Time Interval Operation

Perform time interval operations on an hourly data collection.

This includes operations like: - Average - Total - Percentile

These actions can be performed over the following time intervals: - Daily - Monthly - Monthly per Hour


  • data [Required]

A Ladybug data collection object.

  • operation

Text indicating the operation that should be performed on the input hourly data. Such text must be one of the following:

- average

- total

- [a number between 0 and 100]

In the case of the last option, the number will be interpreted as a percentile of the data over the time period. For example, inputting 75 will return the 75th percentile value of each day/month/hour, inputting 0 will give the minimum value of each day/month/hour and inputting 100 will give the max value of each day/month/hour. Default is 'average' if the input data type is not cumulative and 'total' if the data type is cumulative.


  • daily

Daily data collection derived from the input _data and operation.

  • monthly

Monthly data collection derived from the input _data and operation.

  • mon_per_hr

Monthly Per Hour data collection derived from the input _data and operation.

Last updated