Deconstruct Setpoint

Deconstruct a Setpoint object into its constituient properties.


  • setpoint [Required]

    A Setpoint object to be deconstructed.


  • name

    Text string for the setpoint display name.

  • heating_sch

    A temperature schedule for the heating setpoint. The type limit of this schedule should be temperature and the values should be the temperature setpoint in degrees Celcius.

  • cooling_sch

    A temperature schedule for the cooling setpoint. The type limit of this schedule should be temperature and the values should be the temperature setpoint in degrees Celcius.

  • humid_setpt

    A numerical value between 0 and 100 for the relative humidity humidifying setpoint [%]. This value will be constant throughout the year. If None, no humidification will occur.

  • dehumid_setpt

    A numerical value between 0 and 100 for the relative humidity dehumidifying setpoint [%]. This value will be constant throughout the year. If None, no dehumidification will occur beyond that which is needed to create air at the cooling supply temperature.

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