Rooms by Orientation

Separate and group honeybee rooms with the same average orientation of walls with an Outdoors boundary condition.


  • rooms [Required]

    A list of honeybee honeybee Rooms or honeybee Models to be separated by orientation.

  • n_groups

    An optional positive integer to set the number of orientation groups to use. For example, setting this to 4 will result in rooms being grouped by four orientations (North, East, South, West). If None, the maximum number of unique groups will be used.

  • north

    A number between 0 and 360 to set the clockwise north direction in degrees. This can also be a vector to set the North. Default is 0.


  • orientations

    A list of numbers between 0 and 360 with one orientation for each branch of the output perimrooms. This will be a list of angle ranges if a value is input for n_groups.

  • perim_rooms

    A data tree of honeybee rooms with each branch of the tree representing a different orientation.

  • core_rooms

    A list of honeybee rooms with no identifiable orientation.

Last updated