Extract HDR
Interpolate or extrapolate a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file from another HDR image file.
Recommended use is to extract 180 FOV (-vh 180 -vv 180) angular or hemispherical HDR images from a 360 FOV (-vh 360 -vv 360) angular HDR image. Alternatively, conversions between 180 FOV angular and hemispherical HDR images can be made.
view [Required]
A view to interpolate or extrapolate into a new HDR. The "HB View" component can be used to create an input view and it must have the same position as that use to make the _hdr.
hdr [Required]
Path to a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file from which to interpolate or extrapolate.
An integer for the dimension of the output image in pixels. If extracting a 180 FOV angular or hemispherical HDR image from a 360 FOV HDR image, the default resolution is 1/3 of the resolution of _hdr. If converting between 180 FOV angular or hemispherical HDR images, the default resolution is that of _hdr.
Path to the resulting HDR image file.
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