Spatial Heatmap

Color a mesh as a heatmap using values that align with the mesh faces or vertices.

Note that any brep can be converted to a gridded mesh that can be consumed by this component using the "LB Generate Point Grid" component.


  • values [Required]

A list of numerical values with which to color the mesh. The number of values must match the number of faces or vertices in the mesh.

  • mesh [Required]

A Mesh object, with a number of faces or vertices that match the number of input values and will be colored with results.

  • offset_dom

Optional domain (or number for distance), which will be used to offset the mesh faces or verticesto according to the values. Higher values will be offset further.

  • legend_par

Optional legend parameters from the Ladybug 'Legend Parameters' component.

  • legend_title

A text string for Legend title. Typically, the units of the data are used here but the type of data might also be used. Default is an empty string.

  • global_title

A text string to label the entire mesh. It will be displayed in the lower left of the result mesh. Default is for no title.


  • mesh

The input _mesh that has been colored with results.

  • legend

Geometry representing the legend for the mesh.

  • title

A text object for the global_title.

  • colors

The colors associated with each input value.

  • legend_par

The input legend parameters with defaults filled for unset properties.

  • vis_set

Script variable Heatmap

Last updated