Wind Rose

Create a plot of any hourly data by wind directions.


  • north

An optional number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is West and 270 is East. This can also be Vector for the direction to North

  • data [Required]

A HourlyContinuousCollection or HourlyDiscontinuousCollection of values corresponding to the wind directions, which is "binned" by the direction intervals. This input usually consists of wind speed values, but is not limited to this data type. It can also be a list of data collections in which case multiple wind roses will be output.

  • wind_direction [Required]

A HourlyContinuousCollection or HourlyDiscontinuousCollection of wind directions which will be used to "bin" the _data items for the windrose.

  • dir_count

Number that determines the number of directions to the wind rose will display. The number of directions must be greater then three to plot the wind rose (Default: 36).

  • center_pt

Point3D to be used as a starting point to generate the geometry of the plot (Default: (0, 0, 0)).

  • show_calm

A boolean to indicate if the wind rose should display the fraction of time with zero wind speed using a circle in the center of the plot. The radius of this circle corresponds to the total amount of time with zero values divided by the number of directions. This means that the time period representing zero values is evenly distrobuted across all directions. (Default: False).

  • show_avg

A boolean to note whether the average value in each wind direction bin should be displayed instead of the complete frequency of _data values. (Default: False).

  • freq_dist

The distance for the frequency interval in model units. If show_calm_ is True, then the initial frequency interval corresponds to the number of calm hours in the data collection, which may not align with this freq_dist_ (Default: 5 meters)

  • freq_hours

The number of hours in each frequency interval (Default: 50).

  • max_freq_lines

A number representing the maximum frequency intervals in the rose, which determines the maximum amount of hours represented by the outermost ring of the windrose. Specifically, this number multiplied by the freq_hours parameter will equal the maximum hours in that outermost ring. By default, this value is determined by the wind direction with the largest number of hours (the highest frequency) but you may want to change this if you have several wind roses that you want to compare to each other. For example, if you have wind roses for different months or seasons, which each have different maximum frequencies.

  • legend_par

An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the WindRose plot. The number of segments in the legend determines the number of frequency intervals in the wind rose. If nothing is provided, a default LegendParameter object is computed using values from the wind data with 11 segments (Default: None).

  • statement

A conditional statement as a string (e.g. a > 25) for the _data and _wind_direction inputs. The variable of the first collection input to _data should always be named 'a' (without quotations), the variable of the second list should be named 'b', and so on. The wind direction is always the last variable, though most statements won't have a need for it. For example, if three data collections are connected to _data and the following statement is applied: '18 < a < 26 and b < 80 and c > 2' The resulting collections will only include values where the first data collection is between 18 and 26, the second collection is less than 80 and the third collection is greater than 2.

  • period

An optional Ladybug analysis period to be applied to all of the input data.


  • report


  • mesh

A colored mesh representing the wind rose derived from the input data. Multiple meshes will be output for several data collections are input.

  • compass

A set of circles, lines and text objects that mark the cardinal directions in relation to the wind rose.

  • orient_line

Line geometries representing the edges (or "spokes") of the wind rose directions.

  • freq_line

Polygon geometries representing the frequency intervals of the wind rose.

  • windrose_line

Polygon geometries representing the windrose outlines. This output is hidden by default and should be connected to a native Grasshopper Geometry component in order to be visualized.

  • legend

Geometry representing the legend for the wind rose.

  • title

A text object for the global_title.

  • prevailing

The predominant direction of the outpt wind rose in clockwise degrees from north. 0 is North, 90 is East, 180 is South, 270 is West.

  • angles

A list of angles corresponding to each windrose directions.

  • calm_hours

The number of hours with calm wind speeds. Only returns a value if the input _data is wind speed.

  • histogram

The input _data in a histogram structure after it has gone through any of the statement or period operations input to this component.

  • vis_set

An object containing VisualizationSet arguments for drawing a detailed version of the Wind Rose in the Rhino scene. This can be connected to the "LB Preview Visualization Set" component to display this version of the Wind Rose in Rhino.

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