Deconstruct Model

Deconstruct a Honeybee Model object into all of its constituent Honeybee objects.


  • model [Required]

    A Honeybee Model to be deconstructed into into its constituent objects (Rooms, Faces, Apertures, Doors Shades).


  • rooms

    All of the Room objects contained within the input Model.

  • faces

    All of the orphaned Face objects within the input Model. This only oncludes parent-less Faces and does not include any Faces that belong to a Room.

  • apertures

    All of the orphaned Aperture objects within the input Model. This only oncludes parent-less Apertures and does not include any Apertures that belong to a Face.

  • doors

    All of the orphaned Door objects within the input Model. This only oncludes parent-less Doors and does not include any Doors that belong to a Face.

  • shades

    All of the orphaned Shade objects within the input Model. This only oncludes parent-less Shades and does not include any Shades that belong to an Aperture, Face, or Room.

Last updated