Customize the properties of a screen-oreinted 2D legend displaying with the "LB Preview VisualizationSet" component.
An integer in pixels to note the X coordinate of the base point from where the 2D legend will be generated (assuming an origin in the upper-left corner of the screen with higher positive values of X moving to the right). Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen where the X coordinate exists (eg. 5%). The default is set to make the legend clearly visible in the upper-left corner of the screen (10 pixels).
An integer in pixels to note the Y coordinate of the base point from where the legend will be generated (assuming an origin in the upper-left corner of the screen with higher positive values of Y moving downward). Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen where the X coordinate exists (eg. 5%). The default is set to make the legend clearly visible in the upper-left corner of the screen (50 pixels).
A integer in pixels to note the height for each of the legend segments. Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen (eg. 5%). The default is set to make most legends readable on standard resolution screens (25px for horizontal and 36px for vertical).
An integer in pixels to set the width of each of the legend segments. Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen (eg. 5%). The default is set to make most legends readable on standard resolution screens (36px for horizontal and 25px for vertical).
An integer in pixels to set the height for the legend text. Alternatively, this can be a text string ending in a % sign to denote the percentage of the screen (eg. 2%).
A legend parameter object that can be plugged into any of the Ladybug components with a legend.