 50% of buildings above 21m over a distance of at least 2000m upwind. 1 = suburban - suburbs, wooded areas. 2 = country - open, with scattered objects generally less than 10m high. 3 = water - flat areas downwind of a large water body (max 500m inland).
A number for the height above the ground at which the meteorological wind speed is measured in meters. (Default: 10 meters, which is the standard used by most airports and EPW files).
Text string that sets the terrain class associated with the meteorological wind speed. This can also be an integer that codes for the terrain. (Default: country, which is typical of most airports where wind measurements are taken). Must be one the following. 0 = city - 50% of buildings above 21m over a distance of at least 2000m upwind. 1 = suburban - suburbs, wooded areas. 2 = country - open, with scattered objects generally less than 10m high. 3 = water - flat areas downwind of a large water body (max 500m inland).
A boolean to note whether the wind profile should use a logarithmic law to determine wind speeds instead of the default power law, which is used by EnergyPlus. (Default: False).
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A data collection or single value for the air speed at the input height above the ground for the input terrain. This can be plugged into thermal comfort models like PET or SET/PMV. Alternatively, by connecting the wind data to the "LB Wind rose" component, a wind rose for the input terrain and height above the ground can be produced.
Convert a hourly Ladybug data collection to a continuous collection at a specific timestep.
This will be done either through linear interpolation or by culling out values that do not fit the timestep. It can also be used to convert a discontinous data collection to a continuous one by linearly interpolating over holes in the data set.
data [Required]
A list of aligned Data Collections to be evaluated against the _statement.
statement [Required]
A conditional statement as a string (e.g. a > 25). The variable of the first data collection should always be named 'a' (without quotations), the variable of the second list should be named 'b', and so on. For example, if three data collections are connected to _data and the following statement is applied: '18 < a < 26 and b < 80 and c > 2' The resulting collections will only include values where the first data collection is between 18 and 26, the second collection is less than 80 and the third collection is greater than 2.
A list of Data Collections that have been filtered by the statement_.
Perform simple arithmetic operations between Data Collections. For example, adding two Data Collections together, subtracting one collection from another, or multiplying/dividing a data in a collection by a factor.
Note that Data Collections must be aligned in order for this component to run successfully.
Using this component will often be much faster and more elegant compared to deconstructing the data collection, performing the operation with native Grasshopper components, and rebuilding the collection.
data_1 [Required]
The first Data Collection in the operation. If the operator is not commutative, this collection comes before the operator. For example, in subtraction, this is the collection being subtracted from. This can also be a list of Data Collections that align with _data_2. It cal also be a single number that will be added, multiplied, etc. to all of _data_2.
data_2 [Required]
The second Data Collection in the operation. If the operator is not commutative, this collection comes after the operator. For example, in subtraction, this is the collection being subtracted with. This can also be a list of Data Collections that align with _data_1. It cal also be a single number that will be added, multiplied, etc. to all of _data_1.
Text for the operator to use between the two Data Collections. Valid examples include (+, -, *, /). By default this is + for addition.
Optional text for a new "type" key in the Data Collection's metadata. This will usually show up in most Ladybug visualiztions and it should usually change for most types of operations.
A Ladybug data collection object derived from the operation between the two data inputs.
Calculate heating and cooling degree-days from outdoor dry bulb temperature.
dry_bulb [Required]
A data collection representing outdoor dry bulb temperature [C]
A number for the base temperature below which a given hour is considered to be in heating mode. Default is 18 Celcius, which is a common balance point for buildings.
A number for the base temperature above which a given hour is considered to be in cooling mode. Default is 23 Celcius, which is a common balance point for buildings.
A data collection of heating degree-days. Plug this into the 'Time Interval Operation' component to get the number of degree-days at different time intervals.
A data collection of cooling degree-days. Plug this into the 'Time Interval Operation' component to get the number of degree-days at different time intervals.
A value indicating the total number of heating degree-days over the entire input _dry_bulb collection.
A value indicating the total number of cooling degree-days over the entire input _dry_bulb collection.
Perform time interval operations on an hourly data collection.
This includes operations like: - Average - Total - Percentile
These actions can be performed over the following time intervals: - Daily - Monthly - Monthly per Hour
data [Required]
A Ladybug data collection object.
Text indicating the operation that should be performed on the input hourly data. Such text must be one of the following:
In the case of the last option, the number will be interpreted as a percentile of the data over the time period. For example, inputting 75 will return the 75th percentile value of each day/month/hour, inputting 0 will give the minimum value of each day/month/hour and inputting 100 will give the max value of each day/month/hour. Default is 'average' if the input data type is not cumulative and 'total' if the data type is cumulative.
Daily data collection derived from the input _data and operation.
Monthly data collection derived from the input _data and operation.
Monthly Per Hour data collection derived from the input _data and operation.
Calculate Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET).
PET uses the Munich Energy Balance Model (MEMI), which is arguably the most detailed 3-node human energy balance model in common use today. It can account for various physiological features of the human subject, including age, sex, height, and body mass, making it one of the only models that is suitable for forecasting the thermal experience of a specific individual. This also makes it one of the better models for estimating core body temperature and whether a given set of conditions is likely to induce hypothermia or hyperthermia in a specific individual.
air_temp [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for air temperature in C.
Data Collection or individual value of mean radiant temperature (MRT) in C. Default is the same as the air_temp.
rel_humid [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for relative humidity in %. Note that percent values are between 0 and 100.
Data Collection or individual value for air speed in m/s. Default is a very low speed of 0.1 m/s, which is typical of the room air speeds induced by HVAC systems.
A value or data collection representing atmospheric pressure [Pa] Default is to use air pressure at sea level (101,325 Pa).
Data Collection or individual value of metabolic rate in met. Note that the original PET model requires that the activity of the human subject be accounted for as additional Watts above the basal metabolism, which is often difficult to estimate. In order to accept an input in [met], it is assumed that 1 met refers to Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and this is 1.17 times the male Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or 1.22 times the female BMR. Default is set to 2.4 met for walking. Typical values include the following.
Data Collection or individual value of clothing insulation in clo. Default is set to 0.7 clo for long sleeve shirt and pants. Typical values include the following.
Optional comfort parameters from the "LB PET Body Parameters" component to specify the body properties of the human subject. This includes the age, height, sex, body mass, and more. The default attempts to model as average of a human body as possible.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) [C]. PET is a "feels like" temperature value and is defined as the operative temperature of a reference environment that would cause the same physiological response in the human subject as the environment under study. That is, the same skin temperature and core body temperature.
The core body temperature of the human subject [C].
The skin temperature of the human subject underneath the clothing layer [C].
Integers noting whether the input conditions result in no thermal stress (aka. they are comfortable. Values are one of the following:
Integers noting the thermal status of a subject. Values are one of the following:
Integers noting the thermal status on a nine-point scale. Values are one of the following:
Integers noting the classification of core body temperature. Values are one of the following:
A Python object containing all inputs and results of the analysis. This can be plugged into components like the "Comfort Statistics" component to get further information.
Calculate Predicted Mean Vote (PMV).
PMV is a thermal comfort model for use on the interior of buildings where a heating or cooling system is operational. For naturally ventilated buildings, the Adaptive thermal comfort model is recommended and, for outdoor conditions, models such as Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) or Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) are recommended.
air_temp [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for air temperature in C.
Data Collection or individual value of mean radiant temperature (MRT) in C. Default is the same as the air_temp.
rel_humid [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for relative humidity in %. Note that percent values are between 0 and 100.
Data Collection or individual value for air speed in m/s. Default is a very low speed of 0.1 m/s, which is typical of the room air speeds induced by HVAC systems.
Data Collection or individual value of metabolic rate in met. Default is set to 1.1 met for seated, typing. Typical values include the following.
Data Collection or individual value of clothing insulation in clo. Default is set to 0.7 clo for long sleeve shirt and pants. Typical values include the following.
Optional comfort parameters from the "LB PMV Comfort Parameters" component to specify the criteria under which conditions are considered acceptable/comfortable. The default will assume a PPD threshold of 10% and no absolute humidity constraints.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Predicted Mean Vote (PMV). PMV is a seven-point scale from cold (-3) to hot (+3) that was used in comfort surveys of P.O. Fanger. Each interger value of the scale indicates the following:
Percentage of People Dissatisfied (PPD). Specifically, this is defined by the percent of people who would have a PMV beyond acceptable thresholds (typically <-0.5 and >+0.5). Note that, with the PMV model, the best possible PPD achievable is 5% and most standards aim to have a PPD below 10%.
Standard Effective Temperature (SET) in Celcius. These temperatures describe what the given input conditions "feel like" in relation to a standard environment of 50% relative humidity, <0.1 m/s average air speed, and mean radiant temperature equal to average air temperature, in which the total heat loss from the skin of an imaginary occupant with an activity level of 1.0 met and a clothing level of 0.6 clo is the same as that from a person in the actual environment.
Integers noting whether the input conditions are acceptable according to the assigned comfort_parameter. Values are one of the following:
Integers noting the thermal status of a subject according to the assigned comfort_parameter. Values are one of the following:
A list of 6 terms for heat loss from the human energy balance calculation that underlies PMV. Valeus are in W. The terms are ordered as follows:
A Python object containing all inputs and results of the analysis. This can be plugged into components like the "Comfort Statistics" component to get further information.
Estimate levels of clothing using a temperature value or data collection of temperatures to which a human subject is adapting (typically the outdoor air temperature).
This resulting clothing values can be plugged into the clothing input of the "LB PMV Comfort" component or the "LB PET Comfort" component. They can also be used in thermal mapping recipes.
By default, this function derives clothing levels using a model developed by Schiavon, Stefano based on outdoor air temperature, which is implemented in the CBE comfort tool (https://comfort.cbe.berkeley.edu/).
The version of the model implemented here allows changing of the maximum and minimum clothing levels, which the Schiavon model sets at 1 and 0.46 respectively, and the temperatures at which these clothing levels occur, which the Schiavon model sets at -5 C and 26 C respectively.
temperature [Required]
A data collection or single number representing the temperature to which the human subject adapts their clothing. This is typically the dry bulb temperature obtained from the "LB Import EPW" component.
If you have hooked up annual temperatures from the importEPW component, use this input to
A number for the maximum clo value that the human subject wears on the coldest days. (Default: 1 clo, per the original Schiavon clothing function).
A number for the temperature below which the max_clo value is applied (in Celsius). (Default: -5 C, per the original Schiavon clothing function with outdoor temperature).
A number for the minimum clo value that the human subject wears wears on the hotest days. (Default: 0.46 clo, per the original Schiavon clothing function).
A number for the temperature above which the min_clo value is applied (in Celsius). (Default: 26 C, per the original Schiavon clothing function).
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A single number or data collection of numbers representing the clothing that would be worn (in clo). Note that, if you have hooked up an hourly continuous data collection, the clothing levels will change on a 12-hour basis to simulate the typical cycle on which a human changes their clothing.
Calculate Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI).
UTCI is a thermal comfort model strictly for the outdoors. It is an international standard for outdoor temperature sensation (aka. "feels-like" temperature) and is one of the most common of such "feels-like" temperatures used by meteorologists. UTCI that attempts to satisfy the following requirements:
Thermo-physiological significance in the whole range of heat exchange conditions. 2) Valid in all climates, seasons, and scales. 3) Useful for key applications in human biometeorology.
While UTCI is designed to be valid in all climates and seasons, it assumes that human subjects are walking (with a metabolic rate around 2.4 met) and that they naturally adapt their clothing with the outdoor temperature. For outdoor situations that do not fit these criteria, the Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) model is recommended.
air_temp [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for air temperature in C.
Data Collection or individual value for mean radiant temperature (MRT) in C. Default is the same as the air_temp.
rel_humid [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for relative humidity in %. Note that percent values are between 0 and 100.
Data Collection or individual value for meteoroligical wind velocity at 10 m above ground level in m/s. Note that this meteorological velocity at 10 m is simply 1.5 times the speed felt at ground level in the original Fiala model used to create the UTCI model. Therefore, multiplying air speed values at the height of the human subject by 1.5 will make them a suitable input for this component. Default is a low speed of 0.5 m/s, which is the lowest input speed that is recommended for the UTCI model.
Optional comfort parameters from the "LB UTCI Comfort Parameters" component to specify the temperatures (in Celcius) that are considered acceptable/comfortable. The default will assume a that the comfort range is between 9C and 26C.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) in Celcius.
Integers noting whether the input conditions result in no thermal stress. Values are one of the following:
Integers noting the thermal status of a subject. Values are one of the following:
Integers noting the category that the UTCI conditions fall under on an 11-point scale. Values are one of the following:
A Python object containing all inputs and results of the analysis. This can be plugged into components like the "Comfort Statistics" component to get further information.
Calculate Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) as a result of outdoor shortwave solar shining directly onto people as well as longwave radiant exchange with the sky.
This component uses the SolarCal model of ASHRAE-55 to estimate the effects of shortwave solar and a simple sky exposure method to determine longwave radiant exchange.
location [Required]
A Ladybug Location object, used to determine the altitude and azimuth of the sun.
longwave_mrt [Required]
A single number or an hourly data collection with the long-wave mean radiant temperature around the person in degrees C. This includes the temperature of the ground and any other surfaces between the person and their view to the sky. Typically, indoor air temperature is used when such surface temperatures are unknown.
dir_norm_rad [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with the direct normal solar irradiance in W/m2.
diff_horiz_rad [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with diffuse horizontal solar irradiance in W/m2.
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection for the fraction of the body exposed to direct sunlight. The "LB Human to Sky Relationship" component can be used to estimate this input for a given set of context geometry and position of the human. Note that this parameter does NOT include the body’s self-shading. It only includes the shading from furniture and surroundings. (Default: 1 for an area surrounded by glass).
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection representing the fraction of the sky vault in the human subject’s view. The "LB Human to Sky Relationship" component can be used to estimate this input for a given set of context geometry and position of the human. (Default: 0.5 for a person next to an all glass facade).
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection that represents the reflectance of the floor. Default is for 0.25 which is characteristic of concrete.
A Data Collection or number between 0 and 1 that represents the broadband solar transmittance of the window through which the sun is coming. Such values tend to be slightly less than the SHGC. Values might be as low as 0.2 and could be as high as 0.85 for a single pane of glass. Default is 0.4 assuming a double pane window with a relatively mild low-e coating.
Optional solar body parameters from the "LB Solar Body Parameters" object to specify the properties of the human geometry assumed in the shortwave MRT calculation. The default assumes average skin/clothing absorptivity and a human subject always has their back to the sun at a 45-degree angle (SHARP = 135).
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Data collection of effective radiant field (ERF) in W/m2.
Data collection of mean radiant temperature delta in C.
Data collection of mean radiant temperature in C.
Calculate the percentage of people dissatisfied from cold drafts at ankle-level.
The original tests used to create the model involved blowing cold air on subject's ankles at a height of 10 cm off of the ground. The formula was officially incorporated in the ASHRAE 55 standard in 2020 with a recommendation that PPD from ankle draft not exceed 20%.
For more information on the methods used to create this model see the following: Liu, S., S. Schiavon, A. Kabanshi, W. Nazaroff. 2016. "Predicted percentage of dissatisfied with ankle draft." Accepted Author Manuscript. Indoor Environmental Quality. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/9076254n
full_body_pmv [Required]
The full-body predicted mean vote (PMV) of the subject. Ankle draft depends on full-body PMV because subjects are more likely to feel uncomfortably cold at their extremities when their whole body is already feeling colder than neutral. The "LB PMV Comfort" component can be used to obatin this input here.
draft_velocity [Required]
The velocity of the draft in m/s at ankle level (10cm above the floor).
The percentage of people dissatisfied (PPD) from cold drafts at ankle level.
Calculate Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) as a result of outdoor shortwave solar shining directly onto people as well as longwave radiant exchange with the sky.
This component uses the SolarCal model of ASHRAE-55 to estimate the effects of shortwave solar and a simple sky exposure method to determine longwave radiant exchange.
location [Required]
A Ladybug Location object, used to determine the altitude and azimuth of the sun.
surface_temp [Required]
A single number or an hourly data collection with the temperature of surfaces around the person in degrees C. This includes the ground and any other surfaces blocking the view to the sky. Typically, outdoor dry bulb temperature is used when such surface temperatures are unknown.
dir_norm_rad [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with the direct normal solar irradiance in W/m2.
diff_horiz_rad [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with diffuse horizontal solar irradiance in W/m2.
horiz_infrared [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with the horizontal infrared radiation intensity from the sky in W/m2.
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection for the fraction of the body exposed to direct sunlight. The "LB Human to Sky Relationship" component can be used to estimate this input for a given set of context geometry and position of the human. Note that this parameter does NOT include the body’s self-shading. It only includes the shading from furniture and surroundings. (Default: 1 for an open area).
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection representing the fraction of the sky vault in the human subject’s view. The "LB Human to Sky Relationship" component can be used to estimate this input for a given set of context geometry and position of the human. (Default: 1 for a person standing in an open area).
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection that represents the reflectance of the floor. Default is for 0.25 which is characteristic of outdoor grass or dry bare soil.
Optional solar body parameters from the "LB Solar Body Parameters" object to specify the properties of the human geometry assumed in the shortwave MRT calculation. The default assumes average skin/clothing absorptivity and a human subject always has their back to the sun at a 45-degree angle (SHARP = 135).
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Data collection of shortwave effective radiant field (ERF) in W/m2.
Data collection of longwave effective radiant field (ERF) in W/m2.
Data collection of shortwave mean radiant temperature delta in C.
Data collection of longwave mean radiant temperature delta in C.
Data collection of mean radiant temperature in C. This accounts for both the shortwave solar shining directly onto people as well as longwave radiant exchange with the sky.
Get the hours, days, or months of the year associated with the values of a data collection.
data [Required]
An hourly, daily, or monthly collection from which hours, days, or months of the year will be retrieved.
Numbers for the, hours, days or months of the year in the data collection.
Get statitics of thermal comfort from a Ladybug Comfort Object.
comf_obj [Required]
A Ladybug ComfortCollection object from any of the comfort model components.
The percent of time that conditions are hotter than acceptable limits.
The percent of time that conditions are within acceptable limits (aka. the percent of time comfortable).
The percent of time that conditions are colder than acceptable limits.
Convert a hourly Ladybug data collection to a continuous collection at a specific timestep.
This will be done either through linear interpolation or by culling out values that do not fit the timestep. It can also be used to convert a discontinous data collection to a continuous one by linearly interpolating over holes in the data set.
data [Required]
A Ladybug Hourly DataCollection object. This can be either continuous or discontinuous.
The timestep to which the data will be converted. If this is higher than the input _data timestep, values will be linerarly interpolated to the new timestep. If it is lower, values that do not fit the timestep will be removed from the DataCollection. (Defaut: 1)
A Continuous DataCollection at the input timestep.
Deconstruct a Ladybug Header into its components.
header [Required]
The header of the DataCollection (containing metadata).
Type of data (e.g. Temperature) (Default: unknown).
Units of the data_type (e.g. C) (Default: unknown)
A Ladybug AnalysisPeriod object.
Optional metadata associated with the Header.
Perform a "mass" arithmetic operation between Data Collections. For example, adding a list of Data Collections into one Data Collection.
Note that Data Collections must be aligned in order for this component to run successfully.
Using this component will often be much faster and more elegant compared to deconstructing the data collection, performing the operation with native Grasshopper components, and rebuilding the collection.
data [Required]
A list of Data Collections to be used in the arithmetic operation.
Text for the operator to use between the Data Collections. Valid examples include (+, -, *, /). By default this is + for addition.
Optional text for a new "type" key in the Data Collection's metadata. This will usually show up in most Ladybug visualiztions and it should usually change for most types of operations.
A Ladybug data collection object derived from the operation between the two data inputs.
Calculate humidity metrics from relative humidity, dry bulb temperature and (if present) atmospheric pressure.
dry_bulb [Required]
A value or data collection representing dry bulb temperature [C]
rel_humid [Required]
A value or data collection representing relative humidity [%]
A value or data collection representing atmospheric pressure [Pa] Default is to use air pressure at sea level (101,325 Pa).
A data collection or value for humidity ratio (aka. absolute humidity). Units are fractional (kg water / kg air).
A data collection or value for enthalpy (kJ / Kg).
A data collection or value for wet bulb temperature (C).
A data collection or value for dew point temperature (C).
Calculate date information from an hour of the year.
Date information includes the month of the year, day of the month and the hour + minute of the day.
hoy [Required]
A number between 0 and 8759 for an hour of the year.
The month of the year on which the input hoy falls.
The day of the month on which the input hoy falls.
The hour of the day on which the input hoy falls.
The minute of the hour on which the input hoy falls.
The input information as a human-readable date time.
Compute the hourly solar irradiance or illuminance falling on an unobstructed surface that faces any direction.
The calculation method of this component is faster than running "LB Incident Radiation" studies on an hour-by-hour basis and it is slighty more realistic since it accounts for ground reflection. However, this comes at the cost of not being able to account for any obstructions that block the sun.
location [Required]
A Ladybug Location object, used to determine the altitude and azimuth of the sun at each hour.
direct_norm [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with the direct normal solar irradiance in W/m2 or Illuminance in lux.
diffuse_horiz [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with diffuse horizontal solar irradiance in W/m2 or Illuminance in lux.
A number between 0 and 360 that represents the azimuth at which irradiance is being evaluated in degrees. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, and 270 = West. (Default: 180).
A number between -90 and 90 that represents the altitude at which irradiance is being evaluated in degrees. A value of 0 means the surface is facing the horizon and a value of 90 means a surface is facing straight up. (Default: 0).
A number between 0 and 1 that represents the reflectance of the ground. (Default: 0.2). Some common ground reflectances are:
A boolean value that sets whether an anisotropic sky is used (as opposed to an isotropic sky). An isotrophic sky assumes an even distribution of diffuse irradiance across the sky while an anisotropic sky places more diffuse irradiance near the solar disc. (Default: False).
A data collection of total solar irradiance or illuminance in the direction of the srf_azimuth and srf_altitude.
A data collection of direct solar irradiance or illuminance in the direction of the srf_azimuth and srf_altitude.
A data collection of diffuse sky solar irradiance or illuminance in the direction of the srf_azimuth and srf_altitude.
A data collection of ground reflected solar irradiance or illuminance in the direction of the srf_azimuth and srf_altitude.
Calculate relative humidity from Dry Bulb Temperature and Dew Point Temperature.
dry_bulb [Required]
A value or data collection representing dry bulb temperature [C]
dew_point [Required]
A value or data collection representing dew point temperature [C]
A data collection or value indicating the relative humidity [%]
Calculate the percentage of people dissatisfied from radiant asymmetry.
The comfort functions used here come from Figure of ASHRAE 55 2010. Note that, if the resulting input results in a PPD beyond what is included in this Figure, the maximum PPD will simply be returned.
radiant_diff [Required]
A number for the the radiant temperature difference between two sides of the same plane where an occupant is located [C]. This can also be a data collection representing the radiant temperature difference over time [C].
asymmetry_type [Required]
Text or an integer that representing the type of radiant asymmetry being evaluated. Occupants are more sensitive to warm ceilings and cool walls than cool ceilings and warm walls. Choose from the following options.
The percentage of people dissatisfied (PPD) for the input radiant asymmetry.
Create a chart in the Rhino scene with data organized by month.
Data will display as a bar chart if the input data is monthly or daily. If the data is hourly or sub-hourly, it will be plotted with lines and/or a colored mesh that shows the range of the data within specific percentiles.
data [Required]
Data collections (eg. HourlyCollection, MonthlyCollection, or DailyCollection), which will be used to generate the monthly chart.
An optional Point3D to be used as a starting point to generate the geometry of the chart (Default: (0, 0, 0)).
An optional number to set the X dimension of each month of the chart. (Default: 10 meters).
An optional number to set the Y dimension of the entire chart (Default: 40 meters).
Boolean to note whether multiple connected monthly or daily input _data with the same units should be stacked on top of each other. Otherwise, all bars for monthly/daily data will be placed next to each other. (Default: False).
An optional number between 0 and 50 to be used for the percentile difference from the mean that hourly data meshes display at. For example, using 34 will generate hourly data meshes with a range of one standard deviation from the mean. Note that this input only has significance when the input data collections are hourly. (Default: 34)
Boolean to note whether the month labels should be replaced with marks for the time of day in each month. This is useful for displaying hourly data, particularly when the input data is only for a month and not the whole year.
A text string to label the entire entire chart. It will be displayed in the lower left of the output chart. The default will display the metadata of the input _data.
A text string to label the Y-axis of the chart. This can also be a list of 2 Y-axis titles if there are two different types of data connected to _data and there are two axes labels on either side of the chart. The default will display the data type and units of the first (and possibly the second) data collection connected to _data.
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the chart (Default: None).
A list of colored meshes that represent the different input data. These meshes will resemble a bar chart in the case of monthly or daily data and will resemble a band between two ranges for hourly and sub-hourly data. Multiple lists of meshes will be output for several input data streams.
A list of polylines that represent the input data. These will represent the average or total at each hour whenever the input data is hourly or monthly-per-hour data.
A list of colored polylines that represent the input data. These will only be output when the input data are monthly per hour.
Geometry representing the legend for the chart, noting which colors correspond to which input data.
A list of lines and polylines representing the axes and intervals of the chart.
A list of text objects that label the borders with month name and the intervals of the Y-axis.
A text oject for the Y-axis title.
A text object for the global_title.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Monthly Chart in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Monthly Chart in Rhino.
Draw a psychrometric chart in the Rhino scene and plot a set of temperatures and humidity values on it.
Connected data can be either outdoor temperature and humidty from imported EPW weather data or indoor temperature and humidity ratios from an energy simulation.
temperature [Required]
A hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection of temperature values or a single temperature value in Celcius to be used for the whole analysis. If this input data collection is in in Farenheit, the entire chart will be drawn using IP units. Operative temperature should be used if it is available. Otherwise, air temperature (aka. dry bulb temperature) is suitable.
rel_humidity [Required]
A hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection of relative humidity values in % or a single relative humidity value to be used for the whole analysis. Note that the input data collection here must align with the _temperature input.
A data collection of atmospheric pressure in Pascals or a single number for the average air pressure across the data plotted on the chart. It is recommended that the barometric pressure from the "Import EPW" component be used here as the default is not sutiable for higher elevations. (Default: 101325 Pa; pressure at sea level).
A point to be used as the bottom-left-most point from which all geometry of the plot will be generated. (Default: (0, 0, 0)).
A number to set the dimensions of the chart. (Default: 1).
An optional domain (or number for the upper temperature), which will be used to set the lower and upper boundaries of temperature on the psychrometric chart. (Default: -20 to 55 when the chart is in SI; -5 to 115 when the chart is in IP).
Boolean to note whether the psychrometric chart should be ploted with lines of constant enthalpy (False) or lines of constant wet bulb temperature (True). (Default: False).
An optional LegendParameter object from the "LB Legend Parameters" component to change the display of the Pyschrometric Chart.
Optional data collections, which are aligned with the input _temperature and rel_humidity, which will be output from the data of this component and can be used to color points with data. This data can also be used along with the statement below to select out data that meets certain conditions.
A conditional statement as a string (e.g. a > 25). The variable of the first data collection should always be named 'a' (without quotations), the variable of the second list should be named 'b', and so on. For example, if three data collections are connected to _data and the following statement is applied: '18 < a < 26 and b < 80 and c > 2' The resulting collections will only include values where the first data collection is between 18 and 26, the second collection is less than 80 and the third collection is greater than 2. For this component, temperature will always be the second-to-last letter and relative humidity will be the last letter.
A Ladybug analysis period to be applied to the _temperature and rel_humidity of the input data.
Text objects for the chart title and axes titles as well as a polyline for the outer border of the chart. Note that the polyline for the border excludes the saturation line.
A list of line segments and text objects for the temperature labels on the chart.
A list of curves and text objects for the relative humidity labels on the chart.
A list of line segments and text objects for the humidty ratio labels on the chart.
A list of line segments and text objects for the enthalpy or wet bulb temperature labels on the chart.
A colored mesh showing the number of input hours that happen in each part of the psychrometric chart.
A colored legend showing the number of hours that correspond to each color.
Points representing each of the input temperature and humidity values. By default, this ouput is hidden and it should be connected it to a native Grasshopper preview component to view it.
The input data_ with the input statements or the periods applied to it. These can be deconstructed with the "LB Deconstruct Data" component and the resulting values can be plugged into the "LB Create Legend" component to generate colors that can be used to color the points above using the native Grasshopper "Custom Preview" component.
A Psychrometric Chart object, which can be connected to any of the "Comfort Polygon" components in order to plot polygons on the chart and perform thermal comfort analyses on the data.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Psychrometric Chart in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Psychrometric Chart in Rhino.
Calculate Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) as a result of shortwave solar using horizontal solar components (direct horizontal and diffuse horizontal solar).
This component uses the SolarCal model of ASHRAE-55 to estimate the effects of shortwave solar and a simple sky exposure method to determine longwave radiant exchange.
location [Required]
A Ladybug Location object.
longwave_mrt [Required]
A single number or an hourly data collection with the long-wave mean radiant temperature around the person in degrees C. This includes the temperature of the ground and any other surfaces between the person and their view to the sky. Typically, air temperature is used when such surface temperatures are unknown.
dir_horiz_rad [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with the direct horizontal solar irradiance in W/m2.
diff_horiz_rad [Required]
Hourly Data Collection with diffuse horizontal solar irradiance in W/m2.
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection representing the fraction of the body exposed to direct sunlight. Note that this does not include the body’s self-shading; only the shading from surroundings. Default is 1 for a person standing in an open area.
A single number between 0 and 1 or a data collection that represents the reflectance of the floor. Default is for 0.25 which is characteristic of outdoor grass or dry bare soil.
Optional solar body parameters from the "LB Solar Body Parameters" object to specify the properties of the human geometry assumed in the shortwave MRT calculation. The default assumes average skin/clothing absorptivity and a human subject always has their back to the sun at a 45-degree angle (SHARP = 135).
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Data collection of effective radiant field (ERF) in W/m2.
Data collection of mean radiant temperature delta in C.
Data collection of mean radiant temperature in C.
Create a colored plot of any hourly data collection.
data [Required]
A HourlyContinuousCollection or HourlyDiscontinuousCollection which will be used to generate the hourly plot.
An optional Point3D to be used as a starting point to generate the geometry of the plot (Default: (0, 0, 0)).
A number to set the X dimension of the mesh cells (Default: 1 meters).
A number to set the Y dimension of the mesh cells (Default: 4 meters).
A number to set the Z dimension of the entire chart. This will be used to make the colored_mesh3d of the chart vary in the Z dimension according to the data. The value input here should usually be several times larger than the x_dim or y_dim in order to be noticable (e.g. 100). If 0, the colored_mesh3d will simply be flat. (Default: 0).
Boolean to note whether the Y-axis of the chart is reversed If True, time over the course of the day will flow from the top of the chart to the bottom instead of the bottom to the top.
Boolean to note whether the hour labels on the Y-Axis of the chart should be in 24-hour clock format (eg. 18:00) or they should be in 12-hour clock format (eg. 6PM).
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the HourlyPlot. This can also be a list of legend parameters to be applied to the different connected _data.
A conditional statement as a string (e.g. a > 25). The variable of the first data collection should always be named 'a' (without quotations), the variable of the second list should be named 'b', and so on. For example, if three data collections are connected to _data and the following statement is applied: '18 < a < 26 and b < 80 and c > 2' The resulting collections will only include values where the first data collection is between 18 and 26, the second collection is less than 80 and the third collection is greater than 2.
A Ladybug analysis period to be applied to all of the input _data.
A colored mesh derived from the input _data. Multiple meshes will be output for several data collections are input.
Geometry representing the legend for each mesh.
A list of lines and polylines representing different time intervals of the plot.
A list of text objects that label the borders with the time intervals that they demarcate.
A text object for the global_title.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Hourly Plot in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Hourly Plot in Rhino.
Draw an adaptive comfort chart in the Rhino scene and plot a set of prevailing and indoor operative temperature values on it.
Connected data can include outdoor temperatures from imported EPW weather data as well as indoor temperatures from an energy simulation.
out_temp [Required]
Outdoor temperatures in one of the following formats:
air_temp [Required]
A hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection of temperature values for indoor air temperature (or operative temperature). If this input data collection is in in Farenheit, the entire chart will be drawn using IP units.
A hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection for mean radiant temperature (MRT) in C. Default is the same as the air_temp, effectively interpreting the _air_temp as operative tempreature.
A number for the air speed values in m/s. Note that higher air speeds in the adaptive model only widen the upper boundary of the comfort range at temperatures above 24 C and will not affect the lower temperature of the comfort range. Default is a very low speed of 0.1 m/s.
Optional comfort parameters from the "LB Adaptive Comfort Parameters" component to specify the criteria under which conditions are considered acceptable/comfortable. The default will use ASHRAE-55 adaptive comfort criteria.
A point to be used as the bottom-left-most point from which all geometry of the plot will be generated. (Default: (0, 0, 0)).
A number to set the dimensions of the chart. (Default: 1).
An optional domain (or number for the upper temperature), which will be used to set the lower and upper boundaries of prevailing outdoor temperature on the chart. These should be in Celsius if the chart is plotted in Celsius and and Fahrenheit if it is in Fahrenheit. The default is 10C to 33C when ASHRAE-55 is used and 10C to 30C when the EN standard is used. This translates to 50F to 92F for ASHRAE-55 and 50F to 86F for the EN standard.
An optional domain (or number for the upper temperature), which will be used to set the lower and upper boundaries of indoor operative temperature on the chart. These should be in Celsius if the chart is plotted in Celsius and and Fahrenheit if it is in Fahrenheit. The default is 14C to 40C, which translates to 58F to 104F.
An optional LegendParameter object from the "LB Legend Parameters" component to change the display of the Adaptive Chart.
Optional data collections, which are aligned with the input air_temp, which will be output from the data of this component and can be used to color points with data. This data can also be used along with the statement below to select out data that meets certain conditions.
A conditional statement as a string (e.g. a > 25). The variable of the first data collection should always be named 'a' (without quotations), the variable of the second list should be named 'b', and so on. For example, if three data collections are connected to _data and the following statement is applied: '10 < a < 30 and b < 33 and c > 2' The resulting collections will only include values where the first data collection is between 10 and 30, the second collection is less than 33 and the third collection is greater than 2. For this component, the input indoor air temperature will always be the last (or seconf-to-last) letter and this will be followed by the input mrt (if it is present).
A Ladybug analysis period to be applied to the _out_temp and air_temp of the input data.
The percent of the data on the adaptive chart that is inside the comfort polygon.
Data collection or a 0/1 value noting whether each of the data points on the chart lies inside of the comfort polygon. This can be connected to the "LB Create Legend" component to generate a list of colors that can be used to color the points output from "LB Adaptive Chart" component to see exactly which points are comfortable and which are not. Values are one of the following: 0 = uncomfortable 1 = comfortable
Data collection of integers noting the thermal status of the human subject according to the assigned comfort parameters. This can be connected to the "LB Create Legend" component to generate a list of colors that can be used to color the points output from "LB Adaptive Chart" component to see exactly which points are hot, cold, and neutral. Values are one of the following:
Brep representing the range of comfort for the input parameters.
Text objects for the chart title and axes titles as well as a polyline for the outer border of the chart.
A list of line segments and text objects for the outdoor prevailing temperature labels on the chart.
A list of line segments and text objects for the indoor operative temperature labels on the chart.
A colored mesh showing the number of input hours that happen in each part of the adaptive chart.
A colored legend showing the number of hours that correspond to each color.
Points representing each of the input prevailing and operative temperature values. By default, this ouput is hidden and it should be connected it to a native Grasshopper preview component to view it.
The input data_ with the input statements or the periods applied to it. These can be deconstructed with the "LB Deconstruct Data" component and the resulting values can be plugged into the "LB Create Legend" component to generate colors that can be used to color the points above using the native Grasshopper "Custom Preview" component.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Adaptive Chart in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Adaptive Chart in Rhino.
Calculate thermal indices that have historically been used by meteorologists. All of them are "feels like" temperatures that attempt to account for factors beyond sir temperature. These include the following:
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) * Heat Index (HI) * Wind Chill Temperature (WCT)
Most of these indices have fallen out of use in favor of Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). However, they are still used in some regions and are a part of older codes and standards.
air_temp [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for air temperature in C. This input is used by all three metrics.
Data Collection or individual value for mean radiant temperature (MRT) in C. Default is the same as the air_temp. This input only affects the WBGT.
rel_humid [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for relative humidity in %. Note that percent values are between 0 and 100. This input affects WBGT as well as HI.
wind_vel [Required]
Data Collection or individual value for meteoroligical wind velocity at 10 m above ground level in m/s. This is used by both WBGT and WCT.
A data collection or value for Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) [C]. WBGT is a type of feels-like temperature that is widely used as a heat stress index (ISO 7243). It is incorporates the effect of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and mean radiant temperature (optionally including the effect of sun).
A data collection or value for Heat Index (HI) temperature [C]. Heat index is derived from original work carried out by Robert G. Steadman, which defined heat index through large tables of empirical data. The formula here approximates the heat index to within +/- 0.7C and is the result of a multivariate fit. Heat index was adopted by the US's National Weather Service (NWS) in 1979.
A data collection or value for Wind Cill Temperature (WCT) [C]. Wind Chill Index is derived from original work carried out by Gregorczuk. It qualifies thermal sensations of a person in wintertime. It is especially useful at low and very low air temperature and at high wind speed.
Draw thermal comfort polygons on a Psychrometric Chart using the PMV model for indoor thermal comfort.
This component can also plot passive strategy polygons on the psychrometric chart and can compute the number of hours that lie inside each of the comfort / strategy polygons.
psych_chart [Required]
A hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection of temperature values or a single temperature value in Celcius to be used for the whole analysis. If this input data collection is in in Farenheit, the entire chart will be drawn using IP units. Operative temperature should be used if it is available. Otherwise, air temperature (aka. dry bulb temperature) is suitable.
A number or list of numbers for the mean radiant temperature. These should be in Celsius if the Psychrometric Chart is in SI and Farenheit if the Psychrometric Chart is in IP. If None, a polygon for operative temperature will be plot, assuming that radiant temperature and air temperature are the same. (Default: None).
A number or list of numbers for the air speed values in m/s. If None, a low air speed of 0.1 m/s wil be used for all polygons. (Default: None).
A number or list of numbers for the metabolic rate in met. If None, a met rate of 1.1 met will be used for all polygons, indicating a human subject who is seated, typing. (Default: None).
A number or list of numbers for the clothing level in clo. If None, a clo level of 0.7 clo will be used for all polygons, indicating a human subject with a long sleeve shirt and pants. (Default: None).
Optional PMVParameter object to specify parameters under which conditions are considered acceptable. If None, default will assume a PPD threshold of 10%, no absolute humidity constraints and a still air threshold of 0.1 m/s.
Boolean to note whether all comfort polygons should be merged into a single polygon instead of separate polygons for each set of input conditions. (Default: False).
An optional text input of passive strategies to be plot on the psychrometric chart as polygons. It is recommended that the "LB Passive Strategy" component be used to select which polygons to plot.
Optional passive strategy parameters from the "LB Passive Strategy Parameters" component. This can be used to adjust various inputs used to generate strategy polygons including the maximum comfortable air speed, the building balance temperature, and the temperature limits for thermal mass and night flushing.
An annual hourly continuous data collection of irradiance (or radiation) in W/m2 (or Wh/m2) that aligns with the data points on the psychrometric chart. This is only required when plotting a "Passive Solar Heating" strategy polygon on the chart. The irradiance values should be incident on the orientation of the passive solar heated windows. So using global horizontal radiation assumes that all windows are skylights (like a greenhouse). The "LB Directional Irradiance" component can be used to get irradiance data for a specific surface orientation.
The percent of the data on the psychrometric chart that are inside all comfort and passive strategy polygons.
Data collection or a 0/1 value noting whether each of the data points on the psychrometric chart lies inside of a comfort polygon or a strategy polygon. This can be connected to the "LB Create Legend" component to generate a list of colors that can be used to color the points output from "LB Psychrometric Chart" component to see exactly which points are comfortable and which are not. Values are one of the following: 0 = uncomfortable 1 = comfortable
A list of names for each of the polygons. This will include both the comfort polygons and the passive strategy polygons. The order of these names correspondsto the total_strategies and strategies_data outputs.
The percent of the input data that are in each of the comfort or passive strategy polygons. Each number here corresponds to the names in the polygon_names output above.
A list of data collections or 0/1 values indicating whether each of the data points on the psychrometric chart lies inside each of the comfort or a strategy polygons. Each data collection or here corresponds to the names in the polygon_names output above. Values are one of the following: 0 = uncomfortable 1 = comfortable
Brep representing the range of comfort for the input mrt, air speed, metabolic rate and clothing level. If multiple values have been input, multiple polygons will be output here.
Brep representing the area of the chart made comfortable by any input passive strategies. If multiple strategies have been input to the strategies_ input, multiple polygons will be output here.
Get a matrix containing radiation values from each patch of a sky dome.
Creating this matrix is a necessary pre-step before doing incident radiation analysis with Rhino geometry or generating a radiation rose.
This component uses Radiance's gendaymtx function to calculate the radiation for each patch of the sky. Gendaymtx is written by Ian Ashdown and Greg Ward. Morere information can be found in Radiance manual at: http://www.radiance-online.org/learning/documentation/manual-pages/pdfs/gendaymtx.pdf
A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0)
location [Required]
A ladybug Location that has been output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Construct Location" component.
direct_rad [Required]
An annual hourly DataCollection of Direct Normal Radiation such as that which is output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Import STAT" component.
diffuse_rad [Required]
An annual hourly DataCollection of Diffuse Horizontal Radiation such as that which is output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Import STAT" component.
A number or list of numbers between 0 and 8760 that respresent the hour(s) of the year for which to generate the sky matrix. The "LB Calculate HOY" component can output this number given a month, day and hour. The "LB Analysis Period" component can output a list of HOYs within a certain hour or date range. By default, the matrix will be for the entire year.
A Boolean to indicate whether the higher-density Reinhart sky matrix should be generated (True), which has roughly 4 times the sky patches as the (default) original Tregenza sky (False). Note that, while the Reinhart sky has a higher resolution and is more accurate, it will result in considerably longer calculation time for incident radiation studies. The difference in sky resolution can be observed with the "LB Sky Dome" component. (Default: False).
A number between 0 and 1 to note the average ground reflectance that is associated with the sky matrix. (Default: 0.2).
The folder in which the Radiance commands are executed to produce the sky matrix. If None, it will be written to Ladybug's default EPW folder.
A sky matrix object containing the radiation coming from each patch of the sky. This can be used for a radiation study, a radition rose, or a sky dome visualization. It can also be deconstructed into its individual values with the "LB Deconstruct Matrix" component.
Draw thermal comfort polygons on a Psychrometric Chart using the UTCI outdoor thermal comfort model.
psych_chart [Required]
A hourly, daily, or sub-hourly data collection of temperature values or a single temperature value in Celcius to be used for the whole analysis. If this input data collection is in in Farenheit, the entire chart will be drawn using IP units. Operative temperature should be used if it is available. Otherwise, air temperature (aka. dry bulb temperature) is suitable.
A number or list of numbers for the mean radiant temperature. These should be in Celsius if the Psychrometric Chart is in SI and Farenheit if the Psychrometric Chart is in IP. If None, a polygon for operative temperature will be plot, assuming that radiant temperature and air temperature are the same. (Default: None).
A number or list of numbers for for the meteorological wind speed values in m/s (measured 10 m above the ground). If None, this will default to a low wind speed of 0.5 m/s, which is the lowest input speed that is recommended for the UTCI model.
Optional UTCIParameter object to specify parameters under which conditions are considered acceptable. If None, default will assume comfort thresholds consistent with those used by meteorologists to categorize outdoor conditions.
Boolean to note whether all comfort polygons should be merged into a single polygon instead of separate polygons for each set of input conditions. (Default: False).
Boolean to note whether polygons for heat/cold stress should be plotted in the output. This will include 3 polygons on either side of the comfort polygon(s) for...
The percent of the data on the psychrometric chart that are inside all comfort polygons.
Data collection or a 0/1 value noting whether each of the data points on the psychrometric chart lies inside of a comfort polygon. This can be connected to the "LB Create Legend" component to generate a list of colors that can be used to color the points output from "LB Psychrometric Chart" component to see exactly which points are comfortable and which are not. Values are one of the following: 0 = uncomfortable 1 = comfortable
A list of Breps representing the range of comfort (or heat/cold stress) for the input mrt and air speed.
A list of names for each of the polygons which correspond with the polygons output above. This will include both the comfort polygons and the cold/heat stress polygons.
A list of data collections or 0/1 values indicating whether each of the data points on the psychrometric chart lies inside each of the comfort polygons. Each data collection or here corresponds to the names in the polygon_names output above. Values are one of the following: 0 = outside 1 = inside
Get a matrix representing the benefit/harm of radiation based on temperature data.
When this sky matrix is used in radiation studies or to produce radiation graphics, positive values represent helpful wintertime sun energy that can offset heating loads during cold temperatures while negative values represent harmful summertime sun energy that can increase cooling loads during hot temperatures.
Radiation benefit skies are particularly helpful for evaluating building massing and facade designs in terms of passive solar heat gain vs. cooling energy increase.
This component uses Radiance's gendaymtx function to calculate the radiation for each patch of the sky. Gendaymtx is written by Ian Ashdown and Greg Ward. Morere information can be found in Radiance manual at: http://www.radiance-online.org/learning/documentation/manual-pages/pdfs/gendaymtx.pdf
A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0)
location [Required]
A ladybug Location that has been output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Construct Location" component.
temperature [Required]
An annual hourly DataCollection of temperature, which will be used to establish whether radiation is desired or not for each time step.
The temperature in Celsius between which radiation switches from being a benefit to a harm. Typical residential buildings have balance temperatures as high as 18C and commercial buildings tend to have lower values around 12C. (Default 15C).
The temperature offset from the balance temperature in Celsius where radiation is neither harmful nor helpful. (Default: 2).
direct_rad [Required]
An annual hourly DataCollection of Direct Normal Radiation such as that which is output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Import STAT" component.
diffuse_rad [Required]
An annual hourly DataCollection of Diffuse Horizontal Radiation such as that which is output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Import STAT" component.
A number or list of numbers between 0 and 8760 that respresent the hour(s) of the year for which to generate the sky matrix. The "LB Calculate HOY" component can output this number given a month, day and hour. The "LB Analysis Period" component can output a list of HOYs within a certain hour or date range. By default, the matrix will be for the entire year.
A Boolean to indicate whether the higher-density Reinhart sky matrix should be generated (True), which has roughly 4 times the sky patches as the (default) original Tregenza sky (False). Note that, while the Reinhart sky has a higher resolution and is more accurate, it will result in considerably longer calculation time for incident radiation studies. The difference in sky resolution can be observed with the "LB Sky Dome" component. (Default: False).
A number between 0 and 1 to note the average ground reflectance that is associated with the sky matrix. (Default: 0.2).
The folder in which the Radiance commands are executed to produce the sky matrix. If None, it will be written to Ladybug's default EPW folder.
A sky matrix object containing the radiation benefit/harm coming from each patch of the sky. This can be used for a radiation study, a radition rose, or a sky dome visualization. It can also be deconstructed into its individual values with the "LB Deconstruct Matrix" component.
Output a Sunpath (aka. sun plot) graphic into the Rhino scene.
The component also outputs sun vectors that can be used for solar access analysis and shading design.
A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0)
location [Required]
A ladybug Location that has been output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Construct Location" component.
A number or list of numbers between 0 and 8760 that represent the hour of the year at which to evaluate the sun position. The "LB Calculate HOY" component can output this number given a month, day and hour. The "LB Analysis Period" component can output a list of HOYs within a certain hour or date range.
An optional analysis period for daylight saving time. If None, no daylight saving time will be used. (Default: None)
A boolean to indicate if the input hours should be treated as solar time instead of standard or daylight time. (Default: False)
A point for the center of the sun path. (Default: (0, 0, 0))
A number to set the scale of the sun path. The default is 1, which corresponds to a radius of 100 meters in the current Rhino model's unit system.
Optional text for the name of a projection to use from the sky dome hemisphere to the 2D plane. If None, a 3D sun path will be drawn instead of a 2D one. (Default: None) Choose from the following:
Boolean to note whether the sunpath should display only one daily arc for each unique day in the input hoys_ (True) or whether the output sun path geometry should be for the entire year, complete with analemmas for all sun-up hours and a daily arc for each month (False). (Default: False)
Optional HourlyContinuousCollection objects, which will be used to generate colors that align with each of the sun_pts. This data can also be used along with the statement_ below to select out sun positions that meet certain conditions.
A conditional statement as a string (e.g. a > 25). The variable of the first data collection should always be named 'a' (without quotations), the variable of the second list should be named 'b', and so on. For example, if three data collections are connected to _data and the following statement is applied: '18 < a < 26 and b < 80 and c > 2' The resulting collections will only include values where the first data collection is between 18 and 26, the second collection is less than 80 and the third collection is greater than 2.
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the data on the sun path. This can also be a list of legend parameters to be applied to the different connected data_.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Vector(s) indicating the direction of sunlight for each sun position on the sun path. Note that these vectors point downwards towards the ground.
Number(s) indicating the sun altitude(s) in degrees for each sun position on the sun path.
Number(s) indicating the sun azimuths in degrees for each sun position on the sun path.
The hour of the year for each sun positions on the sun path.
Point(s) representing the location of the sun on the sunpath.
A set of curves that mark the hourly positions of the sun throughout the different months of the year.
A set of arcs that mark the path of the sun across the sky dome over the course of a day.
A set of circles, lines and text objects that mark the cardinal directions in relation to the sun path.
Geometry representing the legend for the input data_. Will be None if no _data is connected.
A text object for the title of the sunpath.
A list of points colored with the input data_, which will display in the Rhino scene in accordance with the legend. Note that the text representation of these objects bears the RGB color of each point. So casting this output to text and then to a color will yeild color objects that can be used for previewing other types of geometry with the input data_. Will be None if no _data is connected.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Sunpath in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Sunpath in Rhino.
Visualize a sky matrix from the "LB Cumulative Sky Matrix" component as a colored dome, subdivided into patches with a radiation value for each patch.
sky_mtx [Required]
A Sky Matrix from the "LB Cumulative Sky Matrix" component or the "LB Benefit Sky Matrix" component, which describes the radiation coming from the various patches of the sky.
A point for the center of the dome. (Default: (0, 0, 0))
A number to set the scale of the sky dome. The default is 1, which corresponds to a radius of 100 meters in the current Rhino model's unit system.
Optional text for the name of a projection to use from the sky dome hemisphere to the 2D plane. If None, a 3D sky dome will be drawn instead of a 2D one. (Default: None) Choose from the following:
Boolean to note whether the sky dome should be plotted with units of cumulative Radiation (kWh/m2) [False] or with units of average Irradiance (W/m2) [True]. (Default: False).
Boolean to indicate whether only one dome with total radiation should be displayed (False) or three domes with the solar radiation components (total, direct, and diffuse) should be shown. (Default: False).
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the sky dome (Default: None).
A colored mesh representing the intensity of radiation for each of the sky patches within the sky dome.
A set of circles, lines and text objects that mark the cardinal directions in relation to the sky dome.
A legend showing the kWh/m2 or W/m2 values that correspond to the colors of the mesh.
A text object for the title of the sky dome.
A list of vectors for each of the patches of the sky dome. All vectors are unit vectors and point from the center towards each of the patches. They can be used to construct visualizations of the rays used to perform radiation analysis.
Radiation values for each of the sky patches in kWh/m2 or W/m2. This will be one list if show_comp_ is "False" and a list of 3 lists (aka. a Data Tree) for total, direct, diffuse if show_comp_ is "True".
Radiation values for each face of the dome mesh in kWh/m2. This can be used to post-process the radiation data and then regenerate the dome visualization using the mesh output from this component and the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component. Examples of useful post- processing include converting the units to something other than kWh/m2, inverting the +/- sign of radiation values depending on whether radiation is helpful or harmful to building thermal loads, etc. This will be one list if show_comp_ is "False" and a list of 3 lists (aka. a Data Tree) for total, direct, diffuse if show_comp_ is "True".
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Sky Dome in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Sky Dome in Rhino.
Visualize the radiation falling on an object from different directions over a dome.
The Radiation Dome depicts the amount of solar energy received by all directions over a dome. This is useful for understanding the optimal orientation of solar panels and how the performance of the panel might change if it's orientation is off from the optimal position. It can also be used to identify the optimal wall orientation for passive solar heating when used with skies of radiation harm/benefit. When used with clear sky matrices, it can identify the orientations that result in the highest and lowest peak cooling load.
The Radiation Dome can be understood in different ways: 1) It's a 3D representation of the "LB Radiation Rose," depicting all tilt angles for that rose at once. 2) It's the reciprocal of the "LB Sky Dome," since it shows how the radiation from that sky falls onto a hemispherical object. 3) It's an radiation study of a hemisphere. The results here are effectively the same as running a hemisphere through the "LB Incident Radiation" component.
sky_mtx [Required]
A Sky Matrix from the "LB Cumulative Sky Matrix" component or the "LB Benefit Sky Matrix" component, which describes the radiation coming from the various patches of the sky.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block solar radiation to the center of the radiation dome.
An integer greater than or equal to 3, which notes the number of horizontal orientations to be evaluated on the dome. (Default: 72).
An integer greater than or equal to 3, which notes the number of vertical orientations to be evaluated on the dome. (Default: 18).
A point for the center of the radiation dome. (Default: (0, 0, 0))
A number to set the scale of the Radiation Dome. The default is 1, which corresponds to a radius of 100 meters in the current Rhino model's unit system.
Optional text for the name of a projection to use from the sky dome hemisphere to the 2D plane. If None, a 3D sky dome will be drawn instead of a 2D one. (Default: None) Choose from the following:
Boolean to note whether the radiation dome should be plotted with units of cumulative Radiation (kWh/m2) [False] or with units of average Irradiance (W/m2) [True]. (Default: False).
Boolean to indicate whether only one dome with total radiation should be displayed (False) or three domes with the solar radiation components (total, direct, and diffuse) should be shown. (Default: False).
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the radiation dome (Default: None).
A colored mesh of a dome, representing the intensity of radiation/irradiance from different cardinal directions.
A set of circles, lines and text objects that mark the cardinal directions in relation to the radiation dome.
A legend showing the kWh/m2 or W/m2 values that correspond to the colors of the mesh.
A text object for the title of the radiation dome.
A list of vectors for each of the directions the dome is facing. All vectors are unit vectors.
Radiation values for each of the dome directions in kWh/m2 or W/m2. This will be one list if show_comp_ is "False" and a list of 3 lists (aka. a Data Tree) for total, direct, diffuse if show_comp_ is "True".
A point on the radiation dome with the greatest amount of solar radiation/irradiance. For a radiation benefit sky, this is the orientation with the greatest benefit. This can be used to understand the optimalorientation of solar panels or the best direction to face for passive solar heating.
Information about the direction with the greates amount of radiation. This includes the altitude, azimuth, and radiation/irradiance value.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Radiation Dome in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Radiation Dome in Rhino.
Visualize the solar energy falling on different direction as a rose.
By default, the Radiation Rose depicts the amount of solar energy received by a vertical wall facing each of the directions of the compass rose.
This is useful for understanding the radiation harm/benefit experienced by different building orientations or the orientations with the highest peak cooling load (for sky matrices of clear skies). The tilt_angle can be used to assess the solar energy falling on geometries that are not perfectly vertical, such as tilted photovoltaic panels.
sky_mtx [Required]
A Sky Matrix from the "LB Cumulative Sky Matrix" component or the "LB Benefit Sky Matrix" component, which describes the radiation coming from the various patches of the sky.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block solar radiation to the center of the radiation rose.
An integer greater than or equal to 3, which notes the number of arrows to be generated for the radiation rose. (Default: 36).
A number between 0 and 90 that sets the vertical tilt angle (aka. the altitude) for all of the directions. By default, the Radiation Rose depicts the amount of solar energy received by a vertical wall (tilt_angle=0). The tilt_angle can be changed to a specific value to assess the solar energy falling on geometries that are not perfectly vertical, such as a tilted photovoltaic panel. (Default: 0).
A point for the center of the radiation rose. (Default: (0, 0, 0))
A number to set the scale of the Radiation Rose. The default is 1, which corresponds to a radius of 100 meters in the current Rhino model's unit system.
A fractional number to note the scale of the radiation rose arrows in relation to the entire graphic. (Default: 1).
An optional number to set the level of radiation or irradiance associated with the full radius of the rose. If unspecified, this is determined by the maximum level of radiation in the input data but a number can be specified here to fix this at a specific value. This is particularly useful when comparing different roses to one another.
Boolean to note whether the radiation rose should be plotted with units of cumulative Radiation (kWh/m2) [False] or with units of average Irradiance (W/m2) [True]. (Default: False).
Boolean to indicate whether only one rose with total radiation should be displayed (False) or three roses with the solar radiation components (total, direct, and diffuse) should be shown. (Default: False).
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the Radiation Rose.
A colored mesh of arrows, representing the intensity of radiation from different cardinal directions.
A set of circles, lines and text objects that mark the cardinal directions in relation to the radiation rose.
A list of line segments marking the orientation of each arrow.
A legend showing the kWh/m2 or W/m2 values that correspond to the colors of the mesh.
A text object for the title of the radiation rose.
A list of vectors for each of the directions the rose is facing. All vectors are unit vectors.
Radiation values for each of the rose directions in kWh/m2 or W/m2. This will be one list if show_comp_ is "False" and a list of 3 lists (aka. a Data Tree) for total, direct, diffuse if show_comp_ is "True".
Script variable RadRose
Create a plot of any hourly data by wind directions.
An optional number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North
data [Required]
A HourlyContinuousCollection or HourlyDiscontinuousCollection of values corresponding to the wind directions, which is "binned" by the direction intervals. This input usually consists of wind speed values, but is not limited to this data type. It can also be a list of data collections in which case multiple wind roses will be output.
wind_direction [Required]
A HourlyContinuousCollection or HourlyDiscontinuousCollection of wind directions which will be used to "bin" the _data items for the windrose.
Number that determines the number of directions to the wind rose will display. The number of directions must be greater then three to plot the wind rose (Default: 36).
Point3D to be used as a starting point to generate the geometry of the plot (Default: (0, 0, 0)).
A boolean to indicate if the wind rose should display the fraction of time with zero wind speed using a circle in the center of the plot. The radius of this circle corresponds to the total amount of time with zero values divided by the number of directions. This means that the time period representing zero values is evenly distrobuted across all directions. (Default: False).
A boolean to note whether the average value in each wind direction bin should be displayed instead of the complete frequency of _data values. (Default: False).
The distance for the frequency interval in model units. If show_calm_ is True, then the initial frequency interval corresponds to the number of calm hours in the data collection, which may not align with this freq_dist_ (Default: 5 meters)
The number of hours in each frequency interval (Default: 50).
A number representing the maximum frequency intervals in the rose, which determines the maximum amount of hours represented by the outermost ring of the windrose. Specifically, this number multiplied by the freq_hours parameter will equal the maximum hours in that outermost ring. By default, this value is determined by the wind direction with the largest number of hours (the highest frequency) but you may want to change this if you have several wind roses that you want to compare to each other. For example, if you have wind roses for different months or seasons, which each have different maximum frequencies.
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the WindRose plot. The number of segments in the legend determines the number of frequency intervals in the wind rose. If nothing is provided, a default LegendParameter object is computed using values from the wind data with 11 segments (Default: None).
A conditional statement as a string (e.g. a > 25) for the _data and _wind_direction inputs. The variable of the first collection input to _data should always be named 'a' (without quotations), the variable of the second list should be named 'b', and so on. The wind direction is always the last variable, though most statements won't have a need for it. For example, if three data collections are connected to _data and the following statement is applied: '18 < a < 26 and b < 80 and c > 2' The resulting collections will only include values where the first data collection is between 18 and 26, the second collection is less than 80 and the third collection is greater than 2.
An optional Ladybug analysis period to be applied to all of the input data.
A colored mesh representing the wind rose derived from the input data. Multiple meshes will be output for several data collections are input.
A set of circles, lines and text objects that mark the cardinal directions in relation to the wind rose.
Line geometries representing the edges (or "spokes") of the wind rose directions.
Polygon geometries representing the frequency intervals of the wind rose.
Polygon geometries representing the windrose outlines. This output is hidden by default and should be connected to a native Grasshopper Geometry component in order to be visualized.
Geometry representing the legend for the wind rose.
A text object for the global_title.
The predominant direction of the outpt wind rose in clockwise degrees from north. 0 is North, 90 is East, 180 is South, 270 is West.
A list of angles corresponding to each windrose directions.
The number of hours with calm wind speeds. Only returns a value if the input _data is wind speed.
The input _data in a histogram structure after it has gone through any of the statement or period operations input to this component.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Wind Rose in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Wind Rose in Rhino.
Visualize a wind profile curve for a given terrain type.
Wind profiles assist with understanding how wind speed decreases as one approaches the ground or increases as one leaves the ground.
By default, the wind profile output by this component will be an average over the _met_wind_vel data collection (or it can be for a single meteorological wind velocity for point-in-time studies).
If a met_wind_dir_ data collection is connected, the wind profile will point in the direction of prevailing wind direction by default. A profile_dir_ can then be connected to understand the average wind profile from a specific cardinal direction (eg. NE).
A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0)
met_wind_vel [Required]
A data collection of meteorological wind speed measured at the met_height with the _met_terrian [m/s]. Typically, this comes from the "LB Import EPW" component. This can also be a single number for the meteorological wind speed in m/s.
An optional number between 0 and 360 representing the degrees from north that the meteorological wind is blowing. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West. This can also a data collection of meteorological wind directions. in which case the wind profile will be oriented towards the prevailing wind (unless a profile_dir_ is connected). When unspecified, the wind profile is simply drawn in the XY plane.
An optional text string representing the cardinal direction that the wind profile represents. This input only has an effect when a data collection is connected for met_wind_dir_. It will be used to draw a wind profile for only the hours of the data collection where the wind is blowing in the specified direction. This can also be an integer that codes for a particular orientation. Choose from the following. 0 = N 1 = NE 2 = E 3 = SE 4 = S 5 = SW 6 = W 7 = NW
Text string that sets the terrain class associated with the wind profile. This can also be an integer that codes for the terrain. (Default: city). Must be one the following. 0 = city - 50% of buildings above 21m over a distance of at least 2000m upwind. 1 = suburban - suburbs, wooded areas. 2 = country - open, with scattered objects generally less than 10m high. 3 = water - flat areas downwind of a large water body (max 500m inland).
A number for the height above the ground at which the meteorological wind speed is measured in meters. (Default: 10 meters, which is the standard used by most airports and EPW files).
Text string that sets the terrain class associated with the meteorological wind speed. This can also be an integer that codes for the terrain. (Default: country, which is typical of most airports where wind measurements are taken). Must be one the following. 0 = city - 50% of buildings above 21m over a distance of at least 2000m upwind. 1 = suburban - suburbs, wooded areas. 2 = country - open, with scattered objects generally less than 10m high. 3 = water - flat areas downwind of a large water body (max 500m inland).
A boolean to note whether the wind profile should use a logarithmic law to determine wind speeds instead of the default power law, which is used by EnergyPlus. (Default: False).
A point that sets the ground level frm which the wind profile is drawn. By default, the profile is generated at the scene origin.
Script variable WindProfile
A number in meters to specify the maximum height of the wind profile. (Default: 30 meters).
A number in meters to specify the difference in height between each of the mesh arrows. (Default 2 meters).
A number to denote the length dimension of a 1 m/s wind vector in meters. This can be used to change the scale of the wind vector meshes in relation to the height of the wind profile curve. (Default: 5 meters).
An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the wind profile.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
A list of wind speeds in [m/s] that correspond to the wind vectors slong the height of the wind profile visualization.
A list of vectors that built the profile. Note that the magnitude of these vectors is scaled based on the vec_scale input and a vec_scale of 1 will make the magnitude of the vector equal to the wind speed in [m/s].
A list of anchor points for each of the vectors above, which correspond to the height above the ground for each of the vectors.
A list of colored mesh objects that represent the wind speeds along the height of the wind profile.
A curve outlining the wind speed as it changes with height.
A list of line segments and text objects that mark the X axis, which relates to the wind speed in (m/s).
A list of line segments and text objects that mark the Y axis, which relates to the the height above the ground in Rhino model units.
A legend for the colored mesh_arrows, which notes their speed.
A text object for the global_title.
An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Wind Profile in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Wind Profile in Rhino.
Calculate view factors from a point or plane to a set of geometries.
View factors are used in many thermal comfort calculations such as mean radiant temperture (MRT) or discomfort from radiant assymetry.
study_point [Required]
A point or plane from which view vectors will be projected. Note that, if a point is connected, all view vectors will be weighted evenly (assuming no directional bias). However, if a plane is connected, vectors will be weighted based on their angle to the plane normal, producing view factors for a surface in the connected plane. The first is useful for MRT calculations while the latter is needed for radiant assymetry calculations. This input can also be a list of several points or planes.
view_geo [Required]
A list of breps, surfaces, or meshes to which you want to compute view factors. Note that by meshing and joining several goemtries together, the combined view factor to these geometries can be computed.
Optional context geometry as breps, surfaces, or meshes that can block the view to the _view_geo.
A positive integer for the number of times that the original view vectors are subdivided. 1 indicates that 145 evenly-spaced vectors are used to describe a hemisphere, 2 indicates that 577 vectors describe a hemisphere, and each successive value will roughly quadruple the number of view vectors used. Setting this to a high value will result in a more accurate analysis but will take longer to run. (Default: 1).
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component and claculate view factors.
A list of vectors which are projected from each of the points to evaluate view.
A mesh that represents the sphere of view patches around the _study_point at the input resolution. There is one face per patch and this can be used along with the int_mtx to create a colored visualization of patches corresponding to different geometries around the point. Specifically, the "LB Spaital Heatmap" component is recommended for such visualizations. Note that only one sphere is ever output from here and, in the event that several _study_points are connected, this sphere will be located at the first point. Therefore, to create visualizations for the other points, this mesh should be moved using the difference between the first study point and following study points.
A list of view factors that describe the fraction of sperical view taken up by the input surfaces. These values range from 0 (no view) to 1 (full view). If multiple _study_points have been connected, this output will be a data tree with one list for each point.
A Matrix object that can be connected to the "LB Deconstruct Matrix" component to obtain detailed vector-by-vector results of the study. Each sub-list (aka. branch of the Data Tree) represents one of the points used for analysis. Each value in this sub-list corresponds to a vector used in the study and the value denotes the index of the geometry that each view vector hit. This can be used to identify which view pathces are intersected by each geometry. If no geometry is intersected by a given vector, the value will be -1.
Calculate the number of hours of direct sunlight received by geometry using sun vectors obtained from the "LB SunPath" component.
Such direct sun calculations can be used for shadow studies of outdoor enviroments or can be used to estimate glare potential from direct sun on the indoors.
Note that this component uses the CAD environment's ray intersection methods, which can be fast for geometries with low complexity but does not scale well for complex geometries or many test points. For such complex studies, honeybee-radiance should be used.
vectors [Required]
Sun vectors from the "LB SunPath" component, which will be used to determine the number of hours of direct sunlight received by the test _geometry.
A positive integer for the number of timesteps per hour at which the "LB SunPath" component generated sun vectors. This is used to correctly interpret the time duration represented by each of the input sun vectors. (Default: 1 for 1 vector per hour).
geometry [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes for which direct sun analysis will be conducted. If Breps are input, they will be subdivided using the _grid_size to yeild individual points at which analysis will occur. If a Mesh is input, direct sun analysis analysis will be performed for each face of this mesh instead of subdividing it.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block sunlight to the test _geometry.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the size of grid cells at which the input _geometry will be subdivided for direct sun analysis. The smaller the grid size, the higher the resolution of the analysis and the longer the calculation will take. So it is recommended that one start with a large value here and decrease the value as needed. However, the grid size should usually be smaller than the dimensions of the smallest piece of the geometry and context in order to yield meaningful results.
A number for the distance to move points from the surfaces of the input _geometry. Typically, this should be a small positive number to ensure points are not blocked by the mesh. (Default: 10 cm in the equivalent Rhino Model units).
Optional legend parameters from the "LB Legend Parameters" that will be used to customize the display of the results.
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and perform direct sun analysis.
The grid of points on the test _geometry that are be used to perform the direct sun analysis.
A list of numbers that aligns with the points. Each number indicates the number of hours of direct sunlight received by each of the points. Note that is is the number of hours out of the total number of connected _vectors.
A colored mesh of the test _geometry representing the hours of direct sunlight received by this input _geometry
A legend showing the number of hours that correspond to the colors of the mesh.
A text object for the study title.
A Matrix object that can be connected to the "LB Deconstruct Matrix" component to obtain detailed vector-by-vector results of the study. Each sub-list of the matrix (aka. branch of the Data Tree) represents one of the points used for analysis. The length of each sub-list matches the number of _vectors used for the analysis. Each value in the sub-list is either a "1", indicating that the sun is visible for that vector, or a "0", indicating that the sun is not visible for that vector.
Evaluate the percent view to the outdoors or sky from input geometry through context.
Such view calculations can be used to estimate the quality of a view to the outdoors from a given location on the indoors. They can also be used on the outdoors to evaluate the openness of street canyons to the sky, which has implications for the pedestrian expereince as well as the rate of radiant heat loss from urban surfaces and the sky at night.
Note that this component uses the CAD environment's ray intersection methods, which can be fast for geometries with low complexity but does not scale well for complex geometries or many test points. For such complex studies, honeybee-radiance should be used.
view_type [Required]
Text or an integer representing the type of view analysis to conduct. Choose from the following options. 0 - HorizontalRadial - The percentage of the 360 horizontal view plane that is not blocked by the context geometry. 1 - Horizontal30DegreeOffset - The percentage of the 360 horizontal view band bounded on top and bottom by a 30 degree offset from the horizontal plane. 30 degrees corresponds roughly to the vertical limit of human peripheral vision. 2 - Spherical - The percentage of the sphere surrounding each of the test points that is not blocked by context geometry. This is equivalent to a solid angle and gives equal weight to all portions of the sphere. 3 - SkyExposure - The percentage of the sky that is visible from each of the the test points. This is distinct from SkyView, which is the amount of sky seen by a surface. SkyExposure is equivalent to a solid angle and gives equal weight to all portions of the sky. 4 - SkyView - The percentage of the sky that is visible from the _geometry surfaces. This is distinct from SkyExposure, which treats each part of the sky with equal weight. SkyView weights the portions of the sky according to thier projection into the plane of the surface being evaluated. So SkyView for a horizontal surface would give more importance to the sky patches that are overhead vs. those near the horizon.
A positive integer for the number of times that the original view vectors are subdivided. 1 indicates that 145 evenly-spaced vectors are used to describe a hemisphere, 2 indicates that 577 vectors describe a hemisphere, and each successive value will roughly quadruple the number of view vectors used. Setting this to a high value will result in a more accurate analysis but will take longer to run. (Default: 1).
geometry [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes for which view analysis will be conducted. If Breps are input, they will be subdivided using the _grid_size to yeild individual points at which analysis will occur. If a Mesh is input, view analysis analysis will be performed for each face of this mesh instead of subdividing it.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block view from the test _geometry.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the size of grid cells at which the input _geometry will be subdivided for direct sun analysis. The smaller the grid size, the higher the resolution of the analysis and the longer the calculation will take. So it is recommended that one start with a large value here and decrease the value as needed. However, the grid size should usually be smaller than the dimensions of the smallest piece of the geometry and context in order to yield meaningful results.
A number for the distance to move points from the surfaces of the input _geometry. Typically, this should be a small positive number to ensure points are not blocked by the mesh. (Default: 10 cm in the equivalent Rhino Model units).
Set to "True" to count the input _geometry as opaque and set to "False" to discount the geometry from the calculation and only look at context that blocks the view. The default depends on the _view_type used. It is "True" for:
It is "False" for:
Optional legend parameters from the "LB Legend Parameters" that will be used to customize the display of the results.
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and perform view analysis of the input _geometry.
The grid of points on the test _geometry that are be used to perform the view analysis.
A list of vectors which are projected from each of the points to evaluate view.
A list of numbers that aligns with the points. Each number indicates the percentage of the view_vecs that are not blocked by context geometry.
A colored mesh of the test _geometry representing the percentage of the input _geometry's view that is not blocked by context.
A legend that correspond to the colors of the mesh and shows the percentage of the view_vecs that are not blocked by context geometry.
A text object for the study title.
A Matrix object that can be connected to the "LB Deconstruct Matrix" component to obtain detailed vector-by-vector results of the study. Each sub-list (aka. branch of the Data Tree) represents one of the points used for analysis. The length of each sub-list matches the number of view_vecs used for the analysis. Each value in the sub-list is either a "1", indicating that the vector is visible for that vector, or a "0", indicating that the vector is not visible for that vector.
Calculate the incident radiation on geometry using a sky matrix from the "Cumulative Sky Matrix" component.
Such studies of incident radiation can be used to apprxomiate the energy that can be collected from photovoltaic or solar thermal systems. They are also useful for evaluating the impact of a building's orientation on both energy use and the size/cost of cooling systems. For studies of photovoltaic potential or building energy use impact, a sky matrix from EPW radiation should be used. For studies of cooling system size/cost, a sky matrix derived from the STAT file's clear sky radiation should be used.
Ground reflected irradiance is crudely acounted for by means of an emissive "ground hemisphere," which is like the sky dome hemisphere and is derived from the ground reflectance that is associated with the connected _sky_mtx. This means that including geometry that represents the ground surface will effectively block such crude ground reflection.
Also note that this component uses the CAD environment's ray intersection methods, which can be fast for geometries with low complexity but does not scale well for complex geometries or many test points. For such complex cases and situations where relfection of solar energy are important, honeybee-radiance should be used.
sky_mtx [Required]
A Sky Matrix from the "LB Cumulative Sky Matrix" component or the "LB Benefit Sky Matrix" component, which describes the radiation coming from the various patches of the sky. The "LB Sky Dome" component can be used to visualize any sky matrix to understand its relationship to the test geometry.
geometry [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes for which incident radiation analysis will be conducted. If Breps are input, they will be subdivided using the _grid_size to yeild individual points at which analysis will occur. If a Mesh is input, radiation analysis analysis will be performed for each face of this mesh instead of subdividing it.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block solar radiation to the test _geometry.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the size of grid cells at which the input _geometry will be subdivided for incident radiation analysis. The smaller the grid size, the higher the resolution of the analysis and the longer the calculation will take. So it is recommended that one start with a large value here and decrease the value as needed. However, the grid size should usually be smaller than the dimensions of the smallest piece of the geometry and context in order to yield meaningful results.
A number for the distance to move points from the surfaces of the input _geometry. Typically, this should be a small positive number to ensure points are not blocked by the mesh. (Default: 10 cm in the equivalent Rhino Model units).
Boolean to note whether the study should output units of cumulative Radiation (kWh/m2) [False] or units of average Irradiance (W/m2) [True]. (Default: False).
Optional legend parameters from the "LB Legend Parameters" that will be used to customize the display of the results.
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and perform incident radiation analysis.
The grid of points on the test _geometry that are be used to perform the incident radiation analysis.
A list of numbers that aligns with the points. Each number indicates the cumulative incident radiation received by each of the points from the sky matrix in kWh/m2.
A number for the total incident solar energy falling on all input geometry in kWh. Note that, unlike the radiation results above, which are normlaized by area, these values are not area-normalized and so the input geometry must be represented correctly in the Rhino model's unit system in order for this output to be meaningful.
A colored mesh of the test _geometry representing the cumulative incident radiation received by the input _geometry.
A legend showing the kWh/m2 that correspond to the colors of the mesh.
A text object for the study title.
A Matrix object that can be connected to the "LB Deconstruct Matrix" component to obtain detailed patch-by-patch results of the study. Each sub-list of the matrix (aka. branch of the Data Tree) represents one of the points used for analysis. The length of each sub-list matches the number of sky patches in the input sky matrix (145 for the default Tregenza sky and 577 for the high_density Reinhart sky). Each value in the sub-list is a value between 0 and 1 indicating the relationship between the point and the patch of the sky. A value of "0", indicates that the patch is not visible for that point at all while a value of "1" indicates that the patch hits the surface that the point represents head on.
Evaluate the percent visibility from geometry to a specific set of points.
Such visibility calculations can be used to understand the portions of a building facade that can see a skyline or landmark when used on the outdoors. When used on the indoors, they can evaluate the spectator view of a stage, screen, or other point of interest.
view_points [Required]
A list of points that characterize an area of interest to which visibility is being evaluated. If the area of interest is more like a surface than an individual point, the "LB Generate Point Grid" component can be used to obtain a list of points that are evenly distributed over the surface.
An optional list of numbers that align with the _view_points and represent weights of importance for each point. Weighted values should be between 0 and 1 and should be closer to 1 if a certain point is more important. The default value for all points is 0, which means they all have an equal importance.
geometry [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes for which visibility analysis will be conducted. If Breps are input, they will be subdivided using the _grid_size to yeild individual points at which analysis will occur. If a Mesh is input, visibility analysis analysis will be performed for each face of this mesh instead of subdividing it.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block visibility from the test _geometry.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the size of grid cells at which the input _geometry will be subdivided for direct sun analysis. The smaller the grid size, the higher the resolution of the analysis and the longer the calculation will take. So it is recommended that one start with a large value here and decrease the value as needed. However, the grid size should usually be smaller than the dimensions of the smallest piece of the geometry and context in order to yield meaningful results.
A number for the distance to move points from the surfaces of the input _geometry. Typically, this should be a small positive number to ensure points are not blocked by the mesh. (Default: 10 cm in the equivalent Rhino Model units).
An optional number to set the maximum distance beyond which the end_points are no longer considered visible by the start_points. If None, points with an unobstructed view to one another will be considered visible no matter how far they are from one another.
Set to "True" to count the input _geometry as opaque and set to "False" to discount the geometry from the calculation and only look at context that blocks the visibility. (Default: True)
Optional legend parameters from the "LB Legend Parameters" that will be used to customize the display of the results.
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and perform visibility analysis of the input _geometry.
The grid of points on the test _geometry that are be used to perform the visibility analysis.
A list of numbers that aligns with the points. Each number indicates the percentage of the _view_points that are not blocked by context geometry.
A colored mesh of the test _geometry representing the percentage of the input _geometry's visibility that is not blocked by context.
A legend showing the number of hours that correspond to the colors of the mesh.
A text object for the study title.
A Matrix object that can be connected to the "LB Deconstruct Matrix" component to obtain detailed point-by-point results of the study. Each sub-list (aka. branch of the Data Tree) represents one of the geometry points used for analysis. The length of each sub-list matches the number of _view_points used for the analysis. Each value in the sub-list is either a "1", indicating that the vector is visible for that vector, or a "0", indicating that the vector is not visible for that vector.
Get a ray tracing visualization of direct sunlight rays reflected off of source_geo and subsequently bouncing through a set of context geometries.
Examples where this visualization could be useful include understading the reflection of light by a light shelf or testing to see whether a parabolic glass or metal building geometry might focus sunlight to dangerous levels at certain times of the year.
Note that this component assumes that all sun light is reflected specularly (like a mirror) and, for more detailed raytracing analysis with diffuse scattering, the Honeybee Radiance components should be used.
vector [Required]
A sun vector (typically from the "LB SunPath" component), which will be used to evaluate the light boucing off of the source_geo and through the context.
source_geo [Required]
A brep or mesh representing a surface off of which sun rays first bounce. Lists of breps or meshes are also acceptable. These surfaces will be used to generate the initial sun rays in a grid-like pattern.
Breps or meshes for conext geometry, which will reflect the sun rays after they bounce off of the _source_geo.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the average distance between sun ray points to generate along the _source_geo.
An positive integer for the number of ray bounces to trace the sun rays forward. (Default: 1).
A positive number in Rhino model units for the length of the sun ray before the first bounce. If unspecified, this will be the diagonal of the bounding box surrounding all input geometries.
A positive number in Rhino model units representing the length of the sun ray after the last bounce. If unspecified, this will be the diagonal of the bounding box surrounding all input geometries.
A list of polylines representing the sun rays traced forward onto the source_geo and then through the context.
A data tree of intersection points one one branch for each of the rays above.
Generate a solar envelope boundary for a given geometry, set of sun vectors, and context (obstacle) geometry.
Solar collection envelopes show the height above which one will have solar access to certain sun positions on a given site.
Solar rights envelopes illustrate the volume in which one can build while ensuring that a new development does not shade the surrounding properties for certain sun positions.
geometry [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes for which the solar envelope will be computed. If Breps are input, they will be subdivided using the _grid_size to yeild individual points at which analysis will occur. If a Mesh is input, the analysis will be performed for each vertex of the mesh instead of subdividing it.
obstacles [Required]
A list of horizontal planar Breps or curves indicating the tops (in the case of solar collection) or bottoms (in the case of solar rights) of context geometries. Being above a solar collection boundary ensures these top surfaces don't block the sun vectors to ones position. Being below a solar rights boundary ensures these bottom surfaces are protected from shade.
vectors [Required]
Sun vectors from the "LB SunPath" component, which determine the times of the year when sun should be accessible.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the size of grid cells at which the input _geometry will be subdivided for envelope analysis. The smaller the grid size, the higher the resolution of the analysis and the longer the calculation will take. So it is recommended that one start with a large value here and decrease the value as needed. The default will be a relativel coarse auto-calculated from the bounding box around the _geometry.
A positive number for the minimum distance below (for collections) or maximum distance above (for rights) the average _geometry height that the envelope points can be. This is used when there are no vectors blocked for a given point. (Default: 100 meters).
Set to True to compute a solar rights boundary and False to compute a solar collection boundary. Solar rights boundaries represent the boundary below which one can build without shading the surrounding obstacles from any of the _vectors. Solar collection boundaries represent the boundary above which one will have direct solar access to all of the input _vectors. (Default: False).
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and get a solar envelope.
The grid of points above the test _geometry representing the height to which the solar envelope boundary reaches.
A mesh representing the solar envelope. For solar collections (the default), this represents the boundary above which the one will have direct solar access to all of the input _vectors. For solar rights envelopes, this represents the boundary below which one can build without shading the surrounding obstacles from any of the _vectors.
Visualize the view openness around a given point as a colored mesh that fills a circle, sphere, or hemisphere (depending on the specified view type).
The input context will block the view, resulting in a decresed view rose size and a change in the view rose color.
context [Required]
Rhino Breps or Meshes representing context geometry that can block the view around the center point.
center_pt [Required]
A point for the center of the view rose from which view openness will be evaluated.
A number for the radius of the view rose in Rhino model units. This is also used to evaluate the distance at which context is no longer able to block the view from the center point. This value should typically be increased if the view rose does not extend past the _context geometry. (Default: 100 meters in the current Rhino model units system).
Text or an integer representing the type of view analysis to conduct. Choose from the following options. (Default: 0 - HorizontalRadial) 0 - HorizontalRadial - The percentage of the 360 horizontal view plane that is not blocked by the context geometry. 1 - Horizontal30DegreeOffset - The percentage of the 360 horizontal view band bounded on top and bottom by a 30 degree offset from the horizontal plane. 30 degrees corresponds roughly to the vertical limit of human peripheral vision. 2 - Spherical - The percentage of the sphere surrounding each of the test points that is not blocked by context geometry. This is equivalent to a solid angle and gives equal weight to all portions of the sphere. 3 - SkyExposure - The percentage of the sky that is visible from each of the the test points.
A positive integer for the number of times that the original view vectors are subdivided. For a circle, 1 indicates that 72 evenly-spaced vectors are used to describe a circle, 2 indicates that 144 vectors describe a circle, and each successive value will roughly double the number of view vectors used. For a dome, 1 indicates that 1225 are used to describe the dome, 2 indicates that 5040 view vectors describe the some and each successive value will roughly quadruple the number of view vectors used. Setting this to a high value will result in a more accurate analysis but will take longer to run. (Default: 1).
Optional legend parameters from the "LB Legend Parameters" that will be used to customize the display of the results.
A list of vectors which are projected from each of the points to evaluate view.
A list of numbers that aligns with the vertices of the mesh. Each number indicates the distance from the _center_pt at which the view is blocked from a particular direction.
A colored mesh representing the visible area from the viewpoint past the _context geometry. Colors indicate how open the view is from a given direction.
A legend that correspond to the colors of the mesh and shows the distance at which vectors are blocked.
Calculate parameters for the relationship between human geometry and the sky given the position of a human subject and context geometry surrounding this position.
The outputs of this component can be plugged into either the "LB Outdoor Solar MRT" or the "LB Indoor Solar MRT" in order to account for context shading around a human subject in these MRT calculations.
A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0)
location [Required]
A ladybug Location that has been output from the "LB Import EPW" component, the "LB Import Location" component, or the "LB Construct Location" component. This will be used to compute hourly sun positions for the fract_body_exp.
position [Required]
A point for the position of the human subject in the Rhino scene. This is used to understand where a person is in relationship to the _context. The point input here should be at the feet of the human a series of points will be generated above. This can also be a list of points, which will result in several outputs.
context [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block the human subject's direct sun and view to the sky.
A positive integer for the number of points used to represent the human subject geometry. Points are evenly distributed over the height and are used to compute fracitonal values for the fract_body_exp in the case that only some of the points can see the sun. When context shade around the subject is large or coarse, using a single point is likely to return similar results as using several points. However, this number should be increased when context is detailed and has the potential to shade only part of the human subject at a given time. (Default: 1).
A number for the the height of the human subject in the current Rhino Model units. (Default: 1.8 m in the equivalent Rhino Model units; roughly the average height of a standing adult).
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and compute the human/sky relationship. If set to "False" but all other required inputs are specified, this component will output points showing the human subject.
The points used to represent the human subject in the calculation of the fraction of the body exposed to sun. Note that these are generated even when _run is set to "False".
Line representing the height of the human subject. Note that this is generated even when _run is set to "False".
A data collection for the fraction of the body exposed to direct sunlight at each hour of the year. This can be plugged into the "Solar MRT" components in order to account for context shading in the computation of MRT.
A single number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of the sky vault in human subject’s view. This can be plugged into the "Solar MRT" components in order to account for context shading in the computation of MRT.
Visualize the portion of the sky dome that is masked by context geometry or shading strategies around a given point.
Separate meshs will be generated for the portions of the sky dome that are masked vs visible. The percentage of the sky that is masked by the context geometry and is visible will also be computed.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block the sky to the center of the sky mask.
A number between 0 and 360 that sets the direction of a vertically- oriented surface for which the sky view will be visualized and computed. Alternatively, this input can be the words "north", "east", "south" or "west." An input here will result in the output of an orient_mask, which blocks the portion of the sky that is not visible from a vertical surface with this orientation. Furthermore, all of the view-related outputs will be computed for a surface with the specified orientation (overriding any plane input for the center).
A number between 0 and 90 that sets the angle between the center and the edge of an imagined horizontal overhang projecting past the point. Note that this option is only available when there is an input for orientation_ above. An input here will result in the output of a strategy_mask, which blocks the portion of the sky taken up by an overhang with the input projection angle.
A number between 0 and 180 that sets the angle between the center and the edge of an imagined vertical fin projecting past the left side of the point. Note that this option is only available when there is an input for orientation_ above. An input here will result in the output of a strategy_mask, which blocks the portion of the sky taken up by a vertical fin with the input projection angle.
A number between 0 and 180 that sets the angle between the center and the edge of an imagined vertical fin projecting past the right side of the point. Note that this option is only available when there is an input for orientation_ above. An input here will result in the output of a strategy_mask, which blocks the portion of the sky taken up by a vertical fin with the input projection angle.
An integer that is greater than or equal to 1, which to sets the number of times that the sky patches are split. Higher numbers input here will ensure a greater accuracy but will also take longer to run. A value of 3 should result in sky view factors with less than 1% error from the true value. (Default: 1).
A point or plane for which the visible portion of the sky will be evaluated. If a point is input here, the view-related outputs will be indiferent to orientation and the sky_view outut will technically be Sky Exposure (or the fraction of the sky hemisphere that is visible from the point). If a plane is input here (or an orientation_ is connected), the view-related outputs will be sensitive to orientation and the sky_view output will be true Sky View (or the fraction of the sky visible from a surface in a plane). If no value is input here, the center will be a point (Sky Exposure) at the Rhino origin (0, 0, 0).
A number to set the scale of the sky mask. The default is 1, which corresponds to a radius of 100 meters in the current Rhino model's unit system.
Optional text for the name of a projection to use from the sky dome hemisphere to the 2D plane. If None, a 3D dome will be drawn instead of a 2D one. Choose from the following:
A mesh for the portion of the sky dome masked by the context_ geometry.
A mesh for the portion of the sky dome that is not visible from a surface is facing a given orientation.
A mesh of the portion of the sky dome masked by the overhang, left fin, and right fin projections.
A mesh of the portion of the sky dome visible by the center through the strategies and context_ geometry.
The percentage of the sky dome masked by the context_ geometry.
The percentage of the sky dome that is not visible from a surface is facing a given orientation.
The percentage of the sky dome viewed by the overhang, left fin, and right fin projections.
The percentage of the sky dome visible by the center through the strategies and context_ geometry.
Set the sun in the Rhino scene to correspond to a given location and date/time.
This can be help coordinate Rhino visualizations with Ladybug analyses.
A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0)
location [Required]
A ladybug Location that has been output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Construct Location" component.
hoy [Required]
Script variable rhinoSun
run [Required]
Set to True to run the component set the Rhino Sun.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Compute Incident Radiation values for any sky matrix in real time using the Geometry/Sky intersection matrix produced by the "LB Incident Radiation" component.
Using this component enables one to scroll through radiation on an hour-by-hour or month-by-month basis in a manner that is an order of magnitude faster than running each sky matrix through the "LB Incident Radiation" component.
The speed of this component is thanks to the fact that the Geometry/Sky intersection matrix contains the relationship between the geometry and each patch of the sky. So computing new radiation values is as simple as multiplying the sky matrix by the intersection matrix.
int_mtx [Required]
A Geometry/Sky Intersection Matrix from the "LB Incident Radiation" component. This matrix contains the relationship between each point of the analyzed geometry and each patch of the sky.
sky_mtx [Required]
A Sky Matrix from the "LB Cumulative Sky Matrix" component, which describes the radiation coming from the various patches of the sky. The "LB Sky Dome" component can be used to visualize any sky matrix.
A list of numbers that aligns with the points of the original analysis performed with the "LB Incident Radiation" component. Each number indicates the cumulative incident radiation received by each of the points from the sky matrix in kWh/m2. To visualize these radiation values in the Rhino scene, connect these values to the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with the mesh output from the original analysis with the "LB Incident Radiation" component.
Open a new viewport in Rhino that shows the parallel-projected view from the sun.
This is useful for understanding what parts of Rhino geometry are shaded at a particular hour of the day.
vector [Required]
A sun vector from which the the Rhino view will be generated. Use the "LB SunPath" component to generate sun vectors.
The target point of the camera for the Rhino view that will be generated. This point should be close to the Rhino geometry that you are interested in viewing from the sun. If no point is provided, the Rhino origin will be used (0, 0, 0).
An optional interger for the width (in pixels) of the Rhino viewport that will be generated.
An optional interger for the height (in pixels) of the Rhino viewport that will be generated.
An optional text input for the display mode of the Rhino viewport that will be generated. For example: Wireframe, Shaded, Rendered, etc.
The name of the viewport that was opened.
Compute solar infomation about a day of the year at a particular location. This includes the time of sunrise, sunset, solar noon, and the length of the day in hours.
Note that these times are intended to represent a typical year and they will often vary by a few minutes depending on where in the leap year cycle a given year falls.
location [Required]
A ladybug Location that has been output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Construct Location" component.
doy [Required]
An integer for the day of the year for which solar information is be computed. The "LB Calculate HOY" component can be used to compute the day of the year from month and day inputs.
An angle in degrees indicating the additional period before/after the edge of the sun has passed the horizon where the sun is still considered up. Setting this value to 0 will compute sunrise/sunset as the time when the edge of the sun begins to touch the horizon. Setting it to the angular diameter of the sun (0.5334) will compute sunrise/sunset as the time when the sun just finishes passing the horizon (actual physical sunset). Setting it to 0.833 will compute the apparent sunrise/sunset, accounting for atmospheric refraction. Setting this to 6 will compute sunrise/sunset as the beginning/end of civil twilight. Setting this to 12 will compute sunrise/sunset as the beginning/end of nautical twilight. Setting this to 18 will compute sunrise/sunset as the beginning/end of astronomical twilight. (Default: 0.5334 for the physical sunset).
A boolean to indicate if the output datetimes for sunrise, noon and sunset should be in solar time as opposed to the time zone of the location. (Default: False).
An optional analysis period for daylight saving time. This will be used to adjust the output times by an hour when applicable. If unspecified, no daylight saving time will be used
The time of sunrise expressed as HH:MM where hours range from 0 to 23. Note that this may be None if there is no sunrise or sunset on the specified day. (eg. at the north pole on the winter solstice).
The time of sunset expressed as HH:MM where hours range from 0 to 23. Note that this may be None if there is no sunrise or sunset on the specified day. (eg. at the north pole on the winter solstice).
The time of solar noon when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, expressed as HH:MM.
The altitude of the sun at solar noon in degrees. This is the maximum altitude that will be expereinced on the input day.
The length of the input day in hours.
Visualize the desirability of shade in terms of the time period of blocked sun vectors for each part of a shade geometry.
The calculation assumes that all input _vectors represent sun to be blocked, which is often the case when evaluating shade in terms of its benefit for glare reduction and occupant visual comfort. It can also be the case when sun vectors have been filtered to account for times of peak cooling demand or for the heat stress of human subjects.
The component outputs a colored mesh of the shade illustrating the helpfulness of shading each part of the _shade_geo. A higher saturation of blue indicates that shading the cell blocks more hours of sun and is therefore more desirable.
The units for shade desirability are hrs/square Rhino unit, which note the amount of time that sun is blocked by a given cell. So, if a given square meter of input _shade_geo has a shade desirability of 10 hrs/m2, this means that a shade in this location blocks an average of 10 hours to each of the _study_points.
vectors [Required]
Sun vectors from the "LB SunPath" component, which will be used to determine the number of hours of sun blocked by the _shade_geo. When evaluating shade benefit in terms of glare reduction, these vectors are typically for any sun-up hour of the year since looking into the sun at practically any hour is likely to induce glare. When using this component to approximate reductions to cooling demand or human heat stress, it's more appropriate to filter sun vectors using a conditional statement or use other types of shade benefit analysis like the "LB Thermal Shade Benefit" component or the "HB Energy Shade Benefit" component.
study_points [Required]
Points representing an location in space for which shading desirability is being evaluated. For a study of shade desirability for reducing glare, this is often the location of the human subject's view. For a study of shade desirability over a surface like a desk or a window, the "LB Generate Point Grid" component can be used to create a set of points over the surface to input here.
Optional Vectors that align with the _study_points and represent the direction in which shade desirability is being evaluated. For a study of shade desirability for reducing glare, this is the direction in which human subject is looking. For a study of shade desirability over a surface like a desk or a window, the vectors output of the "LB Generate Point Grid" component should be input here. If not supplied, sun vectors coming from any direction will be used to evualuate shade desirability.
shade_geo [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing shading to be evaluated in terms of its benefit. Note that, in the case that multiple shading geometries are connected, this component does not account for the interaction between the different shading surfaces and will just evaluate each part of the shade independently.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block sunlight to the _study_points, therefore discounting any benefit or harm that could come to the region.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the size of grid cells at which the input _shade_geo will be subdivided for shade benefit analysis. The smaller the grid size, the higher the resolution of the analysis and the longer the calculation will take. So it is recommended that one start with a large value here and decrease the value as needed. However, the grid size should usually be smaller than the dimensions of the smallest piece of the shade_geo and context in order to yield meaningful results.
A positive integer for the number of timesteps per hour at which the "LB SunPath" component generated sun vectors. This is used to correctly interpret the time duration represented by each of the input sun vectors. (Default: 1 for 1 vector per hour).
Optional legend parameters from the "LB Legend Parameters" that will be used to customize the display of the results.
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and perform shade benefit analysis.
A colored mesh of the shade_geo showing where shading is helpful (in blue), and where it does not make much of a difference (white or desaturated colors). Note that the colors can change depending upon the input legend_par.
Legend showing the numeric values of hrs / square unit that correspond to the colors in the shade mesh.
A text object for the study title.
The cumulative hrs / square unit helped by shading the given cell. If a given square meter of _shade_geo has a shade helpfulness of 10 hrs/m2, this means that a shade in this location blocks an average of 10 hours to each of the _study_points.
Visualize the desirability of shade in terms of proximity of conditions to a favorable temerature range.
The calculation runs by generating solar vectors for a data collection of input temperature values. Solar vectors for hours when the temperature is above the upper temperature threshold contribute positively to shade desirability (shade_help) while solar vectors for hours when the temperature is below the lower temperature threshold contribute negatively (shade_harm).
The component outputs a colored mesh of the shade illustrating the net effect of shading each part of the _shade_geo. A higher saturation of blue indicates that shading the cell is desirable to avoid excessively hot temperatures. A higher saturation of red indicates that shading the cell is harmful, blocking helpful sun in cold conditions that could bring conditions closer to the desired temperature range. Desaturated cells indicate that shading the cell will have relatively little effect on keeping the _study_region in the desired thermal range.
The units for shade desirability are degree-days per unit area of shade, which are essentially the amount of time in days that sun is blocked by a given cell multiplied by the degrees above (or below) the temperature thresholds during that time. So, if a given square meter of input _shade_geo has a shade desirability of 10 degree-days per square meter, this means that a shade in this location provides roughly 1 day of sun protection from conditions 10 degrees Celsius warmer than the up_threshold to the _study_region.
More information on the methods used by this component can be found in the following publication: Mackey, Christopher; Sadeghipour Roudsari, Mostapha; Samaras, Panagiotis. “ComfortCover: A Novel Method for the Design of Outdoor Shades.” In Proceedings of Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. Washington, DC, United States, Apr 12-15 2015. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz2PwDvkjovJQVRTRHhMSXZWZjQ/view?usp=sharing
A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0)
location [Required]
A ladybug Location that has been output from the "LB Import EPW" component or the "LB Construct Location" component.
temperature [Required]
An hourly data collection with the unshaded temperature experienced at the _study_region. This temperature will be used to evaluate shade benefit for this study region. This temperature data collection should typically be informed by an analysis with the "LB Outdoor Solar MRT" or the "LB Indoor Solar MRT" component, which will account for the increased temperature delta expereinced as a result of being in the sun. For evaluation of shade in terms of outdoor thermal comfort, the best practice is to use the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) temperature at the study region for this input. For evaluation of shade benefit in terms of indoor comfort, the best practice is to use the Standard Effective Temperature (SET) derived from the "LB PMV Comfort" component for this input. In both cases, the MRT inputs to the thermal comfort models should use solar-adjusted MRT.
study_region [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing an area for which shading desirability is being evaluated. This is often the region where a human subject will sit (eg. a bench) or it could be the window of a building where an occupant might be standing or sitting.
shade_geo [Required]
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing shading to be evaluated in terms of its benefit. Note that, in the case that multiple shading geometries are connected, this component does not account for the interaction between the different shading surfaces and will just evaluate each part of the shade independently.
Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes representing context geometry that can block sunlight to the _study_region, therefore discounting any benefit or harm that could come to the region.
grid_size [Required]
A positive number in Rhino model units for the size of grid cells at which the input _shade_geo will be subdivided for shade benefit analysis. The smaller the grid size, the higher the resolution of the analysis and the longer the calculation will take. So it is recommended that one start with a large value here and decrease the value as needed. However, the grid size should usually be smaller than the dimensions of the smallest piece of the shade_geo and context in order to yield meaningful results.
A number representing the temperature in Celsius above which shade is considered desirable/helpful. The default is 26C, which corresponds to the upper limit of "No Thermal Stress" according to the UTCI thermal comfort model (above this, heat stress begins). A different value may be desirable for indoor thermal comfort studies.
A number representing the temperature in Celsius below which shade is considered harmful and access to the sun is preferable. The default is 9C, which corresponds to the lower limit of "No Thermal Stress" according to the UTCI thermal comfort model (below this, cold stress begins). A different value may be desirable for indoor thermal comfort studies.
An integer for the number of timesteps per hour at which sun vectors will be generated for the analysis. Higher values will result in the generation of more vectors, which will make the resulting shade mesh smoother and a better representation of shade benefit and harm. However, the calculation will take longer as there are more intersection operations to perform. The default is 1 timestep per hour, which is the coarsest resolution avalable and the fastest calculation.
Optional legend parameters from the "LB Legend Parameters" that will be used to customize the display of the results.
An integer to set the number of CPUs used in the execution of the intersection calculation. If unspecified, it will automatically default to one less than the number of CPUs currently available on the machine or 1 if only one processor is available.
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run the component and perform shade benefit analysis.
The sun vectors that were used to evaluate the shade (note that these will increase as the timestep increases).
Points across the study_region from which sun vectors are projected.
A colored mesh of the shade_geo showing where shading is helpful (in blue), harmful (in red), or does not make much of a difference (white or desaturated colors). Note that the colors can change depending upon the input legend_par.
Legend showing the numeric values of degree-days per unit are of shade that correspond to the colors in the shade mesh.
A text object for the study title.
The cumulative degree-days per square area unit helped by shading each cell of the shade. If a given square meter of _shade_geo has a helpfulness of 10 degree-days/m2, this means that a shade in this location provides 1 day of sun protection from conditions 10 degrees warmer than the up_threshold to the _study_region.
The cumulative degree-days per square area unit harmed by shading each cell of the shade. If a given square meter of _shade_geo has a harmfulness of -10 degree-days, this means that a shade in this location blocks 1 day of sun duirng conditions that are 10 degrees Celsius colder than the low_threshold to the _study_region.
The sum of the helpfulness and harmfulness for each cell. This will be negative if shading the cell has a net harmful effect and positive if the shade has a net helpful effect.
Use this component to access a library of typical gradients useful throughout Ladybug. The output from this component should be plugged into the colors_ input of the "Legend Parameters" component.
For an image of each of the gardients in the library, check here: https://github.com/ladybug-tools/lbt-grasshopper/blob/master/gradients.png
An index refering to one of the following possible gradients: 0 - Original Ladybug 1 - Nuanced Ladybug 2 - Multi-colored Ladybug 3 - Ecotect 4 - View Study 5 - Shadow Study 6 - Glare Study 7 - Annual Comfort 8 - Thermal Comfort 9 - Peak Load Balance 10 - Heat Sensation 11 - Cold Sensation 12 - Benefit/Harm 13 - Harm 14 - Benefit 15 - Shade Benefit/Harm 16 - Shade Harm 17 - Shade Benefit 18 - Energy Balance 19 - Energy Balance w/ Storage 20 - THERM 21 - Cloud Cover 22 - Black to White 23 - Blue, Green, Red 24 - Multicolored 2 25 - Multicolored 3 26 - OpenStudio Palette
A series of colors to be plugged into the "LB Legend Parameters" component.
Use this component to change the colors, numerical range, and/or number of divisions of any Ladybug legend along with the corresponding colored mesh that the legend refers to.
Any Ladybug component that outputs a colored mesh and a legend will have an input that can accept Legend Parameters from this component.
A number to set the lower boundary of the legend. If None, the minimum of the values associated with the legend will be used.
A number to set the upper boundary of the legend. If None, the maximum of the values associated with the legend will be used.
An interger representing the number of steps between the high and low boundary of the legend. The default is set to 11 and any custom values input in here should always be greater than or equal to 2.
An list of color objects. Default is Ladybug's original colorset.
Boolean. If True, the colors along the legend will be in a continuous gradient. If False, they will be categorized in incremental groups according to the number_of_segments. Default is False for depicting discrete categories.
An optional integer to set the number of decimal places for the numbers in the legend text. Default is 2.
Boolean noting whether to include larger than and smaller than (> and <) values after the upper and lower legend segment text. Default is False.
Boolean. If True, the legend mesh and text points will be generated vertically. If False, they will genrate a horizontal legend. Default is True for a vertically-oriented legend.
A Plane to note the starting point and orientation from where the legend will be genrated. The default is the world XY plane at origin (0, 0, 0).
An optional number to set the height of each of the legend segments. Default is 1.
An optional number to set the width of each of the legend segments. Default is 1 when legend is vertical. When horizontal, the default is (text_height * (number_decimal_places + 2)).
An optional number to set the size of the text in model units. Default is half of the segment_height.
An optional text string to specify the font to be used for the text. Examples include "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Courier" (all without quotations). Default is "Arial".
A legend parameter object that can be plugged into any of the Ladybug components with a legend.
Genrate a mesh with corresponding test points from a Rhino Brep (or Mesh).
The resulting mesh will be in a format that the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component will accept.
geometry [Required]
Brep or Mesh from which to generate the points and grid.
grid_size [Required]
Number for the size of the test grid.
Number for the distance to move points from the surfaces of the input _geometry. Typically, this should be a small positive number to ensure points are not blocked by the mesh. (Default: 0).
Boolean to note whether meshing should be done using Rhino's defaults (False), which fills the entire _geometry to the edges with both quad and tringulated faces, or a mesh with only quad faces should be generated. FOR ADVANCED USERS: This input can also be a vector object that will be used to set the orientation of the quad-only grid. Note that, if a vector is input here that is not aligned with the plane of the input _geometry, an error will be raised.
Test points at the center of each mesh face.
Vectors for the normal direction at each of the points.
Area of each mesh face.
Analysis mesh that can be passed to the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component.
Preview image files Please find the source code from: https://github.com/ladybug-tools/ladybug-grasshopper-dotnet
one or a list of image file path.
A list of points for extracting colors from the source image.
Set this image view port scale.
A new image marked with coordinates.
Color information or Radiance value that extracted from the input image. Radiance value only available on HDR image, and the unit is based on the Radiance study type. -Illuminance: lux -Luminance: cd/m2
Generates an animated gif image when there is a list of images.
Select a sub-region of a mesh using aligned values and conditional criteria.
This has multiple uses and can be applied to any study that outputs a list of results that are aligned with a mesh. For example, quantifying the daylit area from a daylight analysis, selecting the portion of a roof with enough solar radiation for photovoltaic panels, etc.
values [Required]
A list of numbers that correspond to either the number of faces or vertices of the _mesh.
mesh [Required]
The mesh from which a sub-region will be selected. This is typically a colored mesh output from a study.
A text string representing an operator for the the conditional statement. The default is greater than (>). This must be an operator in python and examples include the following:
A number between 0 and 100 that represents the percentage of the mesh faces or vertices to be included in the resulting sub_mesh. (Default: 25%).
An optional number that represents the absolute threshold above which a given mesh face or vertex is included in the resulting sub_mesh. An input here will override the percent threshold input above.
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
The sum of each value that meets the criteria multiplied by the corresponding mesh face area. This can generally be used to understand how much value is captured according to the conditional critera. For example, if the input _mesh is a radiation study, this is equal to the total radiation falling on the sub_mesh. This may or may not be meaningful depending on the units of the connected _values. This output will always be zero for cases where values correspond to mesh vertices and not faces.
The area of the sub_mesh that meets the criteria.
A new mesh with the faces or vertices removed to reveal just the portion that satisfies the conditional criteria. By default, this is hidden to that just the outline appears in the geometry preview.
A set of lines outlining the portion of the mesh that is above the threshold.
Preview a VisualizationSet from any component with a vis_set output.
The VisualizationSet is often a much more detailed view of the geometry that the component typically generates and includes features like recommended line weights/types, display modes (eg. wireframe vs. shaded), transparency, and more.
vis_set [Required]
VisualizationSet arguments from any Ladybug Tools component with a vis_set output. This can also be the path to a .vsf file that exists on this machine (these files are often written with the "LB Dump VisualizationSet" component). Lastly, this input can be a custom VisualizationSet that has been created with the Ladybug Tools SDK.
Script variable VisSet
Optional 2D LegendParameters from the "LB Legend Parameters 2D" component, which will be used to customize a legend in the plane of the screen so that it functions like a head-up display (HUD). If unspecified, the VisualizationSet will be rendered with 3D legends in the Rhino scene much like the other native Ladybug Tools components.
Optional text or an integer to select a specific data set from analysis geometries within the Visualization Set. Note that this input only has meaning for Visualization Sets that contain multiple data sets assigned to the same geometry. When using an integer, this will refer to the index of the data set to be visualized (starting with 0). When using text, this will refer to the name of the data type for the data set to be displayed.
A VisualizationSet object that can be baked into the Rhino document by running "Bake" on this component or written to a standalone file using the "LB Dump VisualizationSet" component.
Color a mesh as a heatmap using values that align with the mesh faces or vertices.
Note that any brep can be converted to a gridded mesh that can be consumed by this component using the "LB Generate Point Grid" component.
values [Required]
A list of numerical values with which to color the mesh. The number of values must match the number of faces or vertices in the mesh.
mesh [Required]
A Mesh object, with a number of faces or vertices that match the number of input values and will be colored with results.
Optional domain (or number for distance), which will be used to offset the mesh faces or verticesto according to the values. Higher values will be offset further.
Optional legend parameters from the Ladybug 'Legend Parameters' component.
A text string for Legend title. Typically, the units of the data are used here but the type of data might also be used. Default is an empty string.
A text string to label the entire mesh. It will be displayed in the lower left of the result mesh. Default is for no title.
The input _mesh that has been colored with results.
Geometry representing the legend for the mesh.
A text object for the global_title.
The colors associated with each input value.
The input legend parameters with defaults filled for unset properties.
Script variable Heatmap
Capture views of the Rhino scene and save them to your hard drive as as a .png files.
This is particularly useful when creating animations and one needs to automate the capturing of views. Note that images will likely have a Rhino world axes icon in the lower left of the image unless you go to Options > Grid > and uncheck "Show world axes icon".
file_name [Required]
The file name, which the image will be saved as. Note that, for animations, each saved image should have a different name. Otherwise, the previous image will be overwritten by each successive image. Unique names for each animation frame can be achieved by using the animating slider to generate the file name.
The folder into which the image file will be written. This should be a complete path to the folder. If None, the images will be written to one of the following default locations: Windows - C:/Users/[USERNAME]/ladybug_tools/resources/captured_views/ Mac - /Users/[USERNAME]/ladybug_tools/resources/captured_views/
Text for the Rhino viewport name which will be captured. This can also be a list of viewports in which case multiple views will be captured. If None, the default will be the active viewport (the last viewport in which you navigated). Acceptable inputs include: Perspective Top Bottom Left Right Front Back any view name that has been saved within the Rhino file
Integer for the width of the image to be captured in pixels. If None, the default is the width of the Rhino viewport currently on the screen.
Integer for the height of the image to be captured in pixels. If None, the default is the height of the Rhino viewport currently on the screen.
Text for the display mode of the viewport to be captured.If None, the default will be the display mode of the active viewport (the last viewport in which you navigated). Acceptable inputs include: Wireframe Shaded Rendered Ghosted X-Ray Technical Artistic Pen
Boolean to note whether the captured .png file should have a transparent background. If None or False, the image will have the Rhino viewport background color.
capture [Required]
Set to "True" to capture the image of the Rhino viewport.
The file path of the image taken with this component.
Customize the properties of a screen-oreinted 2D legend displaying with the "LB Preview VisualizationSet" component.
An integer in pixels to note the X coordinate of the base point from where the 2D legend will be generated (assuming an origin in the upper-left corner of the screen with higher positive values of X moving to the right). Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen where the X coordinate exists (eg. 5%). The default is set to make the legend clearly visible in the upper-left corner of the screen (10 pixels).
An integer in pixels to note the Y coordinate of the base point from where the legend will be generated (assuming an origin in the upper-left corner of the screen with higher positive values of Y moving downward). Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen where the X coordinate exists (eg. 5%). The default is set to make the legend clearly visible in the upper-left corner of the screen (50 pixels).
A integer in pixels to note the height for each of the legend segments. Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen (eg. 5%). The default is set to make most legends readable on standard resolution screens (25px for horizontal and 36px for vertical).
An integer in pixels to set the width of each of the legend segments. Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen (eg. 5%). The default is set to make most legends readable on standard resolution screens (36px for horizontal and 25px for vertical).
An integer in pixels to set the height for the legend text. Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen (eg. 2%).
A legend parameter object that can be plugged into any of the Ladybug components with a legend.
Orient a series of geometries to the active viewport camera.
geo [Required]
A series of geometries to be oriented to the camera of the active Rhino viewport.
A point to be used as the origin around which the the geometry will be oriented. If None, the lower left corner of the bounding box around the geometry will be used.
Connect a Grasshopper "button" component to refresh the orientation upon hitting the button. You can also connect a Grasshopper "Timer" component to update the view in real time as you navigate through the Rhino scene.
The input geometry that has been oriented to the camera of the active Rhino viewport.
Open a new viewport in Rhino that shows the parallel-projected view from the sun.
This is useful for understanding what parts of Rhino geometry are shaded at a particular hour of the day.
direction [Required]
A vector for the direction that the viewport camera faces.
A point for the position of the vieport camera in 3D space. If no point is provided, the Rhino origin will be used (0, 0, 0).
Optional 2D point (aka. UV coordinates) to tilt the viewport camera off from from the input _direction. Values for UV coordinates must be between 0 and 1 and these correspond to a tilt of 90 degrees in either direction (with 0.5, 0.5 being centered on the _direction). Inputting a native Grasshopper Slider MD component will allow the most control of view offsetting.
An optional interger for the width (in pixels) of the Rhino viewport that will be generated.
An optional interger for the height (in pixels) of the Rhino viewport that will be generated.
An optional number that sets the lens length of the viewport camera in mm. Typical values are around 20-50mm but wider angle views can be achieved by lowering this number to 10 or less. If unspecified, the lens length of the currently active Rhino viewport will be used.
An optional text input for the display mode of the Rhino viewport that will be generated. For example: Wireframe, Shaded, Rendered, etc. If unspecified, the mode of the currenlty active Rhino viewport will be used
The name of the viewport that was opened.
Create a set of parameters that define the acceptable conditions of the Adaptive thermal comfort model.
These parameters can be plugged into any of the components that compute Adaptive thermal comfort.
A boolean to note whether to use the ASHRAE-55 neutral temperature function (True) or the european neutral function (False), which is consistent with both EN-15251 and EN-16798. Note that this input will also determine default values for many of the other properties of this object.
The number of degrees Celcius from the neutral temperature where the input operative temperature is considered acceptable. The default is 2.5C when the neutral temperature function is ASHRAE-55 (consistent with 90% PPD) and 3C when the neutral temperature function is EN (consistent with comfort class II). For ASHRAE-55, the following neutral offsets apply.
For the EN standard, the following neutral offsets apply.
A boolean to note whether the prevailing outdoor temperature is computed from the average monthly temperature (True) or a weighted running mean of the last week (False). The default is True when the neutral temperature function is ASHRAE-55 and False when the neutral temperature function is EN.
A boolean to note whether discrete categories should be used to assess the effect of elevated air speed (True) or whether a continuous function should be used (False). Note that continuous air speeds were only used in the older EN-15251 standard and are not a part of the more recent EN-16798 standard. When unassigned, this will be True for discrete air speeds.
A number indicating the prevailing outdoor temperature below which acceptable indoor operative temperatures flat line. The default is 10C, which is consistent with both ASHRAE-55 and EN-16798. However, 15C was used for the older EN-15251 standard. This number cannot be greater than 22C and cannot be less than 10C.
A number between 0 and 1 that represents how "conditioned" vs. "free-running" the building is. 0 = free-running (completely passive with no air conditioning) 1 = conditioned (no operable windows and fully air conditioned) The default is 0 since both the ASHRAE-55 and the EN standards prohibit the use of adaptive comfort methods when a heating/cooling system is active. When set to a non-zero number, a neutral temperature function for heated/cooled operation derived from the SCATs database will be used. For more information on how adaptive comfort methods can be applied to conditioned buildings, see the neutral_temperature_conditioned function in the ladybug_comfort documentation.
An Adaptive comfort parameter object that can be plugged into any of the components that compute Adaptive thermal comfort.
Convert a value or list of values from one unit to another.
values [Required]
Values to be converted from one unit type to another.
from_u [Required]
Text indicating the units of the input _values (eg. 'C')
to_u [Required]
Text indicating the units of the output values (eg. 'K')
A text string indicating all possible units that can be plugged into _from_u and _to_u.
The converted numerical values.
Convert a DataCollection to the input _to_unit.
data [Required]
A DataCollection to be converted to different units.
Text representing the unit to convert the DataCollection to (eg. m2). Connect the _data and see the all_unit output for a list of all currently-supported units for a given collection. The default won't perform any unit conversion on the output data.
A list of all possible units that the input _data can be converted to.
The converted DataCollection.
Create a set of parameters that define the acceptable conditions of the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) thermal comfort model.
These parameters can be plugged into any of the components that compute PMV thermal comfort.
A number between 5 and 100 that represents the upper threshold of PPD that is considered acceptable. Default is 10, which charcterizes most buildings in the ASHRAE-55 and EN-15251 standards.
A number between 0 and 1 indicating the upper limit of humidity ratio that is considered acceptable. Default is 1 for essentially no limit.
A number between 0 and 1 indicating the lower limit of humidity ratio considered acceptable. Default is 0 for essentially no limit.
The air speed threshold in m/s at which the standard effective temperature (SET) model will be used to correct for the cooling effect of elevated air speeds. Default is 0.1 m/s, which is the limit according to ASHRAE-55.
A PMV comfort parameter object that can be plugged into any of the components that compute PMV thermal comfort.
Create a set of parameters that define the characteristics of a human in relation to the sun that falls on them.
These parameters can be plugged into any of the components that estimate mean radiant temperature (MRT) deltas as a result of being in the sun.
A text string indicating the posture of the body. Letters must be lowercase. Default is "standing". Choose from the following:
A number between 0 and 180 representing the solar horizontal angle relative to front of person (SHARP). 0 signifies sun that is shining directly into the person's face and 180 signifies sun that is shining at the person's back. Default is 135, asuming that a person typically faces their side or back to the sun to avoid glare.
A number between 0 and 360 representing the direction that the human is facing in degrees (0=North, 90=East, 180=South, 270=West). Default is None, which will assume that the sharp input dictates the degrees the human is facing from the sun.
A number between 0 and 1 representing the average shortwave absorptivity of the body (including clothing and skin color). Typical clothing values - white: 0.2, khaki: 0.57, black: 0.88 Typical skin values - white: 0.57, brown: 0.65, black: 0.84 Default is 0.7 for average (brown) skin and medium clothing.
A number between 0 and 1 representing the average longwave emissivity of the body. Default is 0.95, which is almost always the case except in rare situations of wearing metalic clothing.
A solar body parameter object that can be plugged into any of the components that estimate mean radiant temperature (MRT) deltas as a result of being in the sun.
Provides a list of passive thermal strategies to be plugged into the "LB PMV Polygon" component.