Annual Glare Metrics
Calculate Annual Glare Metrics from result (.dgp) files.
Glare Autonmy is a metric describing the percentage of occupied hours that each sensor is below the glare threshold.
Spatial Glare Autonomy is a metric describing the percentage of the sensor grid that is free glare according to the glare threshold and the target time. The sGA value is expressed as a percentage of the sensors in the analysis grid.
results [Required]
An list of annual Radiance result files from the "HB Imageless Annual Glare" component (containing the .dgp files and the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to the folder containing these result files.
An annual occupancy schedule as a Ladybug Data Collection or a HB-Energy schedule object. This can also be the identifier of a schedule in your HB-Energy schedule library. Any value in this schedule that is 0.1 or above will be considered occupied. If None, a schedule from 9AM to 5PM on weekdays will be used.
Threshold for glare autonomy (GA) in DGP (default: 0.4).
The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. For instance, first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_. By default all the grids will be processed.
A minimum threshold of occupied time (eg. 95% of the time), above which a given sensor passes and contributes to the spatial glare autonomy. (Default: 95%).
Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Glare autonomy results in percent. GA is the percentage of occupied hours that each sensor is free of glare according to the glare threshold. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.
Spatial glare autonomy as a percentage of the sensors for each analysis grid that does not exceed the glare threshold for a specified fraction of occupied hours, ie. the target time.
A data tree of zeros and ones, which indicate whether a given sensor passes the criteria for being free of glare (1) or fails the criteria (0). Being free of glare does not necessarily mean that the sensor is glare-free for all hours, but that it is glare-free for a minimum percentage of occupied hours defined by the target time. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.
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