Adiabatic by Type

Make boundary conditions of Rooms or Faces adiabatic by face type.


  • hb_objs [Required]

    Honeybee Faces or Rooms to which adiabatic boundary conditions will be assigned.

  • exterior_walls

    If True, all exterior walls of the input Rooms or Faces will be set to adiabatic. This can also be a list of boolean values and different adiabatic values will be assigned based on the cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.

  • roofs

    If True, all exterior roofs of the input Rooms or Faces will be set to adiabatic.

  • exposed_floors

    If True, all exposed floors of the input Rooms or Faces will be set to adiabatic.

  • interior_walls

    If True, all interior walls of the input Rooms or Faces will be set to adiabatic.

  • interior_floors

    If True, all interior floors and ceilings of the input Rooms or Faces will be set to adiabatic.


  • hb_objs

    The input honeybee objects with their boundary conditions edited.

Last updated