Deconstruct Hot Water

Deconstruct a ServiceHotWater object into its constituient properties.


  • hot_water [Required]

    A ServiceHotWater object to be deconstructed.


  • name

    An Equipment object that can be used to create a ProgramType or be assigned directly to a Room.

  • flow_per_area

    A numerical value for the total volume flow rate of water per unit area of floor (L/h-m2).

  • schedule

    A fractional schedule for the use of hot water over the course of the year. The fractional values will get multiplied by the _flow_per_area to yield a complete water usage profile.

  • target_temp

    The target temperature of the water out of the tap in Celsius. This the temperature after the hot water has been mixed with cold water from the water mains.

  • sensible_fract

    A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of the total hot water load given off as sensible heat in the zone.

  • latent_fract

    A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of the total hot water load that is latent (as opposed to sensible).

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