Deconstruct Construction

Deconstruct an opaque or window construction into its constituient materials.


  • constr [Required]

    An opaque or window construction to be deconstructed. This can also be text for an opaque or window construction to be looked up in the construction library.


  • materials

    List of material objects that make up the construction (ordered from outside to inside).

  • layers

    List of material identifiers that make up the construction (ordered from outside to inside).

  • r_val_si

    R-value of the construction in m2-K/W. Note that R-values do NOT include the resistance of air films on either side of the construction.

  • r_val_ip

    R-value of the construction in h-ft2-F/Btu. Note that R-values do NOT include the resistance of air films on either side of the construction.

  • u_fac_si

    U-factor of the construction in W/m2-K. Note that U-factors include the resistance of air films on either side of the construction.

  • u_fac_ip

    U-factor of the construction in Btu/h-ft2-F. Note that U-factors include the resistance of air films on either side of the construction.

  • shgc

    The estimated solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the construction. This value is produced by finding the solution to the relationship between U-value, Solar Transmittance, and SHGC as defined for the simple glazing system material in EnergyPlus. More information can be found at on this partticular sub-page of the engineering reference: window-calculation-module.html#step-4.-determine-layer-solar-transmittance

  • t_sol

    The unshaded shortwave solar transmittance of the construction at normal incidence. Note that 'unshaded' in this case means that all blind + shade materials in the construction are ignored.

  • t_vis

    The unshaded visible transmittance of the window at normal incidence. Note that 'unshaded' in this case means that all blind + shade materials in the construction are ignored.

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