Color Network Results

Color a Dragonfly ElectricalNewtwork in the Rhino scene with OpenDSS simulation results.


  • data [Required]

A list of data collections of the same data type, which will be used to color the network with simulation results. These should come from the "DF Read OpenDSS Result" component.

  • network [Required]

A Dragonfly Electrical Newtork object to be colored with results in the Rhino scene.

  • sim_step

An optional integer (greater than or equal to 0) to select a specific step of the data collections for which result values will be generated. If None, the geometry will be colored with the maximum of resutls in the _data, essentially describing the peak condition. (Default: None).

  • period

A Ladybug analysis period to be applied to all of the input _data.

  • legend_par

An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the colored output. (Default: None).


  • vis_geo

Meshes and line segments colored according to the results.

  • legend

Geometry representing the legend for colored objects.

  • title

A text object for the global title.

  • values

A list of values that align with the input substation, transformers and electrical connectors. These note the value assigned to each object.

  • colors

A list of colors that align with the input substation, transformers and electrical connectors. These note the color of each object in the Rhino scene.

Last updated