
Create Honeybee Aperture


  • geo [Required]

    Rhino Brep or Mesh geometry.

  • name

    Text to set the name for the Aperture and to be incorporated into unique Aperture identifier. If the name is not provided, a random name will be assigned.

  • operable

    Boolean to note whether the Aperture can be opened for ventilation.

  • ep_constr

    Optional text for the Aperture's energy construction to be looked up in the construction library. This can also be a custom WindowConstruction object. If no energy construction is input here, a default will be assigned based on the properties of the parent face that the Aperture is assigned to (ie. whether the Face is a RoofCeiling, whether it has a Surface boundary condition, etc.)

  • rad_mod

    Optional text for the Aperture's radiance modifier to be looked up in the modifier library. This can also be a custom modifier object. If no radiance modifier is input here, a default will be assigned based on the properties of the parent face that the Aperture is assigned to (ie. whether the Face is a RoofCeiling, whether it has a Surface boundary condition, etc.)


  • report

    Reports, errors, warnings, etc.

  • apertures

    Honeybee apertures. These can be used directly in radiance simulations or can be added to a Honeybee face for energy simulation.

Last updated