Dump a Ladybug VisualiztionSet into a file.
The "LB Preview VisualizationSet" component can be used to visualize the content from the file back into Grasshopper.
vis_set [Required]
A VisualizationSet object to be written to a file. This can also be VisualizationSet arguments from any Ladybug Tools component with a vis_set output.
Text or an integer to set the format of the output file. Choose from the options below. (Default: JSON).
A name for the file to which the VisualizationSet will be written. The default is derived from the identifier of the visualization set.
An optional directory into which the VisualizationSet will be written. The default is set to a user-specific simulation folder.
dump [Required]
Set to "True" to save the VisualizationSet to a file.
Errors, warnings, etc.
The path of the file where the VisualisationSet is saved. The "LB Preview VisualizationSet" component can be used to visualize the content from the file back into Grasshopper.