Climatebased Sky

Create a point-in-time climate-based sky from a Wea.


  • north

A number between 0 and 360 that represents the degrees off from the y-axis to make North. This can also be a vector to set the North. Default is 0. The default North direction is the Y-axis (0 degrees).

  • wea [Required]

A Ladybug Wea object.

  • month

An integer between 1 and 12 for the month of the year (default: 6).

  • day

An integer between 1 and 31 for the day of the month (default: 21).

  • hour

A number between 0 and 23.999.. for the hour of the day (default: 12).

  • colored

Boolean to note whether the sky will be rendered in full color (True) or it will simple be a grey sky with the same average value as the colored sky (False). (Default: False).


  • sky

A Honeybee sky that can be used to create a point-in-time recipe.

Last updated