
Create a Lighting object that can be used to create a ProgramType or be assigned directly to a Room.


  • name

    Text to set the name for the Lighting and to be incorporated into a unique Lighting identifier. If None, a unique name will be generated.

  • watts_per_area [Required]

    A numerical value for the lighting power density in Watts per square meter of floor area.

  • schedule [Required]

    A fractional for the use of lights over the course of the year. The fractional values will get multiplied by the _watts_per_area to yield a complete lighting profile.

  • radiant_fract

    A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of the total lighting load given off as long wave radiant heat.

  • visible_fract

    A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of the total lighting load given off as short wave visible light.

  • return_fract

    A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of the total lighting load that goes into the zone return air (into the zone outlet node). Default: 0.0 (representative of pendant lighting).

  • baseline

    An optional number for the baseline lighting power density in W/m2 of floor area. This baseline is useful to track how much better the installed lights are in comparison to a standard like ASHRAE 90.1. If set to None, it will default to 11.84029 W/m2, which is that ASHRAE 90.1-2004 baseline for an office.


  • lighting

    A Lighting object that can be used to create a ProgramType or be assigned directly to a Room.

Last updated