REopt Financial Parameters

Customize the financial settings of a REopt analysis.


  • years

An integer for the number of years over which cost will be optimized. (Default: 25).

  • escalation

A number between 0 and 1 for the escalation rate over the analysis. (Default: 0.023).

  • tax

A number between 0 and 1 for the rate at which the owner/host of the system is taxed. (Default: 0.26).

  • discount

A number between 0 and 1 for the discount rate for the owner/host of the system. (Default: 0.083).

  • wind_cost

A number for the installation cost of wind power in US dollars per kW. (Default: 3013).

  • pv_cost

A number for the installation cost of photovoltaic power in US dollars per kW. (Default: 1600).

  • pv_grnd_cost

A number for the installation cost of photovoltaic power in US dollars per kW. (Default: 2200).

  • storage_cost

A number for the installation cost of power storage in US dollars per kW. (Default: 840).

  • gener_cost

A number for the installation cost of generators in US dollars per kW. (Default: 500).


  • financial_par

A REoptParameter object that can be plugged into the 'DF Run REopt' component.

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