Model From geoJSON

Create a Dragonfly Model from a geoJSON file.


  • geojson [Required]

    Text for the full path to a geojson file to be loaded as a Dragonfly Model.

  • point

    An optional Point for where the bottom-left corner of the bounding rectangle around all of the geoJSON building footprints exists within the Rhino scene. (Default: (0, 0), the Rhino origin).

  • all_to_bldg

    Boolean to indicate if all polygon and multi-polygon geometries in the geojson file should be considered Buildings. If False or unspecified, this component will only generate Dragonfly Buildings from geometries that are defined as a 'Building' in the 'type' field of the 'properties' field of each geoJSON feature. Note that this 'type' field is not a universal convention of all geoJSONs. However, all Dragonfly-expored geoJSONs will have it and all URBANopt-compatible geoJSONs will also have it.

  • other_geo

    Boolean to indicate whether geometry that is not identified as a dragonfly Building should be imported. For large geoJSONs, this can potentially increase the component runtime a lot but this geometry may be useful for constructing other important features like context or electical networks.

  • import [Required]

    Set to "True" to import the geoJSON as a Dragonfly Model.


  • report

    Reports, errors, warnings, etc.

  • model

    A Dragonfly Model object derived from the input geoJSON.

  • other_geo

    Other non-building line segment and polygon data contained within the geoJSON. Will be None unless othergeo is set to True.

  • location

    A ladybug Location object possessing longitude and lattiude data used to position geoJSON file on the globe.

  • point

    A Point for where the _location object exists within the space of the Rhino scene. This is can be used to re-position the geoJSON file on the globe when re-exporting the Dragonfly Model to geoJSON.

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