Facade Parameters

Generate lists of facadce properties ordanized by the four primary cardinal directions.

Such properties can be glazing ratios, glazing heigths, sill heights, horizontal/ vertical glazing splits for the "HB Apertures by Ratio" component. Or they could be shade depths, angles, etc. for the "HB Louver Shades" component.


  • north

    Glazing parameter (boolean, float) for the north.

  • east

    Glazing parameter (boolean, float) for the east.

  • south

    Glazing parameter (boolean, float) for the south.

  • west

    Glazing parameter (boolean, float) for the west.


  • fac_par

    A list of properties for different cardinal directions to be plugged into the "HB Apertures by Ratio" component or the "HB Louver Shades" component.

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